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ent to-morrow. [Signed.]Abraham Lincoln. President of the United States. The way the News is Smothered up. C. C. Fulton, of the Baltimore American, is still in Fort McHenry on account of "that telegram" about McClellan. The American, ofhe execution of this inexplicable order. The Secretary of War authorized me to publish my statement. Respectfully, C. C. Fulton. To this the following reply was received: Washington, June 30. To C. C. Fulton, Fort McHenry: I am autC. C. Fulton, Fort McHenry: I am authorized to say to you that your arrest was not made for publishing the statement, but upon your statement that you were preparing a detailed account, including facts obtained from Washington, having been sent for by special train to communicate with one has excelled, I ask, in common justice, that I should at least be released on my parole. Respectfully yours Charles C. Fulton. A Rich article. The following article is from the New York Times. It has its wish. Richmond is occupie