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ambulance corps to a strict accountability for a careful performance of their duties, while the latter fortified themselves by judicious oversight of their subordinates, the result was to place this department of the army on a footing which endured, with the most profitable of results to the service, till the close of the war. I vividly remember my first look into one of these field hospitals. It was, I think, on the 27th of November, 1863, during the Mine Run Campaign, so-called. General French, then commanding the Tiird Corps, was fighting the battle of Locust Grove, and General Warren, with the Second Corps, had also been engaged with the enemy, and had driven him from the neighborhood of Robertson's Tavern, in the vicinity of which the terrific Battle of the Wilderness began the following May. Near this tavern the field hospital of Warren's Second Division had been located, and into this I peered while my battery stood in park not far away, awaiting orders. The surgeon had
ear, as it always was on the march, made quite a satisfactory close carriage. As a pleasure carriage, however, they were not considered a success. When the Third Corps was wintering at Brandy Station in 1863-4 the concert troupe, which my company boasted was engaged to give a week of evening entertainments not far from Culpeper, in a large hexagonal stockade, which would seat six or seven hundred persons, and which had been erected for the purpose by one Lieutenant Lee, then on either General French's or General Birney's staff — I cannot now say which. To convey us thither over the intervening distance of four or five miles, as I now remember, we hired a mule-driver with his army wagon. More than twenty-three years have since elapsed, but those twelve or fourteen rides, after dark, across the rough country and frozen ground around Brandy Station were so thoroughly jolted into my memory that I shall never forget them. The seven dollars apiece per night which we received for our se
34-42, 198-202 Envelopes (patriotic), 64-65 Everett, Edward, 16 Executions, 157-63 Faneuil Hall, 31,45 First Bull Run, 27, 251-53,298, 340,356 Flags, 338-40 Foraging, 231-49 Ford, M. F., 264 Fort Hell, 59,385 Fort Independence, 44 Fort Lyon, 255 Fort McAllister, 406 Fort Monroe, 120, 162 Fort Moultrie, 22 Fort Sedgewick, 385 Fort Sumter, 22 Fort Warren, 44-45 Fort Welch, Va., 162 Fredericksburg, 100,237,308, 391 Fremont, John C., 46 French, William H., 307,353 Fresh Pond, Mass., 45 Games, 65-66 Garrison, William L., 20 Geary, John W., 295 Georgetown, 298 Germanna Ford, Va., 317 Gettysburg, 54, 72,239, 259,273, 378,406 Goldsboro, N. C., 264 Grand Army of the Republic, 98, 228,268 Grant, Ulysses S., 115, 121, 240, 263,286,317,340, 350,362,370, 405; his Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, 279, 291, 317,359-62, 370-71 Griffin, Charles S., 329 Hampton, Wade, 295,321 Hancock, Winfield S., 208,254, 266-67,3
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Autobiographical sketch. (search)
ut receiving any appointment as a commissioned or non-commissioned officer in the corps of cadets. I had very little taste for scrubbing brass, and cared very little for the advancement to be obtained by the exercise of that most useful art. Among those graduating in my class were General Braxton Bragg, Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton, Major Generals Arnold Elzey and Wm. H. T. Walker, and a few others of the Confederate Army; and Major Generals John Sedgwick, Joseph Hooker, and Wm. H. French and several Brigadier Generals of minor note in the Federal Army. Among my contemporaries at West Point were General Beauregard, Lieutenant General Ewell, Major General Edward Johnson and some others of distinction in the Confederate Army; Major Generals McDowell and Meade and several others in the Federal Army. The whole of my class received appointments in the United States Army shortly after graduation. By reason of the Indian War in Florida, there had been a number of resignati
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 16: battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam. (search)
heir rear, which would have resulted in a decisive defeat to us, and a probable destruction of our army. While these operations on our extreme left were going on, all of which transpired in the forenoon, two other divisions of Sumner's corps, French's and Richardson's, had been moving against our centre occupied by General D. H. Hill, and were forcing it back after a hard struggle, just about the time I was contending with the two columns of the enemy in the woods. A portion of this force m, in command now of the entire right wing of the enemy, prepared for another attack with his corps supported by Hooker's and Mansfield's. This attack was made on our left by Sedgwick's division supported by Mansfield's corps, and on the centre by French's and Richardson's divisions supported by Hooker's corps, and was repulsed as has been stated, Hill, however, losing ground in the centre to some extent. Franklin's corps numbering 12,300 men was then carried to the support of Sumner, arriving a
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 29: skirmishing at Mine Run. (search)
ering, instead of a cavalry force, a very heavy force of infantry advancing towards the Bartlett's Mill road. A very heavy engagement with both artillery and infantry ensued, in which Johnson's division encountered the enemy's 3rd corps under French, supported by the 6th corps under Sedgwick, and, after a very obstinate fight lasting until after dark, Johnson effectually checked the enemy's advance, driving his troops back, and maintaining full occupation of the road. His brigades behaved w from his left and sent to Johnson's assistance, but before it arrived the action had closed. Johnson's division did not then exceed 4,000 men, if it reached that number. The two corps moving against it numbered not less than 30,000 men, though French's corps, the 3rd, was the only one which became actually engaged. This affair satisfied me that the enemy's whole army was in the immediate neighborhood, and as Ewell's corps, under my command, was then in a most unfavorable position, I deter
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
166-170, 176, 179, 182, 183, 190- 192, 194-97, 200-207, 209, 212, 214, 218, 220, 221, 223-25, 228, 231, 233-35, 237, 253, 285, 318, 344, 353, 354, 357, 477 Freeman's Ford, 106 Freestone Point, 4 Fremont (U. S. A.), 75, 92, 158, 475 French, Colonel, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 261, 321 French, General (U. S. A.), 149, 151 Front Royal, 165, 239, 240, 241, 243, 284, 366, 367, 368, 369, 399, 406, 407, 408, 413, 420, 421, 423, 424, 426, 444, 450, 453, 459 Fry, A. A. G. (U. S. A.), 40 French, General (U. S. A.), 149, 151 Front Royal, 165, 239, 240, 241, 243, 284, 366, 367, 368, 369, 399, 406, 407, 408, 413, 420, 421, 423, 424, 426, 444, 450, 453, 459 Fry, A. A. G. (U. S. A.), 40 Fry, Colonel, 363 Gaines, Captain S., 478 Gaines' House, 75, 89 Gaines' Mill, 76, 364, 371, 379 Gainesville, 114, 123, 133 Garber, 176 Gardner, Captain F., 19, 20, 29, 186 Gardner, Lieutenant Colonel, 27 Garland, General S., 12, 158 Garnett, Lieutenant, 8 Garnett's Expedition, 336 Gayle's House, 357 General Conscription, 64 Georgetown, 42, 134, 387 Georgetown Pike, 387, 389, 390, 391 Georgia Troops, 27, 49, 50, 67, 78, 81, 95, 97, 98, 99, 107, 109, 11
on aboard. The Gazelle was without a cargo.--Louisville Journal, September 19. Ship Island, near the mouth of the Mississippi River, was evacuated by the rebels and immediately taken possession of by the National forces.--(Doc. 52.) Major French, the commanding officer at Key West, published the following important order; its promulgation caused a vast amount of commotion among the secessionists: Headquarters U. S. Troops, Key West, Florida, September 16, 1861. I. Within ten is island who have failed or refused to take the oath of allegiance to the United States will be removed from Key West. This will also apply to their families and the families of those who have left the island to join the Confederate States. Wm. H. French, Brevet-Major U. S. A., Commanding. The Washington Grays, Forty-seventh regiment N. Y. S. V., commanded by Colonel Henry Moore, left East New York for the seat of war.--N. Y. Times, September 17. There was an interesting ceremony a
be divided as follows: First brigade, three thousand men, of whom are two thousand Creoles and one thousand Frenchmen, Spaniards, Italians, Germans, etc. Second (European) brigade, four thousand five hundred, of whom two thousand five hundred are French, eight hundred Spaniards, five hundred Italians, four hundred Germans, Dutch and Scandinavians, and five hundred Swiss, Belgians, English, Sclavonians, etc. Third (French) brigade, four thousand five hundred men, all unnaturalized Frenchmen. We French) brigade, four thousand five hundred men, all unnaturalized Frenchmen. We must say, however, about this last brigade, that it is not yet complete, but that its strength will amount to the figures we give we have not the least doubt. Warrenton, Va., was taken by the National troops.--A party of National troops, belonging to the forces under Gen. Steele, commanded by Col. Carline, had an engagement with the rebels at Putnam's Ferry, Ark., in which four rebels were taken prisoner, and one officer killed. A large quantity of military stores and equipments were also
e day was also celebrated in Norfolk, Va., by the entire negro population. They marched through the town in procession, numbering over four thousand persons, headed by a band of music, carrying the Union flag, cheering for the downfall of slavery, etc. At Beaufort, S. C., the day was celebrated by the freedmen, by an excursion up the Beaufort River to the encampment of the First South-Carolina colored volunteers, where they were addressed by Brigadier-General Saxton, Colonel Higginson. Rev. Mr. French, and others. After singing an Ode for Emancipation day, the multitude partook of refreshments. The tables were loaded with roast beef, bread, coffee, etc. Five oxen were roasted whole for the occasion. Galveston, Texas, was captured by a rebel force under General Magruder. The town was garrisoned by only three hundred troops, protected by six small gunboats: namely, the Westfield, Clifton, Harriet Lane, Owasco, Sachem, and Corypheus. Of these, the Harriet Lane was captured, aft
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