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uable capture at Ripley raiding a Cornfield repulsing an attack presented with the Black horse Rienzi meeting General Grant appointed a Brigadier General. After the battle of Booneville, it was decided by General Rosecrans, on the advith of September, 1862, for the purpose of getting railroad transportation to Columbus, Kentucky. At Corinth I met General Grant, who by this time had been reestablished in favor and command somewhat, General Halleck having departed for Washington to assume command of the army as Generalin-Chief. Before and during the activity which followed his reinstatement, General Grant had become familiar with my services through the transmission to Washington of information I had furnished concerningemphatically, I fear. Our conversation ended with my wish gratified. I afterward learned that General Granger, whom General Grant did not fancy, had suggested that I should take to Cincinnati the main portion of Granger's commandthe Pea Ridge Brig
d feeling between him and General Halleck. Early in June, however, stores had been accumulated and other preparations made for a move forward, Rosecrans seeming to have decided that he could safely risk an advance, with the prospect of good results. Before finally deciding, he called upon most of his corps and division commanders for their opinions on certain propositions which he presented, and most of them still opposed the projected movement, I among the number, reasoning that while General Grant was operating against Vicksburg, it was better to hold Bragg in Middle Tennessee than to push him so far back into Georgia that interior means of communication would give the Confederate Government the opportunity of quickly joining a part of his force to that of General Johnson in Mississippi. At this stage, and in fact prior to it, Rosecrans seemed to manifest special, confidence in me, often discussing his plans with me independent of the occasions on which he formally referred th
weight and force. On October 16, 1863, General Grant had been assigned to the command of the Mirlier date. The same order that assigned General Grant relieved General Rosecrans, and placed Genyet to fight the rebellion to the end. General Grant arrived at Chattanooga on October 23, and ch attenuated. By the 18th of November General Grant had issued instructions covering his intenete the destruction of Bragg's army. When General Grant came by my bivouac at the crossing of Chicperations was reached by the methods which General Grant had indicated in his instructions precedin Sherman to attack the north end of the ridge, Grant disconcerted Bragg — who was thus made to fearrmy commanders, from General Granger up to General Grant. General Hazen took no notice of this repost of history, based on the conclusions of General Grant, as he drew them from official reports madances were fresh in the minds of all. General Grant says: To Sheridan's prompt movement, the A[1 more...]
ght Granger to the front at Dandridge. While the events just narrated were taking place, General Grant had made a visit to Knoxville — about the last of December-and arranged to open the railroad the campaign in that section would begin as early as April. On the 12th of March, 1864, General Grant was assigned to the command of the armies of the United States, as general-in-chief. He was Among these, General Alfred Pleasonton was to be relieved from the command of the cavalry, General Grant having expressed to the President dissatisfaction that so little had hitherto been accomplisttanooga the following telegram: March 23, 1864. Major-General Thomas, Chattanooga: Lieutenant-General Grant directs that Major-General Sheridan immediately repair to Washington and report to the h to undergo the trials of the new position. Indeed, I knew not a soul in Washington except General Grant and General Halleck, and them but slightly, and no one in General Meade's army, from the com
ficer, having learned in the meantime that General Grant was absent from the city. General Halleckd never been called to his attention until General Grant decided to order me East, after my name ha hoped I would fulfill the expectations of General Grant in the new command I was about to undertakther, in the East and West, till, while on General Grant's staff, he was made a brigadier-general ias selected to command the Third Division. General Grant thought highly of him, and, expecting muchard which the Union troops approached. General Grant adopted the plan of moving by his left flaents along Mine Run and fight on equal terms. Grant knew well the character of country through whiles had not been all that was desired, and General Grant now felt that it was necessary to throw hiis remark, and after I left him he went to General Grant's headquarters and repeated the conversatiad said that I could whip Stuart. At this General Grant remarked: Did he say so? Then let him go [2 more...]
urt House, that Lee had been forced from his position near Spottsylvania Court House and compelled to retire to the line of the North Anna. I then determined to rejoin the Army of the Potomac at the earliest moment, which I did by making for Chesterfield Station, where I reported to General Meade on the 24th of May. Our return to Chesterfield ended the first independent expedition the Cavalry Corps had undertaken since coming under my command, and our success was commended highly by Generals Grant and Meade, both realizing that our operations in the rear of Lee had disconcerted and alarmed that general so much as to aid materially in forcing his retrograde march, and both acknowledged that, by drawing off the en- Map: first expedition: the Richmond raid. emy's cavalry during the past fortnight, we had enabled them to move the Army of the Potomac and its enormous trains without molestation in the manoeuvres that had carried it to the North Anna. Then, too, great quantities of p
its left extending to the Tolopotomy. There was now much uncertainty in General Grant's mind as to the enemy's whereabouts, and there were received daily the mosp had become of very great importance on account of the designs of both Lee and Grant. Lee wished to hold this ground while he manoeuvred his army to the line of the Tolopotomy, where he could cover the roads to Richmond, while Grant, though first sending me out merely to discover by a strong reconnoissance the movements of thewas retiring by its right flank, so that it might continue to interpose between Grant and the James River, as well as cover the direct route to Richmond. Generaled a despatch from Meade directing me to hold Cold Harbor at every hazard. General Grant had expected that a severe battle would have to be fought before we could ohold the place at all hazards the Sixth Corps was started on a forced march, by Grant's directions, to aid in that object, and on arrival to relieve my cavalry.
e trains General Gregg's stubborn fight. By the 6th of June General Grant again determined to continue the movement of the army by its le Meade's instructions reached me they were somewhat modified by General Grant, who on the same evening had received information that General age the Confederate commander, General Jones, near that place. General Grant informed me orally that he had directed Hunter to advance as faestroy the canal. Lose no opportunity to destroy the canal. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. A junction with this general was not contegh it started from Lee's army nearly two days later than I did from Grant's. The arrival of this body also permitted Breckenridge to pass on h from the instructions given me and the directions sent him be General Grant, was in the neighborhood of Lexington-apparently moving on Lyncely marches, which would keep Hampton's cavalry away from Lee while Grant was crossing the James River. I was still further influenced to th
ollowing copy of a communication from Lieutenant-General Grant to the major-general commanding this it seems, from some correspondence between Generals Grant and Meade, which I never saw till after the war, that Grant thought Wilson could rely on Hampton's absence from his field of operations throuand Danville railroads, were considered by General Grant as equivalent for the losses sustained in strength was pretty well restored, and as General Grant was now contemplating offensive operations carry out the plan of the expedition, for General Grant did not intend Hancock to assault the enemhe Central and New Market roads. This was what Grant hoped Lee would do in case the operations of Hancock and myself became impracticable, for Grant had an alternative plan for carrying Petersburg b of the Chickahominy, and thereby assisted General Grant materially in successfully marching to the combats attest the part the cavalry played in Grant's march from the Rapidan to Petersburg. In ne[1 more...]
Potomac demanded the special attention of General Grant, for, notwithstanding the successful marchty, but as the movement was looked upon by General Grant as a mere foray which could have no decisie vicinity of Washington toward Strasburg, General Grant believed that he would rejoin Lee, but latpeared at Martinsburg it was necessary for General Grant to confront them with a force strong enougled to many recommendations on the part of General Grant looking to a speedy elimination of the con divided-met with serious opposition. Despite Grant's representations, he could not prevail on theructions from General Halleck to report to General Grant at Monocacy Junction, whither he had gone ugh which you march. Very respectfully, U. S. Grant, Lieut.-General. Major-General D. Hunter, CI had read the letter addressed to Hunter, General Grant said I would be expected to report directlMonocacyJunction and Frederick, but before General Grant's instructions were written out, Hunter ha[6 more...]
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