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ns by the 1st and 2d Louisiana Regulars. But after the necessary garrison had been left in the most exposed points, every available man was ordered to Virginia. Here the work of organization went on with a smoothness and regularity scarcely to have been looked for. Occasionally a hitch occurred that threatened to get the threads of preparation into an ugly knot; but it was ever unraveled without the Gordian treatment. Fresh troops from every quarter were collecting rapidly. First came Gregg's regiment of South Carolinians; and they were met with open arms by the Virginians, soldiery and citizens. They received the first gush of the new brotherhood of defiance and of danger; and their camp-constantly visited by the ladies and even children of Richmond-had more the air of a picnic than of a bivouac. Many of the men and most of the officers in the First Carolina bore Names, Familiar in their mouths as household words. They were descendants from that other revolution, the pol
ad, swept by the accurate fire of the Louisianians and McLaws' veterans — the head of the column went down, only to be filled by the gallant fellows behind. Into the jaws of death they came, up to the very works-then, with half their number dead and dying about their feet, they broke, the left gave way-and the bloody field was won at all points. The victory was terrible and complete. But it had cost dear, and the rejoicing in Richmond was tempered with sorrow for the loss of such as Maxcy Gregg, Cobb, and many others, lying cold upon the field of victory. And with the first feeling of triumph the news brought, came the thought that this time surely the enemy would be pushed-this time he was indeed a prey! Broken and demoralized, with a deep river in his rear that he must cross in pontoons, the people felt that he could surely be destroyed before reaching his Stafford stronghold. But once again, as ever, the shattered and broken legions of Burnside were allowed two days to