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Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), I. First months (search)
e is a most kind man, and always taking care of hysterical old Secesh ladies and giving them coffee and sugar. As to Secesh males, in the army, he is a standing terror to them. This valiant warrior, who don't care a button for missiles, was extremely nervous at the idea of the sword presentation, and went trotting about the house consulting with Dr. Young. There soon arrived sundry other generals, each with a longer or shorter tail. General French, the pattern of the Gallic colonel; General Griffin, whose face is after the manner of his name; and quite a bushel-basketfull of brigadiers. Then the band arrived; and, by that time, there was a house filled with shoulder-straps of all sorts (I certainly knocked the crowd by having a pair of cotton gloves). Thereupon we formed a semi-circle round the porch, where was deposited, on an old pine table, the elegant rosewood case. General Warren stood up, looking much as if about to be married, and Dr. Young, standing opposite with a paper
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 4 (search)
nd now there was green grass all about, and wild flowers. Griffin's division was already over, and the others were followingt us, as. we stood waiting news from the front. Presently Griffin (5th Corps), who was two miles out on the pike (going wests-road you see on the map, leading to the pike; and he and Griffin were directed to press the enemy and try to make a junctiordered into position on the left of, or in support of, General Griffin, about parallel to the most westerly dotted line, cros there when B-r-r-r-r wrang went the musketry, in front of Griffin and of Wright, which for the next hour and a half was conthe musketry died away; and, at a quarter before three, General Griffin rode up — his face was stern and flushed, as it well mon Of this incident Lyman writes in his journal: 2.45. Griffin comes in, followed by his mustering officer, Geo. Barnard.at the whole 5th Corps had been moved to the left and that Griffin's division could go to Wright's support. I found that Wri
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), IV. Cold Harbor (search)
skirmish line and they resisting obstinately. Presently we rode down to where Griffin was, near the spot where the common road crosses the Gordonsville rail. GriffGriffin always goes sitting in unpleasant places. There was a sharpshooter or two who, though we were hid by the small trees, would occasionally send a bullet through, a, very pleasant this hot weather. After which, once more for a few minutes to Griffin, passing on the road one of his aides, on a stretcher, exceeding pale, for he his Staff): He is irascible; but he is a magnanimous man. Presently up comes Griffin, in one of his peculiar blusters! and all about a commissary who, he maintains, didn't follow orders. Griffin stormed and swore. Now! now! said Warren (who can be very judicious when he chooses), let us all try to keep our tempers more, anips (Appleton's commander). I want you to go in there with your guns, said General Griffin, but you will be under fire there. Well, said Phillips, I have been in th
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 7 (search)
e leg of General Meade's boot, passed between General Ricketts and Griffin who were standing within a foot of each other, and buried itself ite Warren. Everything was set, as he would say, for an advance by Griffin's and Ayres's divisions, while Willcox's and Potter's divisions ofme time after, an aide came in from General Warren, with news that Griffin had captured a strong line and a redoubt, in handsome style. Not ordered to form on the left of Warren (Ayres being on the right of Griffin), and it was understood that the whole line would then advance frotand it, General Meade's orders were not properly carried out; for Griffin did not form, so as to make an extension of Parke's line. At 5.30nk by the Rebels charging, and had been driven back in confusion. Griffin had advanced and restored the retired line. And who rides hither mmands the Corps, to the indignation, I presume, of old cocks like Griffin and Ayres; for C. was doctor in Fort Sumter, and thus got a star,
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 9 (search)
e a considerable vacuum in the barrel of ale, Griffin's division was ready for review, and thither an and Quaker roads. As soon as we got there, Griffin's division was sent up the Quaker road, to jo0 P. M. we went up the Quaker road to see General Griffin, being somewhat delayed by Gravelly Run, med covered with pink clouds. After starting Griffin's line forward, we rode along the line of batto another was ordered to go forward at once, Griffin being, from the nature of the ground, somewhattered skirmishing till near five P. M., when Griffin was struck by a part, or the whole, of two Re Crawford's divisions were pushed forward and Griffin held in reserve. We rode out, towards the leere rallied behind a branch of Gravelly Run. Griffin took up a rear line, to ensure the position. to go in, to the right of the 5th Corps, and Griffin to advance likewise. The General rode out inwing. To the left and rear were Sheridan and Griffin, making a detached left wing. Humphreys' lef[3 more...]
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), Index (search)
, 210; on fighting in the east, 126; headaches, 130, 354; at Petersburg, 164, 166, 179, 248; French language, 178; Meade and, 224, 272, 359; balance, 243; humor, 269; visits Butler, 279; in Mexican war, 313; presentation of medal, 318; demands Lee's surrender, 354, 355. Grant, Mrs., 316. Gravelly Run, 329. Graves, soldiers', 180. Greek fire, 280, 283, 284. Gregg, David McMurtrie, 15, 20, 103, 216, 224, 234, 252, 278, 285, 287, 294; resigns, 310. Greyhound, steamer, 204. Griffin, Charles, 26, 87, 88, 114, 127, 232, 233, 235, 242, 316, 329; anger of, 90, 168n. Guerillas, repressing, 5; operations, 39. Guinea Bridge, 119. Gurley house, 234. Guzman, captain, 178, 179, 183, 190, 214. Hagood, Johnson, 222. Hail Columbia and North Carolina regiment, 182. Halleck, Henry Wager, 37, 68; difference with Meade, 35; Butler on, 193. Halsted, George Blight, 317. Hamlin, Hannibal, 76. Hampton, Wade, 252. Hamyl, —, 151. Hancock, Winfield Scott, 88, 90, 93, 96n, 10
nt a part in this contest, was, together with Griffin's battery, on the side of the hill, and becamhe fences screened somewhat his left wing. Griffin advanced to within 1,000 yards, and opened a gh it had broken, was soon rallied in rear of Griffin's battery, which soon took up a position furtregular formations, but to serve as marks for Griffin's guns. The prestige of success had thus farvery respectfully, your obedient servant, Charles Griffin, Captain Fifth Artillery, commanding Batt Names of killed, wounded, and missing of Capt. Griffin's report. Killed--Wm. Campbell, Joseph about half a mile distant, to the support of Griffin's battery, which was then preparing to take utection from the enemy's fire. At this time, Griffin's battery was moving to a position on our rigment was halted within supporting distance of Griffin's battery, which had now opened upon the eneming deemed requisite because of the fact that Griffin's battery had been compelled to leave the fie[5 more...]
ee men slightly wounded. General McDowell went forward at the head of the centre of the column, the Second division, under Col. Hunter, which was composed as follows:-- First Brigade, commanded by Col. Andrew Porter, United States Army; Capt. Griffin's battery United States artillery; three companies United States cavalry, under Major Palmer; a battalion of several companies of the First, Third, and Eighth United States infantry, under Major Sykes; a battalion of United States marines, undivision. After it came the Second Rhode Island battery and a section of Barry's battery. This was followed by the Second New Hampshire and the Seventy-first New York Regiments. The First brigade brought up the rear in the following order:--Griffin's battery, Major Sykes' United States infantry, Major Reynolds' United States Marines, and the Fourteenth, Twenty-seventh, and Eighth New York Volunteers. In this order the centre of the column left its bivouac, about six miles from Fairfax C
ntre column, under Col. Hunter--Gen. McDowell commanding in person. I drove over last night to the General's Headquarters at Arlington House, and although he was absent, the whole appearance of things was exceedingly symptomatic of a forward move. The servants were mysterious. The General's horses, with those of his aids, stood saddled in the yard, with baskets of provisions slung across the saddles. Regiments were blockading the roads — moving outwards without knapsacks or baggage. Capt. Griffin's West Point battery stopped our carriage for half an hour. All these things, with sundry others which it is not necessary to mention, coupled with hints and wise nods I had received from those whose position forbid them from doing more, satisfied me that the advance of the great army was close at hand. I made up my mind, indeed, that the great body of our troops would encamp for the night at about eight miles from the Potomac — and that in the morning the first thing they would do wou
ng a mile beyond Centreville, made a detour to the right, and proceeded over a wood road, well covered from observation, to the left flank of the enemy, at Manassas, a distance of about eight miles. At six o'clock firing was heard on the heights at Bull Run, from a battery in Tyler's brigade, which was promptly answered by the enemy's batteries. Their position thus revealed, the advance division (Hunter's) ascended a hill at double quick, and almost immediately the Rhode Island battery and Griffin's West Point battery were in brisk action. The former was supported by the First regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, who maintained their ground nobly for a half hour. At this moment Porter's brigade, composed of the Fourteenth, Seventh, and Twenty-seventh New York, with a battalion of U. S. Marines, under Major Reynolds, and a battalion of U. S. Third, Second, and Eighth Infantry, under Major Sykes, took their position in line of battle upon a hill, within range of the enemy's fire. Burns
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