Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 26, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.

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mond. The report that the enemy has crossed any considerable force to the north side of James river has died away, and the people are as much puzzled in regard to Grant's future intentions as ever. We have received some further intelligence of recent operations which will doubtless prove interesting to the reader. On Friday nighoise was perfectly terrific. On Sunday the usual picket firing and mortar shelling was renewed, and continued until a late hour of the night. The rumor of Grant's death was revived yesterday in full vigor, and this time said to be upon the authority of a Washington paper, which announced the arrival of his dead body in thamed. As the enemy is near enough to Atlanta to throw shells into the city, it is to be presumed that he will indulge in that practice to a considerable extent, as Grant has done at Petersburg: "Atlanta, July 24, 1864. "Hon J' A. Seddon, Sec'y of War: "All has been quiet to-day, except a little picket firing and occa
as the precise object of their mission, still it is understood that it looked to a restoration of peace, They reached Richmond by passing, with permission, through Grant's lines. They found no difficulty in entering the Confederate lines, and, in fact, every courtesy was kindly extended to them as they journeyed towards the capitad, he requested that he might be placed under guard, which was immediately done, although the entire freedom of the city was immediately extended to him. From Grant's army. The Washington correspondent of the New York Daily News, under date of the 20th, states that he has recent intelligence from Grant's army, some of whicGrant's army, some of which it is, perhaps, he adds, improper to publish at present. He discredits the stories of the recapture of wagons and horses from our forces in their retreat from Maryland--The plunder, he states, was out of reach of pursuit long ago. The negro must do the fighting. [From the Baltimore American] It has been suggested — very