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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 45 13 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 4 0 Browse Search
John G. B. Adams, Reminiscences of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Regiment 1 1 Browse Search
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Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 1: organization of the regiment. (search)
d into the United States Service, five of these Drill Masters were commissioned as Lieutenants, viz: John Hodges, Jr. to Co. B; John P. Reynolds, Jr. to Co. D; Henry A. Hale to Co. H; George W. Batchelder, to Co. C; and Wm. L. Palmer to Co. I. The Staff and Line were commissioned on Aug. 22. The roster follows: Field staff. Lowell; First Lieut., Samuel D. Hovey, of Cambridge; Second Lieut., Dudley C. Mumford, of Medford. Company H. Captain, William H. Wilson, of Boston; First Lieut., Henry A. Hale, of Salem; Second Lieut., William H. LeCain, of Boston. Company I. Captain, Jonathan F. Plympton, of Boston; First Lieut., Christopher C. Sampson, ofJ. Scott Todd. First Lieutenants. 1. Charles M. Merritt. 2. George W. Batchelder. 3. John Hodges, Jr. 4. Moncena Dunn. 5. Christopher C. Sampson. 6. Henry A. Hale. 7. Eugene Kelty. 8. James H. Rice. 9. Levi Shaw, Quartermaster. 10. John C. Chadwick, Adjt. 11. David Lee. Second Lieutenants. 1. John P. Reynol
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 4: the balls Bluff disaster. (search)
ver three times with the boat and he rescued fifteen men. Out of this number not one could be found who would return for his comrades. During the night Lieut. Dodge asked for more men as pickets and a detail from Company H, under command of Lieut. Hale, was sent out, completing the line along the shore. It was a terrible night for those on picket. The wounded on the Virginia side of the river, cut off from all help, could plainly be heard crying for water and begging that a boat be sent ovr teeth chattering from the cold, they marched to the riverbank, where the rope ferry had been repaired and the re-crossing to the Maryland side was begun and, subsequently, successfully accomplished. As the last of the troops left the island, Capt. Hale of Company H suggested to Colonel Hinks that the two guns of Vaughn's battery fire a couple of shells over into the rebel camp. This was done, but no response was made to their Hellish Good-Night, and in a few hours Camp Benton was reached.
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 6: removal to Muddy Branch. (search)
. Charles M. Merritt was promoted to be Captain of Company A, and Second Lieut. Isaac H. Boyd was commissioned First Lieutenant in that Company. In Company D, Sergeant Major Samuel Baxter was made Second Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant John P. Reynolds was made First Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant and transferred from Company D to G. In Co. K. Second Lieut. Edward P. Bishop was promoted to First Lieutenant, and First Sergeant Lysander Hume was advanced to Second Lieutenant. First Lieut. Henry A. Hale of Co. H. was transferred to Co. I, while bandmaster John A. Spofford, with musicians R. W. Stevens, W. C. M. Howe, E. F. Spofford and J. M. Hine resigned and were discharged. Lewis Rimback, of Boston, was appointed as the new bandmaster. Instead of staying all winter in Camp Benton as had been expected, the regiment was ordered, on December 4, 1861, to Seneca, at a place called Muddy Branch, some miles nearer Washington, where it relieved some of the command of Gen. Banks, wh
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 15: the rest at Harrison's Landing. (search)
owing promotions for bravery and gallantry in the various engagements from June 25 to July 1. Capt. Ansel D. Wass, to be major, vice Howe, killed. First Lieut. Henry A. Hale, to be Captain, vice Wass, promoted. Second Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks, to be First Lieutenant, vice Hodges, resigned. Second Lieut. Samuel S. Prime, to be First Lieutenant, vice Hale, promoted. Second Lieut. Oliver F. Briggs, to be First Lieutenant, vice Lee, killed. Sergt. Maj. Edgar M. Newcomb, to be Second Lieutenant, vice Palmer, promoted. First Sergt. Frederick Crofts, Company B, to be Second Lieutenant, vice Briggs, promoted. Sergt. Warner W. Tilton, Companys was soon transferred to Company I, and Second Lieut. Edgar M. Newcomb was transferred from Company B to Company K, being promoted from Sergeant Major. First Lieut. Henry A. Hale was promoted to Captain and assigned to Company B. First Lieut. J. G. C. Dodge was transferred from Co. C, to Company D, and First Lieut. Oliver F. B
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 18: the battle of Antietam. (search)
on Second Lieut. Edgar M. Newcomb, who was soon promoted to be First Lieutenant for his bravery in this action. Capt. Henry A. Hale, Lieut. Albert Thorndike, Lieut. John P. Reynolds, Jr. and Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks were wounded. At an early part that it served him just right for disobeying his commander, but complimented him at the time in his official report. Capt. Hale received a very peculiar wound. A minie ball carried away all his front teeth and a piece of his tongue, making a painful and disabling wound. Sergt. McGinnis, who had received a bullet wound in the breast, saw Capt. Hale as he sat in the temporary hospital his lips swelled so that he could hardly open them and his face puffed out, trying to drink some tea. Think Private Everett Carlton, arm. Private Daniel W. Spofford, leg. Private George W. Palmer, shoulder. Co. B.Captain Henry A. Hale, face, severe. First Lieutenant Elisha A. Hinks, breast contusion. Corporal Adolphus W. Greeley, face. Private
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 19: at Bolivar Heights. (search)
m wounds, was promoted to major; Capt. Ansel D. Wass was discharged to enable him to be commissioned as Lieutenant Colonel of the 41st Massachusetts regiment; First Lieut. William L. Palmer, of Company I, was appointed Adjutant, vice John C. Chadwick, promoted to Captain of Company C in place of Capt. Bachelder killed in action. First Lieut. Oliver F. Briggs, of Company K, was made Regimental Quartermaster, vice Shaw discharged. First Lieut. Isaac H. Boyd was in command of Company A; Capt. Hale and First Lieut. Reynolds, of Company G were absent on account of wounds, and Second Lieut. Thomas Claffey was in command. Company C had John C. Chadwick, formerly Adjutant of the regiment as Captain, and Edgar M. Newcomb as First Lieutenant. In Company E First Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks who had been transferred from Company B, was absent from wounds. Capt. James H. Rice, of Company F, who had been promoted from First Lieutenant, vice Edmund Rice, promoted to Major, was absent from wo
nt and absent35 Aggregate,492 Recruits required,527 The regimental return, dated Dec. 31st, 1862, shows the following: Col. E. W. Hinks, absent with leave, wounded Sept. 17. Lieut. Col. Arthur F. Devereux, in command of 3d Brig. 2nd Div. 2nd Corps. Maj. Edmund Rice, absent with leave, severely wounded Sept.17. Adjt. William L. Palmer, absent, severely wounded Dec. 13. Co. A.Capt. Isaac H. Boyd, promoted to captain to date Nov. 21, vice Russell, discharged. Co. B.Capt. Henry A. Hale, absent, severely wounded Sept. 17. First Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks, in command of company—transferred from Co. E. Second Lieut. Moses Shackley, promoted from Sergt. Co. B to be 2nd Lieut. to date Nov. 13, vice Newcomb, promoted. Co. C.Second Lieut. Chas. P. Abbott, on detached service 3d Brig. staff. Promoted from Sergt. Co. B to date Sept. 18, vice Mumford, promoted. Co. D.Capt. Moncena Dunn, absent, wounded Dec. 13. First Lieut. J. G. C. Dodge, absent, wounded Dec. 13. 2nd
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 24: the winter camp at Falmouth. (search)
ns and the coming of the paymaster soon put them in a good frame of mind. Lieut. Col. Devereux returned to the command of the regiment during January and Capt. Henry A. Hale, having recovered from his wounds, reported for duty in command of Company B, on Jan. 1. Second Lieut. Moses Shackley, of Co. B, returned from recruiting duut. Col. Devereux, Maj. Rice, Adjt. Palmer and Quartermaster Briggs all absent under surgeon's certificates, the regiment for some time was under the command of Capt. Hale. Capt. Boyd was acting Major, and First Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks was Acting Quartermaster. There was always a great deal of fun going on in camp, and the fact thtone, of Co. G, had returned from leave on account of wounds and the roster showed the following changes when the regiment was ready to move again. Co. B.Capt. Henry A. Hale, on detached service, A. A. Insp. Gen. 1st. Brig. 2nd Corps. Second Lieut. Moses Shackley, in command of Company F. Co. C.First Lieut. J. G. C. Dodge, tra
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 32: in pursuit of Lee. In camp at Morrisville. (search)
chusetts on surgeon's certificate, until Aug. 5. Wounded July 3. Adjt. William A. Hill, on detached service after conscripts in Massachusetts. Co. A.Capt. Isaac H. Boyd, on detached service, after conscripts in Massachusetts. Co. B.Capt. Henry A. Hale, on detached service, Acting Asst. Inspector General 2nd Brigade, 2nd Corps, 2nd Division. Second Lieut. Moses Shackley, in command Co. B, sick. Co. C.Capt. William L. Palmer, absent in Massachusetts, wounded July 3. First Lieutenant Thoong Island, Boston Harbor, S. O. 171, July 27, 1863. Co. A.Capt. Isaac H. Boyd, on detached service Long Island, Boston Harbor, S. O. 171, 2nd Corps, July 27. Second Lieut. Warner M. Tilton, absent sick, 2nd Div. General Hospital. Co. B.Capt. H. A. Hale, on detached service, A. A. Insp. Gen., 1st Brig. 2nd Div., 2nd Corps, S. O. 60, March 15, 1863. First Lieut. Elisha A. Thinks, on detached service, A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. E. W. Hinks. Second Lieut. Moses Shackley, in command Co. B. Co. C
command of the Army was received with general approval and all awaited his expected visit to the various corps. The regimental roster, dated March 31, 1864, shows the following record: Lieut. Col. Ansel D. Wass, on detached service. recruiting in Massachusetts. Regt. Quartermaster Wm. M. Curtis, appointed from Co. C. March 13th, vice Hill appointed Captain, March 12th. Co. C.First Lieut. Elisha A. Hinks in command Co. C. Second Lieut. Joseph W. Snellen, in command Co. B.—First Lieut. Hale and Lieut. Barrows on detached service. Co. D.First Lieut. Moncena Dunn on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. Second Lieut. David T. Chubbuck in command of company. Co. E.Capt. Wm. L. Palmer on detached service. Second Lieut. E. Ia. Hall, Jr. in command of company. Co. F.Capt. C. M. Merritt, on detached service. First Lieut. John J. Ferris, in command of company. Co. G.Captain Dudley C. Mumford, on detached service, recruiting in Massachusetts. First Lieut. John B.