Browsing named entities in James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Gracie or search for Gracie in all documents.

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ny was escort to General Buckner. William Preston's division of the same corps (Buckner's) included the Sixty-third regiment, Lieut.-Col. Abraham Fulkerson, in Gracie's brigade and the battery of Capt. Edmund D. Baxter was in the battalion of reserve artillery commanded by Maj. Samuel C. Williams. Brig.-Gen. Bushrod Johnson ifth, were killed. Adjt. A. R. Greigg of the same regiment recaptured the colors of the Tenth South Carolina. The Sixty-third Tennessee, Col. A. Fulkerson, of Gracie's brigade, went into action between 4 and 5 o'clock p. m. of the, 20th, supporting Kershaw's brigade. The regiment was on the right of the brigade, and although fought and won by Preston's division of Buckner's corps, on the heights near Snodgrass house. Out of an aggregate of 404, it lost in killed and wounded 202. General Gracie said in his report of the battle, Lieut.-Col. A. Fulkerson, Sixty-third Tennessee, commanded the regiment and led it into action. To him it owes its discipli
brell's cavalry brigade; Freeman's, White's, Rhett's and McClung's batteries, and the First Tennessee cavalry, Col. Onslow Bean. General Johnson, with his own and Gracie's brigade, reached the front of Knoxville on the 27th and 28th of November, 1863. On the 29th he moved to the attack on Fort Loudon in support of the assaulting column under Brigadier-General Humphreys, Gracie on the right. The command approached to within 250 yards of the enemy's fortifications on which the assault was made, and was soon under fire. At this time Gracie was withdrawn by the lieutenant-general commanding, and an order made for Johnson to halt. The attack was abandoned, Gracie was withdrawn by the lieutenant-general commanding, and an order made for Johnson to halt. The attack was abandoned, and Johnson occupied, with his skirmishers, the advance rifle-pits, distant 250 yards from the enemy's fort. During the assault on Fort Loudon, Johnson's brigade lost Lieut. S. W. Ross, Forty-fourth, and Private J. P. Hicks, Seventeenth, killed, and 19 officers and men wounded. On December 4th, at nightfall, Johnson's command wi
to command of the department of East Tennessee, and was succeeded in brigade command by Gen. M. J. Wright. In the important region of which he was given charge as the successor of Gen. E. Kirby Smith, he had under his orders the brigades of General Gracie, Colonel Palmer, Gen. A. E. Jackson, Gen. John Pegram, Gen. Humphrey Marshall, and scattered organizations. General Donelson was promoted to major-general while in command of this department, but soon afterward he died at Knoxville, April 17nson's movement, thus sweeping away one wing of the Federal army and with it the commanding general himself. General Johnson also served under Longstreet in the unfortunate campaign into east Tennessee, commanding Buckner's division, brigades of Gracie, Johnson and Reynolds; shared in the disastrous assault on Fort Sanders (Knoxville), and fought the battle of Bean's Station. When the campaign of 1864 opened in Virginia, General Johnson, with his division, was near Petersburg, where he assiste