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Conrad, of Frederick, said that while he should vote for the gentleman from Augusta, he wished it to be distinctly understood that he voted for no man as the representative of any particular party on this floor. Mr. Harvie wished to know if it was to be understood by this declaration that the Secession party was to have no representative in this Commission. Before Mr. Conrad had an opportunity of replying, Mr. Branch raised a point of order, which was overruled. Mr. Early, of Franklin, obtained the floor, and endorsed the nomination pf Mr. Stuart. He took occasion to say that he thought some gentlemen, in the ardent expression of their views, lost sight of the dignity of the subject. He took exception to the term "submissionists," which had been used. Mr. Morton disclaimed having applied that term to any party on this floor. Mr. Goode, of Bedford, nominated Hon. Henry A. Wise, of the county of Princess Anne, to whom he paid a high tribute. Mr. Wise said