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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 202 2 Browse Search
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee 34 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 21 1 Browse Search
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 19 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 17 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 14 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 13 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 13 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 8 2 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 8 4 Browse Search
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s appearance of things by night operations of our army opposed to Patterson around Harper's Ferry forward movements of the enemy Jackson opens the Ball Colonel Maxey Gregg attacks the Northern troops on the railway at Vienna earthworks at Manassas strength of our troops scouting parties letter from a friend, giving detailsmbarking two or three Ohio regiments on a long train; with two field-pieces, he proceeded down the Orange and Alexandria road, with the engine in the rear. Colonel Maxey Gregg, with the First South-Carolina Volunteers, was guarding the road; and his scouts reporting the approach of the train, he prepared to give it a warm receptioed. The engine was instantly reversed, and disappeared in a few moments, leaving hundreds of killed and wounded behind. Unaware of their force or intentions, Colonel Gregg changed his position and retired towards General Bonham at Fairfax Court-House. This incident was the origin of those wonderful stories manufactured at the
hot and shell, and smoke and dust, holding on like grim death to his position on our left, and punishing the enemy frightfully with his well-disposed artillery. Thus, in truth, all our generals were hotly engaged at different points of the line. The impetuous Ambrose Hill was with Ewell and others under Jackson, and had enough to do to keep time with the rapid movements of their chief. The satirical; stoical D. H. Hill was there, cold as ice, and firm as a rock. Evans, Stuart, McLaws, Maxey Gregg, Jenkins, Barksdale, Whiting, Archer, Pickett, Field, Walton, Pendleton, and a host of other historical heroes, were in command to-day, and each seemed to rival the other in prudence and valor; while Hood and his Texans far outshone all their previous deeds by their present acts of daring. Over all the field the battle was going favorably for us, and no complaint was uttered on any hand-all seemed to desire to get as close to Pope as possible, and to show their powder-blackened faces
hin a few feet of these officers, who took the hint and moved away. I learned that the infantry attack on Hill's and Cobb's positions had been very severe, and was desperately maintained by both sides for some time, but except the fall of General Maxey Gregg, This officer, when wounded, said: Tell the Governor (of his native State) if I am to die this time, I cheerfully yield my life for the independence of South-Carolina! who was shot in the side and spine while leading on his brave Sout to Fredericksburgh. The Confederate force at Fredericksburgh has been estimated at eighty thousand, with three hundred guns, of all calibres. Our total casualties amounted to two thousand or twenty-five hundred. Among the killed were General Maxey Gregg, of South-Carolina; and among the wounded, Generals Hood, Cobb, and Jenkins. Burnside's forces, according to Washington reports, amounted to one hundred and forty thousand or one hundred and fifty thousand men, with three hundred guns.
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 16: (search)
nt, and, tying the ribbon around his cap, galloped off with us to the front, where we hastened to take our position on the extreme right. On our way we met General Maxey Gregg, a gallant officer from South Carolina, with whom I exchanged a few words of friendly greeting for the last time, as a few hours afterwards he was a corpse.h their pursuers, with whom they became indiscriminately mingled, whereby was caused inevitable confusion and great loss of life on our side. Here the gallant General Gregg fell mortally wounded while attempting to rally his men. Our reserves speedily coming up, however, with the right wing of Early's division, the Yankees were resion, and had fallen during the first attack in the morning on the spot where our lines had for some time been broken. We had to mourn the loss of two general officers, Maxey Gregg of South Carolina, and Thomas R. R. Cobb of Georgia, who fell on Marye's Heights. At his side General Cooke, a brother of Mrs Stuart, was dangerously
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 16: second Manassa's. (search)
of the first. Six times the Federalists rushed forward in separate and obstinate assaults, and as many times were repulsed. At an interval between the brigade of Gregg, on the extreme left, and that of Thomas, the enemy broke across in great numbers, and threatened to separate the former from his friends, and surround him. But twmurderous fire, and the lines re-established. The brigade of Hays from the division of Ewell, now commanded by General Lawton, was first brought to the support of Gregg. The struggle raged until the cartridges of the infantry were in many places exhausted. When Hill sent to the gallant Gregg to ask if he could hold his own, he exhausted by seven hours of strife; nature could do no more; and General Jackson ordered Early, with his brigade and the 8th Louisiana and 13th Georgia, to relieve Gregg and Hays. The enemy had by this time occupied a considerable tract of the railroad, and the woods in front of it. Early advanced upon them, drove them out of the
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 17: the campaign in Maryland. (search)
n-Chief, timely succor was at hand. The remaining division of General Jackson's corps, under General A. P. Hill, having been ordered up from Harper's Ferry, had just reached the field, and was now sent to the support of the right wing. This General, advancing four of his brigades, with his batteries, attacked the Federalists, flushed with confidence, but disordered by the rapidity of their advance, and immediately arrested their career. Assailed in flank by Toombs, and in front by Branch, Gregg and Archer, they wavered, broke, and fled in confusion to the banks of the Antietam, where they sought protection under the fire of the numerous artillery upon the opposite hills. In this splendid combat, two thousand men of Hill's division, assisted by the brigade of Toombs, routed the fourteen thousand of Burnside, and drove them under the shelter of McClellan's reserves, The General was now compelled to pass from the aggressive to the defensive, and was happy to be able to prevent the Co
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 18: Fredericksburg. (search)
interval thus left between the brigades of Archer and Lane, was placed that of Gregg; and behind the space which separated the brigades of Lane and Pender, was thataliaferro and Early, the former behind Pender and Thomas, and the latter behind Gregg and Archer. The division of D. H. Hill was held as a reserve in the third linent irruption of the Federalists was first checked by the brigades of Thomas and Gregg, which covered the intervals of the front line. As the throng of enemies spread the Confederate right found itself suddenly confronted, at close quarters, by Gregg. His foremost regiment, mistaking them for friends, received a sudden volley, and was thrown into confusion. As their lion-hearted General, Gregg, rushed forward to reinstate his battle, he was shot down with a mortal wound. But Colonel Hamideem an hour before the day dawned, to pay a visit to the dying soldier, General Maxey Gregg. This heroic man had fallen the day before, shot through the body in th
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 10: Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. (search)
batteries and those of D. R. Jones and D. H. Hill opened an enfilade fire north of the Boonsboroa road, and the Federal progress was arrested, seeing which, General Jones ordered Toombs to charge the flank, while Archer, supported by Branch and Gregg, moved upon the front of the Federal line. The enemy made a brave resistance, and then broke and retired in confusion toward the Antietam, pursued by the troops of Hill and Jones until he reached the protection of the batteries on the opposite sserved for him who makes the fewest mistakes himself and most promptly profits by the mistakes of others. Lee greatly regretted the loss of his brave men, the wounding of the gallant Cook and the death of such splendid soldiers as Cobb, and Maxey Gregg. Cobb fell mortally wounded at the foot of the stone wall he had so bravely defended, at the door of the house of Mrs. Martha Stevens, who must have been a sort of Molly Pitcher, for it is related that she was very active all day in the Confe
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
wn; Second, at Uniontown; Fifth, at Union Mill; Sixth, at Winchester, Md., with Gregg's cavalry, that being his extreme right. Kilpatrick's cavalry division was at drove in the enemy's skirmishers General Early had been compelled to withdraw. Gregg, with a division of Federal cavalry and horse artillery, was in position east all before him, and on his right and left flank was a division of cavalry under Gregg and Kilpatrick respectively. The Union flanks, five miles apart on Culp's Hillnion cavalry, some five or six thousand troops, with horse batteries, under General Gregg, both commands being between the York and Hanover roads. Stuart had haruart to watch his opportunity if Pickett was successful, as first contemplated; Gregg to watch Stuart. One of Stuart's brigades, under Jenkins, had only ten rounds no effort to follow the Army of Northern Virginia across the river, except with Gregg's cavalry, which was attacked by two of Stuart's brigades and driven back with
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
around the circle, and forced a passage over the Rappahannock at the White Sulphur Springs on the 12th, roughly handling Gregg's cavalry division, which guarded Meade's right, marching eighteen miles that day; but while Lee was moving north, Meade, not hearing from him, recrossed the river and moved south to Culpeper again, leaving one corps on the river. As soon as Gregg reported Lee's position, the Union troops were countermarched in haste, and on the morning of the 13th, after a night mary, or have attacked with more promptness. Hancock was now in turn assailed. Holding his front with three brigades under Gregg, Benning, and Law, Longstreet threw four-viz., Mahone's, G. T. Anderson's, Wofford's, and Davis'saround Hancock's left fl expected from the Valley, and conduct him to the Army of the Potomac. Sheridan started on the 7th with the divisions of Gregg and Torbert, ten thousand strong, in light marching order; two days short forage, three days rations, and one hundred rou