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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Story of a terrible battle. (search)
Story of a terrible battle. The carnage at Franklin, Tennessee, next to that of the Crater. S. A. Cunningham, editor of the Confederate Veteran, tells a story of his personal experience in the great battle of Franklin. It will be remembered that Hood had brought his army into Tennessee, while Sherman had gone on to the sea. Hood had almost succeeded in cutting off Schofield's forces at Columbia, having reached the vicinity of Spring Hill, between there and Franklin at night-fall of the day before the battle. No event of the war perhaps showed a scene equal to this charge at Franklin. The range of hills upon which we formed, offered the best view of the battlefield, with but little exposure to danger, and there were hundreds collected there as spectators. Our ranks were being extended rapidly to the right and left. In Franklin there was the utmost confusion. The enemy was greatly excited. We could see them running to and fro. Wagon-trains were being pressed across the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.49 (search)
emper, Jenkins, Hood, Whiting and Evans; only four of these, however, numbering about 3,000 men, became seriously engaged. Thus it will be seen that a force of less than 10,000 men resisted the assaults of two corps of the Federal army and held General McClellan in check for an entire day. General McClellan in his report states that he had 30,000 men in this encounter. While General Hill was thus hotly engaged at Boonsborough pass, General McLaws was being pressed at Crampton Gap by General Franklin, in command of the force sent by General McClellan to overwhelm him and prevent his rejoining General Lee. The commands engaged in these encounters with the enemy were, of course, seriously reduced. On the 15th of September General Lee had withdrawn the commands of Longstreet and D. H. Hill to Sharpsburg. On the same day, as soon as practicable after the capture of Harper's Ferry, General Jackson, with his division and Ewell's, began the march to rejoin General Lee. He left Genera
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.54 (search)
hts man in his native State of Kentucky, by reason of his military education and experience, his wealth and high social connections. He had graduated front West Point in 1844, number eleven in a class of twenty-five cadets. Besides Generals Hancock, Pleasanton and Frost, his classmates, Buckner had, as associates in the academy, in the classes above and below him, many lads who afterwards distinguished themselves on both sides—U. S. Grant, McClellan, Kirby Smith, Jackson, Pickett, Wilcox, Franklin, Porter, Baldy Smith, Steele, Rufus Ingalls, and others of lesser note. Grant and Buckner were together three years at West Point, Grant having graduated in the class of 1843. Buckner took part in the Mexican war as Second Lieutenant in the 6th regular infantry, and by his bravery and soldierly qualities made an ineffaceable impression upon his brother officers. He was wounded at the battle of Cherubusco. In 1852 he was made a captain and commissary of subsistence, a position much sou