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Stuart, Buford, Pleasonton, Fitzhugh Lee, Stanley, Wilson, Merritt, Gregg, and others — all graduates of the service school of the Plains. e field. My uneasiness A cavalry leader at Gettysburg--General David McM. Gregg and staff The Federal army at Gettysburg owed much to t on the battlefields of America. The Second Cavalry Division under Gregg patrolled the right flank of the Federal army, with occasional skirishing, until Stuart's arrival July 3d with the Confederate horse. Gregg's division and Custer's brigade were then on the right of the line. the first charge for Stuart, as did the First Michigan Cavalry for Gregg. Countercharge followed upon charge. In a dash for a Confederate ltaneously with Pickett's charge was passed. This photograph shows Gregg with the officers of his staff. may be imagined. I was wonderingth. The important actions on the third day comprised that in which Gregg prevented Stuart from penetrating the right rear of the Union line
dd's Tavern, and in part at least Sheridan's earnest desire became fulfilled. The battle was between Hampton's and Fitzhugh Lee's commands of Stuart's cavalry and Gregg's division, assisted by two brigades of Torbert's division under the command of General Merritt. After a severe engagement the Confederate cavalry broke and were and men that charged Stuart's cavalry so fiercely on the night of the third day at Gettysburg. The First Massachusetts was in the second division, under General David McM. Gregg. The photograph was taken in November, 1864, at the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, then thoroughly in touch with its ample supply trains. g the operations about Petersburg, in 1864. Sheridan at last was handling his cavalry as a separate command, and was soon to go to the Shenandoah. Brigadier-General David McM. Gregg was in command of the cavalry which remained with Grant. The First Massachusetts, First New Jersey, Tenth New York, Sixth Ohio, and Twenty-first Pe
te enough to satisfy the wishes of reasonable men, and Stuart had not reckoned on a further assault on his rear. But General Gregg, with another division of Federal cavalry, crossed at Kelly's Ford, and thus had Fleetwood Hill, which was the key toleetwood Hill, under charge of Lieutenant Carter, and with this disabled gun and a very limited amount of ammunition, General Gregg was held in check until aid from General W. E. Jones' brigade could be sent. Gregg very naturally supposed that so iGregg very naturally supposed that so important a position would not have been left unprotected, and that a stronger protection than one howitzer would have been afforded it. One dash by him with but a single regiment would have taken the position, and placed Stuart in a very uncomfortabevere fighting in which the cavalry alone participated. A Federal force, formed of the second cavalry division under General Gregg, with Kilpatrick's brigade and a battery of artillery, moved swiftly and with determination. Captain Reuben Boston h
and bivouacked that night at Morton's Ford, where he recrossed the Rapidan and engaged a body of the enemy. At daylight on October 14th, the Confederates attacked Gregg's Second Cavalry Division, but he held his position tenaciously while General Warren got the Second Corps across Cedar Run. It seldom took over a few hours to rebptured the Confederate wagons, caissons, and led horses. Assured of Custer's position, Sheridan dismounted Torbert's two remaining brigades, and aided by one of Gregg's, carried the Confederate works, driving Hampton's division back on Custer, and even through his lines. Gregg's other brigade had meanwhile attacked Fitzhugh LeeGregg's other brigade had meanwhile attacked Fitzhugh Lee, causing the entire opposing cavalry to retire on Gordonsville. Following this victory, Sheridan continued his raid and finally reached White House on the Pamunkey, on June 20th, where he found orders directing him to break up the supply depot there and conduct the nine hundred wagons to Petersburg. This was successfully accom
ntrol of the waterways, combined with Sheridan's efficient use of the cavalry, made this an easy matter. Torbert's division encountered Gordon's brigade of Confederate cavalry at Hanovertown and drove it in the direction of Hanover Court House. Gregg's division moved up to this line; Russell's division of infantry encamped near the river-crossing in support, and behind the mask thus formed the Army of the Potomac crossed the Pamunkey on May 28th unimpeded. Gregg was then ordered to reconnoitthe Pamunkey on May 28th unimpeded. Gregg was then ordered to reconnoiter towards Mechanicsville, and after a severe fight at Hawes' shop he succeeded (with the assistance of Custer's brigade) in driving Hampton's and Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry divisions and Butler's brigade from the field. Although the battle took place immediately in front of the Federal infantry, General Meade declined to put the latter into action, and the battle was won by the cavalry alone. It was not to be the last time.
o Brandy Station. A second column composed of Gregg's and Duffie's divisions, with Russell's infanrigade, was to cross the river at Kelly's Ford-Gregg to push on by way of Mount Dumpling to Brandy ere captured. A junction was soon formed with Gregg, and with heavy losses on both sides, the foe uster's brigade had been detached to report to Gregg on the Union right. The fight which ensued on Confederates. About noon, a despatch reached Gregg that a large body of the Southern cavalry was ered back to Kilpatrick's command, was held by Gregg. This Confederate column moving to the attaConfederate cause. About noon on July 3d, General Gregg was informed that a large body of Confedernd confidence in themselves. On the first day Gregg's Second Cavalry Division, of which they formeDevin forced the Confederate right and center, Gregg charged in the rear and the battle was won. corps served as an advance guard. Torbert and Gregg with the First and Second Divisions formed the[5 more...]
eyes and bowed his head above the map. General Devin is leaning slightly forward in an attentive position. Custer alertly surveys his chief. But Sheridan, his hand clenched beside him, still gazes resolutely at the camera. These were the leaders who stood between the Confederate army and Washington, the capture of which might have meant foreign intervention. No war of modern times has produced so many able cavalry leaders as the so-called War of Secession. Sheridan, Stuart, Buford, Gregg, Wilson, Merritt, Fitz Lee, Pleasonton, Hampton, Lomax, Butler, Wheeler, Custer, Forrest, Grierson, Morgan, Kilpatrick, and others, have written their names on the roll of fame in letters of fire alongside those of Seydlitz and Ziethen of the Old World. Of the group mentioned who have crossed the river a few pen portraits by friendly hands, and true to the life, are here presented. More or less personal sketches of famous Cavalry leaders will be found in other chapters of this volume and