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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Henry, John 1812-1829 (search)
a secret agent in fomenting disaffection in the capital of Massachusetts to the constituted authorities of the nation, and in intrigues with the disaffected for the purpose of bringing about resistance to the laws, and eventually, in concert with a British force, of destroying the Union and forming the eastern part thereof into a political connection with Great Britain. Both political parties endeavored to make capital out of these disclosures, but the excitement created soon died away. Mr. Foster, the British minister at Washington, declared publicly that he had no knowledge of the affair. Lord Holland called upon the British government (May 5) for an explanation, and gave notice that he should call for an investigation. Every pretext was brought to bear to defeat such a measure; but when it could no longer be resisted, the ministry cast the odium of the transaction on Sir James Craig. Lord Holland declared that, until such investigation should be had, the fact that Great Britain
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Steinberger, Albert Barnes 1840-1894 (search)
m at Levuka, Fiji Islands, on March 29. Later he reached the United States and sought damages for his deportation, and also for the part in the affair taken by Mr. Foster, the United States consul at Apia. Foster was recalled and Captain Stevens of the Barracouta was summoned to England for trial. Although Mr. Steinberger was ppia. Foster was recalled and Captain Stevens of the Barracouta was summoned to England for trial. Although Mr. Steinberger was praised for his conduct at Samoa in the reports of Mr. Griffin, the United States consul who succeeded Foster at Apia, nothing was ever done to vindicate him. He died in Dorchester, Mass., May 2, 1894.pia. Foster was recalled and Captain Stevens of the Barracouta was summoned to England for trial. Although Mr. Steinberger was praised for his conduct at Samoa in the reports of Mr. Griffin, the United States consul who succeeded Foster at Apia, nothing was ever done to vindicate him. He died in Dorchester, Mass., May 2, 1894.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Suffolk, operations at. (search)
April Longstreet made a descent upon Peck with 28,000 men. He thought his movement was so well masked that he should take the Nationals by surprise. He drove in their pickets; but Peck, aware of his expedition, was ready for him. He had been reinforced by a division under General Getty, making the number of his effective men 14,000. The Confederates were foiled; and in May, 1863, Longstreet abandoned the enterprise and retreated, pursued some distance by Generals Corcoran and Dodge and Colonel Foster. The siege of Suffolk had continued for several weeks before the final dash upon it, the object being the recovery of the whole country south of the James River, extending to Albemarle Sound, in North Carolina; the ports of Norfolk and Portsmouth; 80 miles of new railroad iron; the equipment of two roads; and the capture of all the United States forces and property, with some thousands of contrabands. The services of the troops under Peck were of vast importance. Besides preserving t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
.....Feb. 15, 1893 Gen. P. T. G. Beauregard, born near New Orleans, May 28, 1818, dies at New Orleans, La.......Feb. 20, 1893 President suspends part of the proclamation of Aug. 18, 1892, imposing tolls on freight for Canada through the St. Mary's Falls Canal......Feb. 21, 1893 Inman line steamers City of New York and City of Paris transferred from British to American registry; the stars and stripes raised on the City of New York by President Harrison......Feb. 22, 1893 Secretary of State Foster resigns to sit on the Bering Sea tribunal at Paris......Feb. 23, 1893 Proclamations of President setting apart the Sierra Forest reserve, California, Feb. 14; Pacific coast reserve, Washington, Feb. 20; Grand Cañon forest reserve, Arizona, Feb. 20; Trabuco Cañon forest reserve and another timber reserve in California......Feb. 25, 1893 Diplomatic appropriation act, authorizing the President at his discretion to confer on the envoys to any government the same rank as its rep
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hawaii, (search)
..Jan. 16, 1893 Queen Liliuokalani dethroned......Jan. 16, 1893 [A provisional government established and commissioners sent to the United States to ask for annexation.] Hawaiian commissioners arrive at Washington......Feb. 3, 1893 John L. Stevens, United States minister at Hawaii, assumes a protectorate pending instructions from Washington......Feb. 9, 1893 President Harrison, by message to the Senate, recommends annexation of the islands under a treaty concluded between Secretary Foster and the Hawaiian commissioners......Feb. 15, 1893 An envoy of Queen Liliuokalani arrives at Washington......Feb. 17, 1893 Princess Kaiulani reaches New York from England......March 1, 1893 President Cleveland withdraws the Hawaiian treaty......March 9, 1893 Ex-Queen Liliuokalani sends circulars to the different powers explaining her course, and protesting against the attempts to deprive her of her throne, etc.......March 9, 1893 Ex-Representative James H. Blount, of Georg
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Louisiana, (search)
0, 1892 Nicaragua Canal convention opens in New Orleans; delegates from every State and Territory......Nov. 30, 1892 United States Senator Randall L. Gibson dies at Hot Springs, Ark.......Dec. 15, 1892 Donaldson Caffrey appointed by Governor Foster United States Senator to fill unexpired term......Dec. 31, 1892 Gen. P. G. T. Beaurgeard dies at New Orleans, aged seventy-five years......Feb. 20, 1893 Destructive cyclone along the Gulf of Mexico; over 2,000 lives lost......Oct. 2, 1893 United States Senator Edward D. White appointed associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States......Feb. 19, 1894 Newton C. Blanchard, member of Congress, appointed Senator by Governor Foster to fill the unexpired term of White......March 7, 1894 Ex-Gov. J. Madison Wells dies at Lecompte, La......Feb. 28, 1899 Five Italians lynched at Tallulah, La., for murder of Dr. J. F. Hodge......July 20, 1899 Constitutional amendment authorizing $75,000 annually for Confede