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Wiley Britton, Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Border 1863. 6 4 Browse Search
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of the earth, as beautiful as sparkling fountains. The scenes are constantly changing, and always interesting to anyone of healthy mind and body; and he will see landscapes of every conceivable variety, from the forest-covered mountains and hills of Arkansas to the grass-covered prairies and plains of Kansas, and from the deep green of spring to the rich and variegated tints of autumn, and the snow-covered ground of winter. It is proper that I should express my indebtedness to Captain William Gallaher, Colonel Phillips' Assistant Adjutant-General, for many kindnesses and courtesies in connection with the writing of my Memoirs while we were attached to the Indian division. And during the latter part of the year I received from General C. W. Blair, the commanding officer of the post of Fort Scott and the District of Southern Kansas, many acts of kindness and words of encouragement, for which I feel under deep obligations to him. As he was one of the most accomplished orators in t
n, but also in the selection of officers for his staff as confidential advisers, and also other officers of special fitness for special duties. Probably few officers could be found who would make a better Assistant Adjutant General than Captain William Gallaher, or a better Judge Advocate than Captain Joel Moody. Of Captain Gallaher I can speak from personal knowledge, as I have known him since I entered the service. Colonel William F. Cloud, Second Kansas cavalry, who is now in command ofCaptain Gallaher I can speak from personal knowledge, as I have known him since I entered the service. Colonel William F. Cloud, Second Kansas cavalry, who is now in command of the District of Southwest Missouri, with head quarters at Springfield, was at Neosha yesterday, 20th instant, with a detachment of the 7th Missouri State Militia and one company of his own regiment, having been on a scout of several days in search of Livingston's band. If the remainder of General Blunt's division, which separated from us at Elm Springs, is occupying the country around Springfield, it would seem Colonel Phillips' division is now occupying the most advanced position of any of ou
lonely retreat return to Fort Gibson. I have already mentioned Colonel Harrison leaving Fayetteville with his troops and marching to Cassville, Missouri. When the information first reached us, I suspected that Colonel Phillips was not entirely satisfied with the movement. It has been generally understood here that the troops at Fayetteville belonged to Colonel Phillips' districts, and would not be expected to leave that station without his orders. Friday evening, May 1st, Captain William Gallaher, Assistant Adjutant General of the division, sent for me, and stated that he had an important service which he wanted me to undertake. He made out an order for my detail, and also for eight men to accompany me, and sent it to — the commanding officer of the battalion Sixth Kansas cavalry. We were directed to report at headquarters at nine o'clock for more definite instructions. Captain Gallagher then stated that he had important dispatches which he wanted taken to Colonel Harris
t sure that the pressure of the enemy would be still greater to force us from this position. We have not only held our position, but we have defeated the enemy in every engagement; even where he had the choosing of time and position in several instances. In fact, the military operations in this Territory under Colonel Phillips, since we came here in the spring, have been as brilliant and successful as our campaign under General Blunt, in northwestern Arkansas, last fall. Assistant Adjutant General Gallaher, an officer who has honored me with his friendship, has kindly answered questions that I have sometimes put to him, in regard to points upon which I was not fully advised. I have not, however, drawn on him very often for information. It is likely now that active operations will be commenced against the enemy on the south side of the Arkansas shortly. We have a sufficient number of troops, and artillery enough to march out and attack them in their camp; and unless they s