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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 132 2 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Chickamauga-letter from Captain W. N. Polk. (search)
ightfall of the 18th of September General Bragg had placed Hood's and Walker's commands, with Forrest's cavalry, to the west of the creek, covering the bridges and fords by which he intended to cross the remainder of the army on the following day. Forrest was at Alexander's bridge, Walker half a mile in front of him, Hood in front of Tedford's ford, about nine hundred yards east of the Chattanooga road, while Buckner held Byron's and Thedford's fords. Polk and Hill were opposite Lee and Gordon's and Glass's mills, and during the day had been making demonstrations against the forces at these points in order to cover the movements just noted. Pending these movements Rosecrans, perceiving Bragg's purpose, shifted his line further down the stream. Retaining Crittenden at Lee and Gordon's mills, he moved McCook near Bond's spring, and Thomas was directed to pass to the rear of Crittenden and take position near Kelly's house, on the Lafayette and Chattanooga road, nearly opposite Re
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Winchester and Fisher's Hill — letter from General Early to General Lee. (search)
the 17th of September I moved two divisions — Rodes's and Gordon's — from Stevenson's Depot, where they, together with Brecd from Berryville) to Bunker Hill, and on the 18th I moved Gordon's division, with a part of Lomax's cavalry, to Martinsburg of the 18th Rodes was moved back to Stevenson's Depot and Gordon to Bunker Hill, with orders to start at daylight to returnched at a very early hour next morning. About the time of Gordon's arrival on that morning, firing was heard in Ramseur's flry had appeared on the Berryville road. I ordered Rodes, Gordon and Breckenridge to have their divisions under arms, readyhe trains all put in motion for their security. Bodes and Gordon arrived just before the enemy commenced advancing a heavy ced advancing on Ramseur, I attacked them with Rodes's and Gordon's divisions, and drove them back with great slaughter — th canister, a heavy force, before which Evans's brigade, of Gordon's division, which was on the left, had given way. This bri<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
limented by him on the field. Under Wooten they established a still more glorious reputation — especially in their first dash at the enemy's picket line, which called forth a complimentary communication from superior Headquarters; in their double-quick deployments and advance and captures in the battle at Jones's farm; in their sudden rush into the enemy's disordered ranks and large captures at the Pegram house, and in the part they bore in the recapture of the hill taken from us the day of Gordon's attack on Fort Steadman. They also behaved with great gallantry when Grant broke our lines at Petersburg, and on the retreat to Appomattox Courthouse they were frequently thrown forward to fight the enemy when the brigade was not engaged. Quartermaster Department. Our first quartermaster was Major Joseph A. Engelhard, an efficient officer, who continued with the brigade until the promotion of General Pender, when he was transferred to his staff as the Assistant Adjutant-General of t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the war. (search)
ve the honor to report, pursuant to verbal instructions received from the Colonel-Commanding, that I left this camp on the evening of 31st of May in command of a detachment of Company B, Second Cavalry, consisting of fifty men, with second Lieutenant David S. Gordon, Second Dragoons, temporarily attached for the purpose of reconnoitering the country in the vicinity of Fairfax Courthouse. Upon approaching the town the picket guard was surprised and captured. Several documents were found upon teen finally repulsed, by little more than half his number of Captain Marr's rifles. Lieutenant Tompkins says: It will be observed, that he was in command of a detachment of Company B, Second Cavalry, consisting of fifty men, with Second Lieutenant David S. Gordon's Second Dragoons temporially attached. He subsequently adds: Captains Cary, Fearing and Adjutant Frank, of the Fifth New York State Militia, accompanied the command as volunteers. General McDowell says: It appears that Company
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 7.74 (search)
They would Mix on the picket line. Anecdote of the war. General Gordon. We were on the Rapidan River, where it was a little stream hardly one hundred feet wide. General Lee sent me word I must go out and break up the communication between our pickets and the enemy's. They had got to trading with each other in newspapers, tobacco, lies, and whatever would vary the monotony of picket life. They would not shoot at each other, and so it was not military-like. So I started out one morning on my horse and rode the whole length of the picket line and just as I came to a certain point I saw that there was confusion and surprise, as if I had not been expected. What is the matter men, here? I asked. Nothing, General, nothing is here. You must tell me the truth, said I; I am not welcome, I see, and there must be some reason for it. Now, what is the matter? There has been nobody here, General. We were not expecting you; that is all. I turned to two or three of the soldiers
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8.83 (search)
of, and where he fought the greatest odds? He always answered at Sharpsburg. His army depleted by battles, hardships, unripe fruit — all they had to live upon — stone bruises, for not a man in a half a dozen had a pair of shoes — straggling, the vineyards of Maryland, fair as the garden of the gods, tempted thousands to leave the ranks and wander in inglorious ease through the rich country. All these causes combined, dwindled the Army of Northern Virginia away to a mere frazzle, as General Gordon expressed it, and Lee fought the battle at Sharpsburg with skeleton regiments, brigades and divisions. I copy from my note book. * * * * * * On the march. On the 20th day of August, 1862, our brigade (Kemper's) left Gordonsville to open the campaign against Pope. The orders were to leave all knapsacks behind, and to travel in light marching order with three day's rations in our haversacks, a blanket on our shoulders, and eighty rounds of cartridges in our boxes and pockets. <
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. A. Early's report of the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
Early on the morning of the 13th Hays's and Gordon's brigades, Jones's artillery and the trains w Very early next morning (the 14th) I ordered Gordon and Hays respectively to advance a regiment aca company of French's cavalry to report to General Gordon during the night, and directed him to movetance beyond East Berlin. I then rode over to Gordon's camp on the York turnpike, which was about ft night a deputation came out from the town to Gordon's camp to surrender it. I directed General Gorends if possible. Next morning (the 28th) General Gordon marched into the town of York without opporal Barlow himself, who was severely wounded. Gordon had charged across the creek, over the hill onry Hill. At the time these brigades advanced, Gordon's brigade moved forward to support them, and ame street formerly occupied by Hays's brigade, Gordon's brigade being left to occupy the position he in the report. To Brigadier Generals Hays and Gordon I was especially indebted for their cheerful, [42 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Two foreign opinions of the Confederate cause and people. (search)
rdly have been tolerated in a Southern bar. Or, again, take the favorites of the North--the best known names in the camp and Cabinet — Sheridan and Hunter, whose ravages recall the devastation of the Palatinate, political rowdies like Banks and Butler, braggarts like Pope and Hooker, or even professional soldiers like Meade, Sigel, Sherman. These are the household words of the North, and any one Southern chief of the second rank — Ewell, Early, Fitzhugh Lee, Hardee, Polk, Hampton, Gilmer, Gordon — alone outweighs them all. Needless to remind you that among the twenty millions--mostly fools--was no man whom even party spirit dared liken to the stern, simple Virginia professor, the Cavalier-Puritan, whose brigade of recruits stood like a stone wall under the convergent fire of artillery and rifles that was closing round them at Mannassas; no A. P. Hill, second only to Jackson among the lieutenants of Lee; no strategist comparable to him whose death by simple self-neglect marred the vi<