Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 7, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Forrest or search for Gen Forrest in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: May 7, 1864., [Electronic resource], Changes in command of the naval forces in James river. (search)
Changes in command of the naval forces in James river. We understand that Commander John K. Mitchell has been assigned to the command of the naval forces in the James river in place of Flag Officer Forrest, relieved. Commander Robt. B. Pegram has been assigned to the iron-clad sloop Virginia, the flag ship. Commander Thomas R. Rootees has been assigned to the command of the iron-clad sloop Fredericksburg, and Lieutenant Commanding Wm. H. Parker has been assigned to the iron-clad sloop Richmond, to relieve Commander Pegram, transferred to the Virginia. Capt. S. S. Lee has been assigned to the office of Orders and Detail, Navy Department, to relieve Commander Mitchell.
memorial of the potation of Eliza Maury, asking the restoration of a pension to which she was entitled under the Government of the United States. Referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Hill, of Ga, presented the memorial of the Banks of Savannah, Ga, asking a modification of the tax law. Mr. Burnett, from the Committee of Claims, reported a joint resolution for the relief of John D Sutherland, which was passed. Mr Henry, of Tenn, submitted joint resolutions of thanks to Gen Forrest and the officers and men under his command, for the victories of Okolona, Paducah, Union City, and Fort Pillow. Mr. Johnson, of Ark, offered a resolution, that all joint resolutions giving the thanks of Congress to officers and soldiers of the army or navy of the Confederate States shall, upon the second reading be referred to some one of the standing committees of the Senate, unless otherwise ordered by a majority of the Senate. Agreed to. Mr Wigfall submitted the following, w