Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for C. H. Foster or search for C. H. Foster in all documents.

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Impudence Unparalleled. --C. H. Foster, the Yankee who claims to be a Federal Congressman elect from North Carolina, called upon Lincoln at Washington last Wednesday for the purpose of tendering him "a full brigade of loyalists" from that State. Foster will scarcely venture far into North Carolina for the purpose of raising a brigade or for any other purpose. Impudence Unparalleled. --C. H. Foster, the Yankee who claims to be a Federal Congressman elect from North Carolina, called upon Lincoln at Washington last Wednesday for the purpose of tendering him "a full brigade of loyalists" from that State. Foster will scarcely venture far into North Carolina for the purpose of raising a brigade or for any other purpose.