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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 18., An old-time Public and private School teacher of Medford, Massachusetts. (search)
Mich.; died at Ann Arbor, Mich., March 25,909. Mr. Hathaway died in Medford, September 16, 1860. Mrs. Hathaway died in Medford, May 29, 1881. Sarah K. and Agnes E. Hathaway both taught in the public schools of Medford. I am indebted to Miss Eliza M. Gill for assistance rendered in the preparation of this article. The following is a partial list of the pupils of the Hathaway School, with places of residence as nearly correct as it was possible to obtain them:— From Medford. Emily Angier. Harry Bradlee. Eliza Bishop. Josephine L. Bates. Joseph D. Cushing. Sarah M. Cushing. Julia Cushing. Nellie Evans. George G. Floyd. Eliza M. Gill. Eleanor H. Green. Samuel S. Green. Edmund F. Hooper. Agnes E. Hathaway. Sarah K. Hathaway. Ned Hastings. Edward Holman. Herbert Holman. Samuel C. Lawrence. Otis F. Litchfield. Horace E. Morse. Herman Mills. Helen E. Mills. Thatcher Magoun, 3d. Sarah Miller. Emily Nason. Helen Porter. Elisha Pierce. Georgianna Pierce.
or nothing has been done there, the last occupants of the shop being the Order of Moose, whatever that may be. The dwelling was occupied until the last, the occupants only removing after the wrecking force had begun operations. The old bakery in its palmy days was the real thing. It may not seem so to the observer, whose gauge mark is the Sunshine, or the Thousand Windows, but in the truer comparison of times, means and market, it was a noted, successful business enterprise, a credit to the proprietors and the old historic town in which it flourished. Mr. Henry Withington (the third) still lives but a few rods away, is hale and hearty, and for twenty-two years has faithfully served his native city as one of the Board of Assessors, is still at his post, doing as faithful, honorable work there as in the old days and old bakery, which is now only a memory. —Moses W. Mann. note.—I am indebted to Miss E. M. Gill for notes of information collected by her, relative to the bake
in Charleston harbor in our Civil war, and is said to have been more than necessarily active. His death was chronicled a few years ago in the Boston Transcript. Mrs. Ingraham's brother, Willis Hall (1733-1812), had a daughter Mary (1772-1853) who married Dr. Luther Stearns, December 20, 1798. His daughter Elizabeth (1801-1862) married George W. Porter, February 17, 1824. They were the parents of the late Helen Porter, who died in 1899 at the age of seventy. While serving as pastor of the Mystic Church in this town Rev. Elias Nason wrote the life of Sir Charles Henry Frankland. In it he stated that the Agnes Surriage fan came through the Porter family, and that it bore the original owner's name. The latter statement is not correct, and Miss Porter, who owned the fan, told me in regard to the former statement that it came not through the Porter, but through the Stearns family. Mrs. Ingraham's fan keeps company with Agnes Surriage's fan in a Medford family. —Eliza M. Gill