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ed the leaders who were employed by the Federal Government to secure her unnatural adhesion to the side of the North. The mock neutrality of Kentucky was ended early in September. Major-General Polk, the Confederate commander in West Tennessee, having information that the Federal force at Cairo was about to seize Columbus, a strategic point of great importance in Southwestern Kentucky, crossed the State line, occupied Hickman on the 5th of September, and on the 7th secured Columbus. General Grant, who had just taken command at Cairo, where he had arrived on the 2d of September, thus anticipated and foiled in that quarter, promptly seized Paducah, at the mouth of the Tennessee River, September 6th, with a detachment, following it with additional forces next day. General Polk made a respectful representation of the facts to Governor Magoffin, offering at the same time to withdraw the Confederate forces from Kentucky provided the Federal forces also withdrew simultaneously, with a m
he occupation of Columbus by General Polk has already been related. This, and the simultaneous seizure of Paducah by General Grant, opposing two hostile armies on the soil of Kentucky, had ended the supposed neutrality of that State. With a strong The history of the attempt to defend these Rivers by forts at Donelson and Henry will be given in detail hereafter. General Grant had possession of Smithland and Paducah, at their mouths. Indeed, the outlets and navigable waters of all the Rivers he had, September 14, 1861, at and near Cairo, 12,831 men, and at Paducah, 7,791 men; together, 20,622 men, under General U. S. Grant. report on the conduct of the War, part III., p. 41. in this estimate he only puts the forces in his Department best information at the War Department, at 80,000 men, or about 45 per cent. More. This rate of increase would give General Grant 30,000 men. General Robert Anderson commanded the Central Department. The fortune of War, which gave General Johnsto
e Secretary of War and Governor Harris both remonstrated; but President Davis replied to his explanations, Necessity justifies your action. Polk was rapidly fortifying, when General Johnston arrived at Columbus. About this time, September 10th, Grant wrote to Fremont, proposing to attack Columbus, which, under the circumstances, seems to the writer judicious though apparently bold; but Fremont took no notice of his application. Badeau's Life of Grant, vol. i., p. 13. After the failureGrant, vol. i., p. 13. After the failure of the campaign projected against St. Louis, in the summer of 1861, General Polk turned his attention toward perfecting the river-defenses. Missouri and Arkansas were added to his department, but he was unable to avail himself of these increased powers, as the defense of the Mississippi was his main object, and occupied all his resources. Dr. Polk says : Finding in Island No.10 a most advantageous position, works were begun there. His design now was to make that the advanced point of
right, at Cumberland Ford. Early in October, Polk had some 10,000 men to protect Columbus from Grant's 20,000 or 25,000 troops at and near Cairo. Buckner's force had increased to 6,000, against do alluded to, if it was observed, by any of them. When the movement proved abortive, neither General Grant nor General Sherman felt it necessary to call attention to that fact, nor to disclose their mmanders will, in time, character, and relation, evince concert, as parts of a general plan. Grant's movement, beginning on November 3d, by an expedition from Cape Girardeau into Missouri, under rned the railroad-bridges and took up arms. But this episode will be given hereafter. While Grant was counting his losses on the day after Belmont, another contest was occurring at the other ext night, while they were sitting around the camp-fire, a telegram was handed him, advising him of Grant's movement upon Belmont. After reading it carefully, he passed it round to the other officers,
t. Grant's claims. Polk's dispatch. Grant's report. Grant's object. Polk's preparationeral retreat and rout. Polk's reinforcement. Grant's escape. Confederate strength. the losses. nt, Missouri, opposite Columbus, Kentucky. General Grant's reports and authorized biographies claimt no such intentions have been admitted by General Grant. Unless the whole movement was tentative,ient to defend the position at Belmont against Grant's column, were made, General Polk was unwillinrty-first Illinois, led and encouraged by both Grant and McClernand, thrice attacked, and were thrideau says, Life of Grant, vol. i., p. 16. Grant's troops were plundering, while their colonelsouted, and made stump-speeches for the Union. Grant was more complimentary at the time, attributineal disorganized. Badeau continues: He (Grant) was anxious to get back to his own steamers b it much greater than he sets it down. General Grant, writing to his father soon after the batt[30 more...]
e movement of the Federal army, which had been frustrated in November, was renewed with better success early in January. General Johnston was now confronted by Halleck in the West, and by Buell in Kentucky. With the exception of the army sent under Curtis against Price in Southwestern Missouri, about 12,000 strong, the whole resources of the Northwest, from Pennsylvania to the Plains, were turned against General Johnston's lines in Kentucky. Halleck, with armies at Cairo and Paducah, under Grant and C. F. Smith, threatened equally Columbus, the key of the Mississippi River, and the water-lines of the Cumberland and Tennessee, with their defenses at Forts Donelson and Henry. Buell's right wing also menaced Donelson and Henry, while his centre was directed against Bowling Green, and his left was advancing against Zollicoffer at Mill Spring on the Upper Cumberland. If this last-named position could be forced, the way seemed open to East Tennessee by either the Jacksboro or the Jamesto
k and Buell's views. Federal demonstrations. Grant, Smith, and Foote. Federal advance. River-deice of this claim. He gives the credit to General Grant; but also shows, from the correspondence o officers in the service of the United States: Grant, C. F. Smith, and Foote. These enterprising osisted chiefly on plunder. Badeau's Life of Grant, vol. i., p. 25; McClellan's report, Rebellioand for authority to move. On January 29th Grant wrote Halleck fully, urging an immediate advanlan. Badeau says: On the 2d of February Grant started from Cairo with 17,000 men on transporo the fort by land were double this distance. Grant himself took command on the east bank, with to. Even when not meeting a show of resistance, Grant advanced slowly, cautiously, and painfully, mant that, on the 5th, Tilghman meant to dispute Grant's advance. But on the 6th, just before the at Noon was fixed as the time of attack; but Grant, impeded by the overflow, and unwilling to exp[7 more...]
moment. recall of troops. Grant's advance. Grant and Smith. assault by Federal left. capture rtment, for the information of the writer, General Grant's effective force at Donelson is placed at5, estimates the reinforcements sent by him to Grant at 10,000 men, and Grant's force at from 30,00eir flank on Hickman's Creek, facing Buckner. Grant's headquarters were in the rear of Smith's lined, came of heavy reinforcements: according to Grant's statements, they were 12,000 or 15,000 men; describe assaults and fierce struggles led by Grant in person. They are mistaken. General Grant'readiness to attack the Confederate right. Grant then rode to his right wing, where all was conucted. The manner of the assault was this: Grant, in consultation with C. F. Smith, determined st. Appendix A. General Buckner to General Grant. headquarters, Fort Donelson, February 16nited States forces near Fort Donelson. General Grant to General Buckner. Headquarters, army in [34 more...]
r other interference by the enemy — a result manifestly not in the table of probabilities-and led against either Buell or Grant, what would have been the chance of success? Buell had an army 75,000 strong. Grant could not be assailed in his fortifGrant could not be assailed in his fortifications on the north side of the Ohio; and, even if his intrenched position at Paducah had been attacked, he had his fleets and 25,000 men, with Buell and Halleck to draw upon for any required reinforcements up to 100,000 men within three or four don, either through the sluggishness of the enemy, or by the prolonged resistance of his own troops, to repair disaster. Grant moved February 2d; in four days Henry was in his hands. Ten days only intervened between General Johnston's first informd, if possible, a crushing blow should be dealt to Buell's army, which was regarded at the time as the most menacing, for Grant and Foote had not yet moved. Johnston fell in with this plan, and Beauregard proceeded to Columbus to put it in train of
troops, and his own alleged neglect of duty. Grant was superseded, March 4th, but was soon after s now put in command of the whole West; Buell, Grant, and Pope, on the west bank of the Mississippitogether untrue. It cannot be denied that General Grant reported the Confederate army at Corinth, oh made it a natural stronghold. The peril to Grant's army was not in the topography, but in the we theory that it is necessary to show that Generals Grant and Sherman are, and always have been, incabove. Large reinforcements being sent to General Grant. We must be ready to attack the enemy as raphed General Halleck: I understand General Grant is on the east side of the river. Is it ntime did either of these officers inform me of Grant's actual position, or that he was thought to bd Halleck's commands: Buell's troops73,472 Grant's49,314 Pope's (about)27,000 Total149,786 f formation (estimated)9,600 Total49,617 General Grant's command, February 1, 186227,113 General[26 more...]