Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for O. P. Gooding or search for O. P. Gooding in all documents.

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. 167.-operations on Bayou Teche, La. Colonel Gooding's report. headquarters Third brigademed of Col. Ingraham's command, and part of Col. Gooding's Thirty-eighth Massachusetts and Fifty-sixre stated, crossed the river, with two of Colonel Gooding's regiments. While the artillery was acanister into General Paine's brigade. Colonel Gooding's command crossed to the other side of the a sharp engagement was going on between Colonel Gooding's brigade, Healy's battery and the rebels will tell you of the brilliant affair of Colonel Gooding's brigade on the other side. Early in the forenoon of Monday, Colonel Gooding received an order from General Emory to cross the Teche, reand accordingly the attack was not made. Colonel Gooding, however, decided upon finding the true pchusetts, Colonel Kimball, was ordered by Colonel Gooding to advance his line of skirmishers and reme. While this movement was taking place Colonel Gooding received an order from General Emory to a[7 more...]