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jutors had abused the trust reposed in them; life, liberty, and property, were all made unsafe by his machinations. It was, therefore, found necessary to supersede him; but this was done in no hostile spirit. The general conduct of our Government toward all dependencies had been fostering; and this could not be otherwise with the Administration of Mr. Buchanan, which, moulded by the character of its chief, was essentially bureaucratic, conservative, and pacific. The Secretary of War, Mr. Floyd, expresses this sentiment in his report for 1857-58: It has always been the policy and desire of the Federal Government to avoid collision with the Mormon community. It has borne with the insubordination they have exhibited under circumstances where respect for its own authority has frequently counseled harsh measures of discipline. The Secretary adds that this forbearance might have been prolonged but for their attitude-a lion in the path --across the line of commerce and emigration, d
artily of all his acts, and spoke of him publicly in the most unqualified terms of commendation. The office of quartermaster-general, with the assimilated rank of brigadier-general, became vacant in the summer of 1860, and was conferred by Secretary Floyd on Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph E. Johnston. It was said at the time that General Scott urged the name of General A. S. Johnston for the appointment; and a rumor was prevalent that he had also filed a paper in the War Department, recommending s to be compelled to encounter his State. With this dilemma before him, he preferred to resign rather than accept the command of the Department of Texas. The alternative was not forced upon him. He placed his preferences for California before Mr. Floyd in so strong a light, though without touching the above-named difficulty, that, with General Scott's backing in the matter, he was assigned to the Department of the Pacific. General Johnston, before leaving for California, manumitted his bo
e necessity of augmenting the Executive authority sufficiently to meet the occasion, which now urgently calls for its exercise. If necessary, let us convert our country into one vast camp of instruction for the field, of every man able to bear arms, and fix our military establishment upon a permanent basis. Whenever a people will make the necessary sacrifices to maintain their liberty, they need have no fear of losing it. On the 5th of January, General Johnston was reinforced by Floyd's brigade, which, with Maney's brigade, was sent him from Western Virginia. On January 9th he dispatched Colonel Liddell, of Louisiana, of General Hardee's staff, in whom he had great confidence, with a letter of introduction to the President. He says, Colonel Liddell is charged with a letter from me to the Secretary of War on a subject of vital importance to my command. He also commends him as thoroughly and confidentially informed on the condition of things at headquarters. Colonel Lid
from Munfordsville down are unoccupied, as the country is quite rugged, except by a force under General T. L. Crittenden. These dispositions of their troops are in accordance with information received from various sources, and lead to the belief that a forward movement will very soon be made in this direction; but, at present, I can only conjecture whether they will make their attack here, or turn my right, or, relying upon their superiority of numbers, attempt both at the same time. If Floyd's brigade, from Virginia, and Bowen's division, en route from Columbus, reach here as I expect in a few days, they will be compelled to attack me here with my force thus considerably increased. I do not think they will attempt to turn my position. General Hindman, with his brigade of Hardee's division, is at Bell's, on the railroad and pike, with Swett's battery; his front is covered with the Texas and Arkansas Cavalry. Breckinridge, with his brigade of Buckner's division, is at Oakla
nders. General Johnston's appeal for reinforcements. directions for defense. Floyd detached. General Johnston's strength. condition of Fort Henry. Gilmer's repto the censure that the defeated generals visited upon it after its surrender. Floyd, in his reports, said of Fort Donelson: It was ill conceived, badly execune of the many requirements of a work such as Fort Henry. The remark of General Floyd may, under the circumstances, be dismissed as a hastily-formed opinion, thos to their aid. On the 20th of January General Johnston detached 8,000 men, Floyd's brigade and part of Buckner's, from his army at Bowling Green. The infantry,h, to 19,000; and January 8th, by reenforcements-Bowen's brigade from Polk, and Floyd's brigade sent from Western Virginia by the War Department-his army attained thd on the 6th Colonel Smith's regiment from Tuscumbia, Alabama. He also ordered Floyd, on the 6th, to proceed with his command from Russellville to Clarksville, with
l of War. discussion of surrender. escape of Floyd and Pillow. the breaking-up. prisoners. sur 14,000 men to restrain the advance of Buell. Floyd was sent to Russellville, with orders to prote Buckner temporarily in command, and persuaded Floyd to concentrate all his troops at Donelson. Flhe fort. The boats did not pass the fort, and Floyd's army was not called upon to meet any flankin significance attached to the position. General Floyd could not have meant that it had no strateies will result from unforeseen combinations. Floyd was of a bold and impetuous temper, but he was to General Floyd, who approved the order. Floyd simply says that he found the movement so nearects than a surrender. In this opinion General Floyd coincided; and I am certain that both he asense of duty required him to share its fate. Floyd immediately asked him: General Buckner, if I p river in a small skiff, and escaped by land. Floyd says in his supplemental report: One of [62 more...]
ashville. Munford's account. panic and mob. Floyd. retreat. Forrest. Governor Harris. letterle to support Tilghman, and on the 6th ordered Floyd's entire command thither. General Beauregard light, and the army be surrendered by Buckner, Floyd and Pillow having left on steamboats for Nashvthe changed state of affairs. He received Generals Floyd and Pillow with the greatest courtesy, andof approval was the response from the mob. Generals Floyd, Hardee, and myself, had to make speeches ngaged at it until the city was evacuated. Floyd had no common task in holding in check an infuion of the city, and cupidity was triumphant. Floyd says, in his report to General Johnston, that fortitude, patience, and good sense, which General Floyd displayed in his arduous and unenviable tant. Duke illustrates his conclusions about Floyd by details of his conduct, highly creditable t Tennessee, to confer with him. In putting Floyd in command at Nashville, General Johnston used[5 more...]
and 18th instant, and left a brigade under General Floyd to bring on such stores and property as weendered transportation almost impossible. General Floyd has arrived here. The rear-guard left Nase fifteen regiments in East Tennessee, besides Floyd's force of 2,500 men sent back by General Johnte justice, I will notice his treatment of Generals Floyd and Pillow, in the very midst of the denunhe 28th ult., with the official reports of Generals Floyd and Pillow of the events at Donelson, and among the best of my forces, and the generals, Floyd, Pillow, and Buckner, were high in the opinion Cumberland. A rear-guard was left, under General Floyd, to secure the stores and provisions, but crificing the army. On the 14th I ordered General Floyd, by telegram, if he lost the fort to get hok the lead in advising the surrender, and General Floyd acquiesced, and they all concurred in the official investigation have been ordered. Generals Floyd and Pillow have been suspended from comman[7 more...]
ncentration at Corinth, long contemplated, had taken shape as soon as Donelson fell. On February 21st Mackall, adjutant-general, telegraphed to General Pillow, who was at Columbia, that General Johnston's retreat will be toward Shelbyville. On the same day orders were given to send Cleburne's regiment to Decatur. On February 24th General Johnston telegraphed President Davis: My movement has been delayed by a storm on the 22th, washing away pike and railroad-bridge at this place. Floyd, 2,500 strong, will march for Chattanooga to-morrow, to defend. This army will move on the 26th, by Decatur, for the valley of the Mississippi. Is in good condition and increasing in numbers. When his arrangements at Murfreesboro were complete, he wrote to Mr. Benjamin, February 27th, that he was about to move to the defense of the Mississippi Valley, crossing the (Tennessee) River near Decatur, in order to enable him to cooperate or unite with General Beauregard. Next day he moved.
t importance in many ways. Troops were also hurriedly despatched to Western Virginia, but not in large bodies. Indeed, our infant Government seemed overwhelmed with care and anxiety to meet the storm that was rapidly approaching, and could scarcely attend to the wants of her little army. It is true the various State arsenals contained more arms than were necessary for the seventy-five thousand men called upon-thanks to the statesmanlike foresight of our leaders, and the cooperation of Governor Floyd, ex-Minister of War under Buchanan-yet their quality and effectiveness were very indifferent indeed, while the ammunition found at hand on the outbreak proved to have been made up of the very worst description of powder; so much so, that after the second discharge our muskets were so dirty as to become almost unserviceable. The quartermaster's and commissary departments, also, were in great confusion, and the service far from efficient. Although the country abounded in corn-meal, ba