Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 5, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.

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red enlistment men. It is because of this that Burnside has gone to Grant, in stead of undertaking his independent expedition up the Peninsulered to Washington. A Characteristic article from the Herald-- Grant's estimate of the Virginia campaign. The New York Herald contaid men, and that they are nearly all veterans.--What the forces of Gen. Grant are in the aggregate we cannot conjecture; but we are assured tha We are gratified to state that nothing appears to be known of Gen. Grant's plans and combinations by any individual except himself. The rr. We are entirely satisfied that this is the estimate which Gen. Grant has made of this Virginia campaign; that he does not underrate thconfidence which is felt by the public at large in the success of Gen. Grant, we await the issue of the grand impending struggle. Dismiss, for cross examining Confederates suspected of having cash: Gen. Grant, it appears, in a short visit to Fortress Monroe, found out the t
From Northern Virginia--the Yankee Army on the note — a Battle Imminent. Orange C. H., May 4. --A body of the enemy's cavalry crossed at Ely's and Germanna fords last night, and were reported this morning moving on Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg. The whole Yankee army is moving from Culpeper C. H. towards Ely's and Germanna fords, over which they have thrown pontoon bridges, and across which their infantry is reported to have been passing all day. Some slight skirmishing to-day with small arms is reported going on at these fords. The enemy withdrew their pickets on our front at the upper fords last night. Ample preparations are going on to meet the enemy, and the weak can hardly close without a desperate general engagement. Our troops are eager and confident. Grant is reported to have a very large force.