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harge and drove the enemy from their front. General Cleburne in his report said: To Brigadier-Generals Smith, Cumming and Maney, and to Colonel Granbury, I return thanks for the able manner in which they managed their commands. At the brilliant battle of Ringgold Gap, which occurred two days later, Granbury commanded the Texas brigade. Here was inflicted such a repulse upon the enemy that the pursuit was completely checked. On this occasion General Cleburne said of Colonels Granbury and Govan, and BrigadierGen-erals Polk and Lowrey: Four better officers are not in the service of the Confederacy. On February 29, 1864, Granbury was commissioned brigadier-general in the provisional army of the Confederate States, his command being the famous Texas brigade, consisting of the Sixth, Seventh, Fifteenth, Seventeenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth regiments. Throughout the whole Atlanta campaign, from Dalton to Jonesboro, the fame of this brigade increased. It carried off
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Biographical. (search)
d, and to the Confederates successful, affairs of the whole campaign was at Pickett's mill, in May, where Cleburne's division repulsed the furious onset of Howard's whole corps, inflicting on the Federals a loss many times their own. In this affair Kelly's cavalry, consisting of Allen's and Hannon's Alabama brigades, first encountered a body of Federal cavalry supported by the Fourth corps. Cleburne, seeing the maneuver to turn his right, brought Granbury's brigade to Kelly's support, while Govan sent the Eighth and Ninth Arkansas regiments under Colonel Baucum to the assistance of Kelly. This little body met the foremost of the Federal troops as they were reaching the prolongation of Granbury's line, and charging gallantly drove them back and saved the Texans from a flank attack. General Johnston in his report says: Before the Federal left could gather to overwhelm Baucum and his two regiments, Lowrey's brigade, hurried by General Cleburne from its position, as left of his second
oncentrated. On the 1st of September Brig.-Gen. John C. Carter commanded Cheatham's division; on the 31st of August and the 1st of September Col. Geo. C. Porter commanded Maney's brigade, and Col. James D. Tillman commanded Strahl's. Brig.-Gen. George W. Gordon commanded Vaughan's, known hereafter as Gordon's, and on the 1st Col. John H. Anderson commanded Carter's brigade. On the second day of the battle of Jonesboro, Carter drove the enemy back and retook the works in which a part of Govan's brigade of Cleburne's division had been captured. Gordon's brigade was most exposed, and maintained the reputation acquired under the leadership of Smith and Vaughan. The enemy, in vastly superior numbers, was held in check until night closed the battle, and Gordon covered the retreat to Lovejoy's Station. Col. A. J. Long, Eleventh Tennessee, was mortally wounded, and Capt. J. H. Darden killed—true and faithful soldiers, said General Gordon, greatly beloved and deeply lamented. The T
, wounded and missing, and of this number 120 were killed. On the morning of the 16th, Thomas made a general attack on the Confederate line of battle, but was repulsed at all points. About noon an attempt was made to turn Hood's left, held by Govan's brigade of Cleburne's division; the attack being made by Wilson's dismounted cavalry. It was vigorously prosecuted and the position carried, but not until General Govan, and Colonel Green, the officer next in rank, were severely wounded. So sGeneral Govan, and Colonel Green, the officer next in rank, were severely wounded. So soon as the result was ascertained, Col. Hume R. Feild, First Tennessee, commanding Carter's brigade, was dispatched to the left with orders to retake the position at any cost. It could be said of him: Thou bearest the highest name for valiant acts. In four years of war he had never known failure. It was a critical period, the enemy's shots were taking us in reverse, and before many minutes a lodgment would be made in our rear; but Feild's advance was equal to the emergency, and in a few min
aid of him that in all the war he was never known to use language unsuited to the presence of ladies. While the army was camped at Dalton on the 20th of April, 1864, services were held in the Methodist church by Bishop Charles Todd Quintard, of the Episcopal church. On this occasion Bishop Quintard baptized General Strahl and presented him to Bishop Stephen Elliott for confirmation, with three other generals of the Confederate army—Lieutenant-General Hardee and Brigadier-Generals Shoup and Govan. Brigadier-General Robert C. Tyler Brigadier-General Robert C. Tyler, a highly heroic officer, was a native of Maryland, born and reared in the city of Baltimore. Being of a naturally enterprising disposition, and imbued with the idea that American destiny pointed to the control by the United States of all the North American continent, he joined the Nicaraguan expedition of Gen. William Walker in 1859. After the unsuccessful issue of that enterprise he went to Memphis, Tenn., and the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
ter to march in his place in the ranks. He replied: It would look better, but it would not feel better to me. Have you a permit? said the officer. At this he handed the surgeon's certificate. How were you wounded? said the officer. Baring his breast and exposing the wound, he said: It went in there, and turning his back, he said: it stuck out there, and the surgeon pulled it out. He was ready for duty at any moment. We have not mentioned others, brave ones, who on the Federal side on that day performed feats of valor and deserved honorable mention at the hands of their superiors; nor those on the Confederate side who, like Field and Govan and many others, witnessed a good fight in behalf of the flag of the South and in the struggle for constitutional liberty. Well may America, reunited, rejoice in this common heritage. No true citizen can look upon such exemplifications of heroism and fail to feel a thrill of satisfaction that they in common illustrated American valor.
s Martha Elovney miss Mary Easton miss Martha Fisher mrs Emily Frost mrs Eliz'th Fravsier mrs Eliz'th Farly mrs Fannie Freser miss Aurelia Fisher miss Sarah Jane Ford miss O V Fisher miss Anna A Fore miss Mary A Fraser miss Molly T Forsythe miss Fanny E Farmer miss Mary S Falvy miss Johanna Gaines miss Bettie Gardner miss Rebecca Greentree miss T Gary mrs H Garnult mrs H T Garland mrs Jane Gathright mrs C F Gray mrs C Ann 2 Greene mrs Susanna Govan mrs L H Hudson miss V C Hutcheson miss L R Huyler miss R Hoygan miss Mary Hill miss Isadora Hemslead miss L E Herbert miss Bettie Harrington miss Mary Harris miss Ella Hartman miss Jenny Harrington miss B Harris mrs J A Harris miss Ella Homes mrs Susau Holt mrs E Hogan mrs S L Hill mrs M F Hughes mrs Jonnie Hancock mrs E P Harrison mrs E Hagevger mrs M J Hall mrs C A Hall mrs L A Harvey miss R E Huddleston miss M A R Johnson mrs Mary Jack
e service of the Confederate States "for and during" the war. This regiment, we believe, is one of the first, if not the first, that has been raised for the whole were it was raised by Brigadier General Mott, of the Mississippi army, assisted by the Hon. L Q. C. Lamar, of the same State, under an authorization from President Davis. The regiment numbers about 800 men. The following is a list of the officers; C. H. Mort, Colonel. L. Q. C. Lamar Lieutenant Colonel. --Major.* A. R. Govan, Adjutant. C. M. Thompson, Quartermaster. S. B. Malone, Commissary Oscar Rarbour, Sergeant Major. J. W. C. Smith, Surgeon. W. F. Hyer, Assistant Surgeon. captains of Companies.-- 1. Capt. Macon; 2. Capt. Martin; 3. Capt. Harris; 4. Capt. Coffee; 5. Capt. Mullins; 6. Capt. Vaughan; 7. Capt. Abernathy; 8. Capt. Hamer; 9. Capt. Hardin; 10. Capt. Tison. The regiment is encamped at the Old Fair Grounds, at the head of Main street, where is will be diligently drilled until th
in Richmond; Lieut. Keiningham, painfully wounded; Lieut. A. Blair, shot through right hand — now in Richmond; Set J. H. Kepler, missing; Privates, J. B. Angle' slightly wounded in the side; G. E. Craig, slightly in arm; D. E. Edwards, severely in arm; T. S. Morton, severely in face; J. Keiningham; severely in face and shoulder; S. J. Wingfield, shot through right hand; L. M. Wingfield, severely in breast and hand; M. J. Wingfield, missing; Wm. Mitchell, missing, and supposed to be killed;--Govan, wounded in arm;--Sublett, in both hips severely. Company G.--Capt T. H. Langley, slightly wounded in the foot, Lieut. Morris, in the foot; Lieut. Wooddy, slightly in leg; Private Gentry, in leg. Company H.--Capt. H. A. Walkins, severely wounded in thigh; Lieut. E. W. Martin, in the head; Lieut. Cabell, in the head; Private Daniels, severely wounded and missing Theodore Martin, severely in thigh. Company I.--Lt. Caho, severely wounded and missing. Lt. Ballon, of this company, was th
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Federal Spy system in great Britain (search)
gainst the steamer Pampero: "On the 17th day of October last Mr. Archibald Brodie, formerly carver and gilder, Buchanan street, Glasgow, called at my house in Govan, proposing to sell carved trusses, &c. On the Tuesday following he called again about the trusses: but before he left he introduced the subject of the steamship Pa home from work, I found him waiting for me at my house. After waiting some time. I accompanied him on leaving, when he proposed we should adjourn to a tavern in Govan. When there he again introduced the subject of the steamship Pampero, and informed me he was commissioned to offer me a handsome sum, and also to pay my passage t which I did declining the offer. On the following Monday, at two o'clock, while proceeding home to my dinner, I was informed a gentleman wanted me in a tavern in Govan, and on going there I found Mr. Brodie waiting, with my letter in his hand. He then begged me to reconsider the matter; but having obtained sufficient information
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