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Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 296 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 153 3 Browse Search
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert 118 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 9: Poetry and Eloquence. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 62 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 46 4 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 6 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 2 0 Browse Search
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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 11: religious life of Lee's Army (search)
sent word down the line to me. As soon as our guns were disengaged I galloped to the hospital to see him; but when I arrived he was under the knife, his elbow being in process of resection, and, of course, was unconscious. My recollection is that I saw him but for a moment only. Much as I would have given for even so little as one word from him, I could not possibly wait, but was obliged to return to my post. I never saw him again. As usual, after one of these death grapples of 1864, Grant slipped off to his left and we to our right, this time too far for me to get back. In a few days we heard that Mr. Owen was in Richmond and then that he had been sent home, and our hopes grew bright that he would ultimately recover. But no; he was never really a strong man; indeed he was one of the few small and slight men I remember in the entire brigade, and, besides, he was worn and wasted with his ceaseless labors. He never really rallied, but in a short time sank and passed away. F
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 14: from the Rappahannock to the Potomac (search)
ensive. He never allowed his adversary quietly to mature and uninterruptedly to adhere to and carry out his own plan of campaign. Although conducting a defensive struggle, he was yet generally the attacking party. It was so in the Seven Days battles with Mc-Clellan, so in the Manassas campaign with Pope and the Maryland campaign that followed. It was so at Chancellorsville. And even in 1864, after the resources and fighting strength of the Confederacy had been so fearfully reduced, when Grant entered the Wilderness, Lee immediately pressed in after him and closed with him in a death grapple in the very heart of the jungle. But perhaps the most perfect instance and illustration of this characteristic feature of Lee's strategy and tactics, and of the real significance of his two invasions of Northern territory, is what occurred after Chancellorsville. When Hooker retired across the Rappahannock and reoccupied his former position it would manifestly have been little short of ma
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 18: Campaign of 1864-the Wilderness (search)
r 18: Campaign of 1864-the Wilderness Grant his rough chivalry his imperturbable grit hsuggested his applying, by field telegraph, to Grant for leave to go to Richmond to ascertain the tgh he made earnest efforts to do so. As to Grant's grit and determination, all his predecessorsons, everyone else seemed to be shattered; but Grant deliberately removed his cigar from his mouth,of this scheme, and these also were settled by Grant, as we understood at the time, before he wouldut upon this basis, such as it is, we all felt Grant's power, and I for one am willing tb admit hisacceptance of the gage of battle flung down by Grant, his daring and unexpected attack upon him in and fall back upon an inner line was just what Grant desired and expected Lee to do, and would have been in exact furtherance of Grant's plans. In this instance, as usual, Lee's audacity meant the lderness, but except perhaps upon the basis of Grant's mathematical theory of attrition, the Confed[3 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 20: from Spottsylvania to Cold Harbor (search)
like two Coursers, side by side, for the next goal Grant waiting for reinforcements Lee seriously Indisposed18th, what might perhaps be termed a genuine attack, Grant, on the evening of the 20th, slid off toward Bowlingh Anna would have had a very different termination. Grant ran great risk in taking his army to the southern bad withdrew, Does he never, never sleep? Again General Grant slid to the east, and we moved off upon a paralls a furlough hollow! We almost began to hope that Grant had gotten enough. Even his apparent, yes, real, suup long ago. Was he about to do so? The fact is, Grant was waiting for reinforcements. He had been heavily hands to each other. When they clasped hands, then Grant would attack once more; would make his great final effort. When and where would it be? When Grant slid away from Lee at Atlee's, we felt satisfied that he wasipated battle on the 3d, as it really occurred. General Grant in his memoirs says in express terms, The 2d of
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 21: Cold Harbor of 1864. (search)
y, in slaughter, and in disproportion of loss Grant assaults in column, or in mass his troops rerally known or appreciated by us, namely, that Grant had attacked in column, in phalanx, or in massain refused to obey, and that at least some of Grant's corps generals approved of this refusal of treparatory? Is it not true that, years later, Grant said-looking back over his long career of blood during the war? Is it not true that, after Grant's telegram, the Federal Cabinet resolved at ler the great repulse it looked for a time as if Grant had some idea of digging up to or mining our pty at the outset, and he put hors de combat of Grant's army an equal number man for man. Mr. Swinton, p. 482 of his Army of the Potomac, puts Grant's loss at above sixty thousand men; so that Grant flank. From what I have read and heard of Grant, and the opinion I have formed of him, it is m his chief, but in it he, in effect, says that Grant did not maneuver against the Army of Northern[9 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 22: from Cold Harbor to evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg (search)
evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg Grant's change of base Petersburg Proves to be his e campaign. If Richmond was to continue to be Grant's immediate objective, there was but one thingunity to strike an offensive blow; and just as Grant was preparing to move across James River, withch prevented the contemplated movement against Grant. It became necessary to detach, first Breckens compelled to abandon his cherished plan, and Grant retired unmolested from Lee's front on the verve little or no recollection of our search for Grant, except that there was nothing about it calcul adequate to resist the countless thousands of Grant's main army, which had now begun to arrive, anhero after passing through a scene like this. Grant's men did not seem to yearn for close contact e, having the inner line, might draw away from Grant, concentrate with Johnston, and crush Sherman, and then, turning, the two might crush Grant. Yet we relied not so much on any special plans or h[2 more...]
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 24: fatal mistake of the Confederate military authorities (search)
of Federal soldiers, sent upon a like errand, to Washington. As I remember, they were received by the full Cabinet, assembled in the War Department. The line officers were made majors and colonels, the non-commissioned officers received commissions, and the privates had the chevrons of sergeants and corporals sewed upon their coatsleeves. Of course they returned to their army, themselves heroes and inspirers of heroic deeds among their comrades. When I was captured and passed through Grant's Army I felt as if I had entered a new world. The non-commissioned officer who was first to reach me, as we were walking to find the Federal officer commanding on that part of the line, rattled off to me his military history, which was at his tongue's end. Major, said he, you've helped me to my shoulder straps. You make the fifth field officer I've been the first man to reach; twice my hand has been first on captured cannon. You see that man yonder? He's a private soldier still, bec
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 25: Potpourri (search)
less that enemy were suspended in the sky or concealed in the tree tops. So greatly did this desire to fight behind protection increase that I have seen men begin digging every time the column halted, until their commanding officers declared that any man caught intrenching himself without orders should be punished severely. It is fair to say that, after a while, the better men of the army, at least, learned to use without abusing the vantage ground of earth-works. In commenting upon Grant's theory and plan of attrition, I should have added that one feature of it was to turn loose upon our armies and our homes the twin giant of starvation. Especially was this the case after Sherman started through Georgia and our communications began to be cut by Federal raiding parties in all directions. Sometime ago, I do not remember just how long, Mr. George Cary Eggleston, in a graphic paper upon the campaign of 1864, wrote in a very feeling and original way of the pains and pangs o
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
295 Gibson, John, 295 Gilmer, Jeremy Francis, 182 Gilmer, Louisa Alexander (Mrs. Jeremy F.), 182 Goggin, James M., 174, 274 Gordon, Charles George, 367 Gordon, John Brown, 188, 210-12, 215-16, 218 Gordonsville, Va., 356 Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 238-40, 244, 248, 266-67, 269-70, 276, 285-88, 297, 303-10, 317, 341, 347 Grapevine army news, 162, 166 Greer, George, 212 Gregg, John, 276, 286 Griffith, Richard, 64, 85-86, 95 Grover, Benjamin, 63, 234 Guns, capture of bympared with divine figures, 20-21; criticized, 22, 228; description of and anecdotes concerning, 99-101, 175-78, 225-28, 232-33, 259-60, 267, 357, 361; early war career of, 17-18; and Gettysburg, 22, 191-92, 197-99, 207-208, 214-15, 222, 267; and Grant, 238- 39; and Jefferson Davis, 17-18; and Joe Johnston, 90-91; mentioned, 26, 41, 76, 187, 235, 264, 277, 341-42, 367; and Petersburg Campaign, 317; and Rappahannock Bridge, 231-32; Richmond home of, 357; and the Seven Days, 89, 91-94, 98-102, 10
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 3 (search)
weeks leave. While he was dining in Washington, at Willard's, General Grant On February 29 Congress revived the grade of Lieutenant-General, and Lincoln had appointed Grant, much in the public eye since his successful campaign in the West, to that rank, and to command the Armiac April 12, 1864 Yesterday we all rode to Culpeper, and saw General Grant, who went last night to Washington, and did go thence to Annapohat the air of a Yankee schoolmaster, buttoned in a military coat. Grant is a man of a good deal of rough dignity; rather taciturn; quick anthe hurricane, which little short of a miracle can avert. There is Grant, with his utterly immovable face, going about from Culpeper to WashAt eleven o'clock we started and rode towards Culpeper, to meet General Grant, who encountered us beyond Brandy Station. He is very fond, yo wide, moving hedge of bright muskets; a very fine sight. . . . General Grant is much pleased and says there is nothing of the sort out West,