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ry, and his lieutenants, Stetson, Fowler, and Clark, have performed their duty well, and to the satisfaction of their immediate commanders. I cannot speak too highly of my staff. Through the exertions of Captain Dunbar, Assistant Quartermaster, and Brookfield, Commissary of Subsistence, my command has always been well supplied. Dr. Wise, Surgeon-in-Chief Division, Captains Brink (Inspector-General,) Day, (Provost-Marshal,) and my Aids, Captain Hayes, and Lieutenants Holling-worth, Oliver, Fuller, and Griffin, have each, in his respective place, more than fulfilled my expectations. Captain Estes, my Assistant Adjutant-General, deserves special notice, not only for the faithful discharge of his eminent duties, but for his reckless daring and invaluable assistance in every skirmish and engagement. This officer deserves, and I earnestly hope that he may be promoted. Accompanying this report will be found a nominal list of killed, wounded, and missing, also Provost-Marshal's statement
ry, and his lieutenants, Stetson, Fowler, and Clark, have performed their duty well, and to the satisfaction of their immediate commanders. I cannot speak too highly of my staff. Through the exertions of Captain Dunbar, Assistant Quartermaster, and Brookfield, Commissary of Subsistence, my command has always been well supplied. Dr. Wise, Surgeon-in-Chief Division, Captains Brink (Inspector-General,) Day, (Provost-Marshal,) and my Aids, Captain Hayes, and Lieutenants Holling-worth, Oliver, Fuller, and Griffin, have each, in his respective place, more than fulfilled my expectations. Captain Estes, my Assistant Adjutant-General, deserves special notice, not only for the faithful discharge of his eminent duties, but for his reckless daring and invaluable assistance in every skirmish and engagement. This officer deserves, and I earnestly hope that he may be promoted. Accompanying this report will be found a nominal list of killed, wounded, and missing, also Provost-Marshal's statement
y, and after a few rounds, our batteries ceased firing. Soon thereafter, I was ordered to report, with my battery, to Major-General Hill, but was not called on to go into action again. About five o'clock, I obtained permission to go to the rear for ammunition. The following are the casualties which occurred during this artillery engagement: Killed: John L. Brown, Francis T. Herndon, of Rockbridge County, Virginia. Wounded: John Doran, of Lexington, severely, in arm, by a shell; John Fuller, of Rockbridge, severely bruised by a shell. Slightly wounded: E. Holmes Boyd, R. K. Compton, John M. Brown, Randolph Fairfax, Sergeant David E. Moore, John H. Moore, Abner E. Arnold, William H. Bolling. One horse was killed, and several disabled. With three or four exceptions, the conduct of the men and officers was in the highest degree creditable. Very respectfully, &c., W. T. Poague. Report of Captain Page. camp of Third battalion reserve artillery, July 12, 1862. M