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see that officer. It is hardly probable that Grant would have asked for such an appointment, even by Governor Yates. On the 1st of September Grant was assigned, by Major General Fremont, commanrly part of November, however, Fremont ordered Grant to make a demonstration towards Columbus, to polumns sent into Western Kentucky, reported to Grant that the capture of Fort Henry, on the Tennesso McClellan and Halleck, was so impressed upon Grant's mind, that about the end of January he againdvice or encouragement for an advance. It was Grant's own plan in its conception and in its detailwas a sharp skirmish during the night. Though Grant felt keenly for the sufferings of his men, he een to Cairo to repair his gunboats, and urged Grant to remain quiet until he could return. Whethemassed their forces and made a heavy attack on Grant's right. Notwithstanding their long exposure rebel position was taken, with more guns than Grant had in his own forces, and fifteen thousand pr[44 more...]
honor is due. In recognition of his victory Grant was at once nominated by the President as a Maorders; and he was subsequently recommended by Grant, who was always generous to his subordinates, for promotion for his services. Smith was Grant's senior in years and in the service. He was comm field should have been their only problem. Grant was like none of these. If he possessed acqui, secretary of war, who thoroughly believed in Grant's strategy of seeking out the enemy and strikiserved to add to the prejudice of some against Grant. Mr. Stanton, however, never saw reason to chcomplaint were utterly undeserved. But though Grant was thereby placed under a cloud for a time, a army at Pittsburg Landing was not selected by Grant, but by Smith before the former resumed commanhese reinforcements he could defeat the enemy, Grant held on with a tenacity which alone saved the field, and retreated rapidly towards Corinth. Grant's plans were carried out, and he was ever acti[54 more...]
which it was important to reach and hold, but Grant's purpose was to reach and defeat the rebel ar in the immediate command of the western army, Grant himself, as before stated, directing the campar the country was it that it had such a man as Grant to lead its principal armies at such a crisis,nce. Though the shell came unpleasantly near, Grant neither started nor spoke, but he put it to sork, where he could not strike a decisive blow, Grant had recourse to a flank movement, which, in histrative officers. During this brief delay, Grant determined upon his next move, which was anoths which discouraged both army and people. But Grant was now waiting for the developments of other t. While the pursuit was still in progress, Grant, anxious to avoid the further effusion of bloohe conditions of peace, was firmly resisted by Grant, and the rebel officer was compelled to acceptniversal jubilee. Millions shouted praises to Grant and his victorious legions, his name blazed in[58 more...]
etion. his Negotiations with Johnston disapproved. Grant sent to assume direction of Sherman's movements. higain from Sherman what Lee had failed to obtain from Grant,--a negotiation for the settlement of civil as well as military matters. Sherman, less prudent than Grant, and anxious to secure peace, agreed with Johnston upon ities. The disapproval was prompt and curt, and General Grant was ordered to proceed to Sherman's headquartershe would have done in his anger and chagrin, had not Grant gone to him, can hardly be imagined. He was pretty sure to do something to his own injury, however; but Grant's presence saved him, and his steadfast friendship, eral, and repaid him for his own kindly offices when Grant, for once,--and only once in his military career,--ge duty required of him by the government illustrated Grant's generosity towards his subordinates, by carefully forth such herculean deeds of valor. Not only did Grant thus recognize the bravery and endurance of the men
y. Johnson's little game. he misrepresents Grant. Grant's letter to the President. Johnson's Consequences to Johnson. contrast between Grant and Johnson. The return of peace imposed neting a spirit no better than rebellion. General Grant had occasion to issue orders for the supprbels, and acting under the instructions of General Grant, he took measures for the protection of lo rebels. He was sustained and strengthened by Grant, although the rebels appealed to the Presidentajor-general. These officers were selected by Grant, though appointed to those places by the Presipolicy of obstruction, hoped also to place General Grant in a false position, as the instrument of spending Secretary Stanton, and appointing General Grant Secretary of War ad interim. The general af course, did not fail to color the picture to Grant's disadvantage. This story was published toof the affair, with the further charge against Grant of insubordination; and he undertook to substa[49 more...]
oked upon as little better than a lunatic till Grant gave direction to his abilities, and Sheridan achieved no distinction till Grant, seeing his true capacity, made him his cavalry commander, and so do more than allude to it here. Happily, in Grant persistency is united with patriotism, honestyacter, possessed in a remarkable degree by General Grant, admirably qualify him, not only for the hns less harsh. Much has been said about General Grant's reticence, and it might be supposed fromOf all the distinguished officers in the army, Grant has always been the most unostentatious and unat a gross mistake had been made in appointing Grant lieutenant general, for, in his opinion, therethe higher office which awaits him. But General Grant is human. Though possessing a genius for ouragement in his face or in his words. General Grant has not infrequently been compared with hie-fields of the recent unparalleled rebellion, Grant deserves to have a stronger hold upon his coun[15 more...]