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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Frelinghuysen, Frederick 1753- (search)
Frelinghuysen, Frederick 1753- Lawyer; born in Somerset county, N. J., April 13, 1753; graduated at the College of New Jersey in 1770, and became an eminent lawyer. He was a member of the Continental Congress much of the time during the Revolutionary War, and served Theodore Frelinghuysen. as a captain in the army. Afterwards he filled various State and county offices, and in 1790 was appointed by Washington to lead an expedition against the western Indians, with the rank of major-general. In 1793 he was chosen United States-Senator, and served three years. He died April 13, 1804.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Frelinghuysen, Theodore 1787- (search)
Frelinghuysen, Theodore 1787- Lawyer; born in Millstone, N. J., March 28, 1787; son of Gen. Frederick Frelinghuysen: graduated at the College of New Jersey in 1804, and was admitted to the bar in 1808. In the War of 1812-15 he commanded a company of volunteers, in 1817 became attorneygeneral of New Jersey, which post he held until 1829, when he was elected United States Senator. In 1838 he was chosen chancellor of the University of New York, and made his residence in that city; and in 1844 he was nominated for Vice-President of the United States, with Henry Clay for President. Mr. Frelinghuysen left the University of New York in 1850 to became president of Rutgers College (q. v.), in his native State, which place he held until his death in New Brunswick, N. J., April 12, 1862.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Jersey, (search)
Franklin Davenport 5th to 6th 1798 to 1799 James Schureman 6th1799 to 1801 Aaron Ogden 6th to 8th 1801 to 1803 Jonathan Dayton 6thto 9th 1799 to 1805 John Condit 8th to 15th 1803 to 1817 Aaron Kitchel9th to 11th 1805 to 1809 John Lambert11th to 14th 1809 to 1815 James J. Wilson 14th to 16th 1815 to 1821 Mahlon Dickerson 15th to 23d 1817 to 1833 Samuel L. Southard 16th to 18th 1821 to 1823 Joseph Mcllvaine18th to 19th 1823 to 1826 Ephraim Bateman 19th to 20th 1826 to 1829 Theodore Frelinghuysen. 21st to 23d 1829 to 1833 Samuel L. Southard 23d to 27th 1833 to 1842 Garrett D. Wall 24th to 27th 1835 to 1842 William L. Dayton 27th to 32d 1842 to 1851 Jacob W. Miller 27th to 33d 1841 to 1853 Robert F. Stockton 32d 1851 to 1853 John R. Thomson 33d to 37th 1853 to 1862 William Wright 33d to 36th 1853 to 1859 John C. Ten Eyck36th 1859 Richard S. Field 37th 1862 John W. Wall37th 1863 William Wright 38th to 39th 1863 to 1866 Fred'k T. Frelinghuysen 39th to 41st 1866 to 18
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Presidential elections. (search)
llie P. MangumN. C.Whig11 1840. W. H. Harrison For foot-note references see page 291.O.Whig1,275,017146,315234John Tyler For foot-note references see page 291.VaWhig234 Martin Van BurenN. Y.Dem1,128,70260R. M. JohnsonKyDem48 James G. BirneyN. Y.Lib7,059L. W. TazewellVaDem11 James K. PolkTennDem1 1844. James K. Polk For foot-note references see page 291.TennDem1,337,24338,175170George M. Dallas For foot-note references see page 291.PaDem170 Henry ClayKyWhig1,299,068105T. FrelinghuysenN. J.Whig105 James G. BirneyN. Y.Lib62,300Thomas MorrisO.Lib 1848. Zachary Taylor For foot-note references see page 291.LaWhig1,360,101139,557163Millard Fillmore For foot-note references see page 291.N. Y.Whig163 Lewis CassMich.Dem1,220,544127William O. ButlerKyDem127 Martin Van BurenN. Y.F. Soil291,263Charles F. AdamsMass.F. Soil 1852. Franklin Pierce For foot-note references see page 291.N. H.Dem1,601,474220,896254William R. King For foot-note references see page 291
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
es war-steamer Princeton, on the Potomac, carrying, with many excursionists, the President and several of his cabinet; kills Mr. Upshur, Secretary of State, Mr. Gilmer, Secretary of Navy, David Gardiner, and others, besides wounding twelve of the crew......Feb. 28, 1844 Treaty of annexation with Texas signed......April 12, 1844 [Rejected by the Senate, 35 to 16.] National Whig Convention at Baltimore......May 1, 1844 [Henry Clay, of Kentucky, nominated for President, and Theodore Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey, for Vice-President.] Riots in Philadelphia between native Americans and the Irish......May 6-8, 1844 National Democratic convention at Baltimore, Md.......May 27, 1844 [Martin Van Buren, of New York, received on the first ballot 146 out of 266 votes, but failed to get the required twothirds vote; his name was withdrawn on the eighth ballot, and James K. Polk, of Tennessee, was nominated on the ninth; Silas Wright, of New York, was nominated for Vice-President