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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men 3 1 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, I. Introductory. (search)
y of sunlight, and stretching a robust right arm upward after the crown of wisdom. According to the titles of these books it would seem that men have their whole duty to perform as men, while women follow their calling as ladies, a distinction even more confusing than that of the stations on the American railways, whose doors are sometimes tersely labelled Men and Women, while others bear in preference the more fastidious designation Gentlemen and Ladies. It was not till 1797 that the Rev. Thomas Gisborne, having already published his Duties of men, came out with a corresponding volume, Duties of women, which at once superseded all similar works, and instructed the women of England-leaving the ladies to take care of themselves — for fifty years, the fourteenth edition appearing in 1847, and I know not how many others since that day. Since his time men and women have so constantly worked together for the purpose of moral instruction, at least, that we almost forget that the joint phra
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, Index. (search)
Freeman, Alice, 21. French standards vs. English, 23, 98. Frenchmen, domesticity of, 281. Friends, marriages among, 47. Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli. Furies, the, 44. G. Galahad, Sir, 296. Gallenga, A., 98. Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 309. Garrison, W. L., 18, 177. Garth, Caleb, 294. Gellius, Aulus, quoted, 97. Genlis, Madame de, 57, 179. German schools, drawbacks of, 246. Gerikiman standard, the, 243. Germany, influence of, 23, 134. Gibbon, Edward, 290. Gisborne, Thomas, 4. Gladstone, W. E., 136. Godwin, M. W., 232. Godwin, William, 178. Goethe, J. W. von, quoted, 36, 179, 291. Gosse, E. H., quoted, 193. Gough, J. B., 309. Gower, Lord, Ronald, 138. graces, the S11Y, 306. Grant and Ward, 191. Grant, General U. S., 20, 127, 303. Griswold, R. W., 289. Gymnastics, elevation of, 64. H. Hair, the uses of, 2. Hale, E. E., 206. Hale, H. E., his theory of language. 181. Hale, Lucretia, 40. Harem, Shadow of the, 12. Harland, M