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also said that picket firing has been actively resumed on this part of the lines. It was reported on yesterday that Grant had sent off a considerable body of troops to co- operate with Sherman in Georgia, and to aid that General in reaching anast. We do not vouch for this rumor, but must say there is nothing improbable in it. Still, we think it more likely that Grant is mustering his forces for an early demonstration on General Lee than scattering them to aid Sherman. It is just possibd so much of glory as to become a dangerous rival as a candidate for the next Presidency — a reason sufficient to prevent Grant's regretting any ill luck that may now befall him. But, as Sherman has gained much reputation and glory by his campaign, so has General Grant gained little of either; and it is highly important to him to do something before the close of the year. He has now laid idle before Petersburg a month and two days; and but one month more of the year is left him. He must do so
ted consequence.--We express this belief without knowing what, or whether any, provision has been made for resisting the advance of the latter, but from the consideration that, if Sherman reach the ocean, he will leave the whole country behind him, from the ocean to the western boundary of Alabama, clear of an enemy. The entire State of Georgia, and the lower part of the State of Alabama, will, in that event, be without the presence of an enemy. He cannot hold the State of Georgia by means of posts, for he has but fifty-five thousand men; and should he destroy all the railroads, they will soon be restored. Should he reach the Atlantic, and, as we suggested several days ago, sail thence to join Grant or Sheridan, still he will leave the whole country free behind him. His expedition, let it terminate as it may, will but have added another to the already existing proofs that it is impossible for an army to keep down a people scattered over such an immense surface of country as ours.