Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gardner or search for Gardner in all documents.

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the 20th June, 1864: [continued,] Names.RankRegimentCompanyHospitalDivision Gross WPriv28BWinderNo. 5 Gibson G WPriv4BWinder5 Guffy J FPriv5HWinder5 Gardner G APriv32HWinder5 Grant EPriv4DWinder5 Garbode LewisPriv48KWinder5 Gardner H HPriv2 cvGWinder5 Griffey J HPriv43BWinder5 Green K PPriv6EWinder5 Gilliam JPriGardner H HPriv2 cvGWinder5 Griffey J HPriv43BWinder5 Green K PPriv6EWinder5 Gilliam JPriv32BWinder5 Goodson W MFergt24FWinder5 Gordon W HPriv44AWinder5 Goulding J HPrivPits's batWinder5 Griffith A APriv14GWinder5 Guthrie C CPriv23KWinder5 Griffin W APriv53IWinderNo. 6 Gibbins APriv16GWinder6 Gameson W FSergt48HWinder6 Genes J WCorpl18BWinder6 Priv4HWinder6 HPriv13FWinder6 Garner W BPriv13BWinder6 Glover Grimsley LLieut26AJackson1 Gordon G TLt Col34No. 4 Gideney J MCapt12ENo. 24 Griffin W JPriv31FH Grove Gould A JPriv15AH Grove Griffin WmPriv47DChimb'oNo. 3 Gardner J APriv17AChimb'o3 Gillespie J BCorpl28HChimb'o3 Gains C WSergt16IChimb'oNo. 4 Gregery MPriv51EChimb'o4 Green J EPriv43CChimb'o4 Gillespie W GPriv6CChimb'o4