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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., The Roman Catholic Church in Medford. (search)
at they were numerous enough to call for the occasional visit of a priest to minister to them in Medford, so they chose a committee, who waited upon the selectmen of the town, stated their object, and asked that they be allowed the use of the Town Hall for the celebration of the Mass. At first some objection was made, but when the selectmen realized how much in earnest the petitioners were, they granted the request, only stipulating that the janitor's services should be paid for. Father Doherty of North Cambridge then came to Medford once a month to offer up the Mass in the Town Hall, first hearing confessions in the old Wade house on High street (where Small's block now stands), in a room occupied by Mr. Daniel Vaughan. Soon after, in 1852, as children came, the need was felt of a Sunday School to teach the catechism, and an appeal was made to the school board. The appeal was heard, and the room set aside for tramps in the basement of the High School building was appointed for the
ssachusetts Historical Collection, Vol. III. IN the year 1816, General Brooks having been declared governor by the two branches of the Legislature, I was invited out to breakfast with him at Medford on the day fixed for his inauguration. Colonel Hall and one or two others were present. I shall never forget the day, which was one of the pleasantest in June. There was a cavalcade formed in Boston, which proceeded to Medford, under the command of General Sullivan, to escort the popular govethe escort would arrive at Medford at nine o'clock. We sat down to breakfast at eight. While at our meal General Brooks saw through the window a tall old gentleman, dressed in his Sunday clothes, with a cocked hat and a long cane. He said to Colonel Hall: Pray look out at the door and see if that is not Captain Bancroft who is passing by. I think it is, and that he is come down to witness the ceremonies of this occasion, and is going by my house, being too modest to present himself. Pray go o
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., Governor Brooks engine company. (search)
manner, To meet at the Engine House at 10 o'clock Precisely, arm and ready to pay all bills. Voted, to Hire Mr Young White Horse to draw the Engine in the porcession around town in the afternoon and in the evening the Company adjourn to the Town Hall where the company will pass off the time with sentiments and a Speech from some one of the Company should we be so fortunate as to get some one to volunteer their Services on the Ocation. Voted that every member have the privilidge of inviting ond, with partial success, for subduing fire. These have since materialized in the modern chemical engine. Mr. Usher was then in his thirty-sixth year, and no doubt was at his best, as flashes of wit appear at intervals in the address. The Town Hall where he spoke was not our recently much-maligned and still doing business at the old stand edifice, neither was it the first Town Hall of Medford, but the second and larger building, built ten years before. It replaced the one burnt in 1839, and
The Otis house. Miss Wild, in her paper entitled Old Salem Street (Vol. XVI, page 63 of the Register), makes mention of an old house that formerly stood on Salem street, called in the latter days of its existence the Otis house (it took its name from its last tenant, Mr. William Otis, the farmer who occupied the farm owned by Mr. Dudley Hall), and expressed a wish that some one would write up the house. I do not think that much more can be said regarding the house than has already been said in the paper above referred to, but a few facts may be stated in regard to the farm that may be of interest. Under date of November 21, 172, a portion of the estate of Capt. Peter Tufts, who owned and occupied the so-called Cradock house, was set off to Dr. Simon Tufts, one of his sons, and was bounded on the Malden road (Salem street) about sixty-five rods, the line extending from near Park street to Spring street. No mention is made of any building on the estate. After the death o
ained. St. John XX, 23. No. 3. 725 pounds. B. Marriage bell. Presented by Dudley C. Hall. What therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder. St. Mark x, 9. No. 4. 637 pounds. C. Holy communion bell. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. St. John VI, 5-6. No. 5. 425 pounds. D. Holy Baptism bell. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Galatians III, 27. Presented by Mrs. Dudley Hall. Peace to the past, joy to the present, welcome to the future. No. 6. 371 pounds. E. children's bell. Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. St. Mark x, 14. No. 7. 296 pounds. F. Burial bell. Presented by Mrs. Gorham Brooks and family. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Revelation XIV, 13. No. 8. 217 pounds. F sharp. Christmas bell. In Memoriam. Presented by Joseph K. Manning. Glory
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., Medford Smelt and Smelt Brooks. (search)
editor recently received an appreciative letter containing inquiries which suggest two of our following articles. Our correspondent, a former Medford boy, writes I was familiar with [Meeting-house] brook in 1840. It was a capital smelt brook, and we caught many in our hands. In another letter he says, I used to catch smelts in Whitmore brook. Another and older Medford boy, Caleb Swan, has left the following written record of December, 1855:— Meeting-house brook rises north of Mr. Dudley Hall's land, and east of Mr. Swan's woods called Ram-head. It runs through Mr. Peter C. Hall's farm, and through Mr. Swan's meadow, and unites with the creek from the river by the old meeting-house lot owned by Mr. Swan. In April, immense numbers of smelts come up from the river and creek into the brook. They are taken in scoop-nets by the boys, early in the morning, in great quantities. They are a very sweet and delicious fish, [of] long slender shape and bright silvery sides; 6 to 8 in
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17., An old Medford school boy's reminiscences. (search)
l of the Boston Museum, and father of D. P. Kimball, Jr., a schoolmate of mine. Next came Miss Harmon's school. This was in the southeast room of the old fort on Governor's lane. The pupils were a size larger. I was about five, and recall the awe with which we contemplated the two oldest; one was Oliver Wellington, aged ten, and the other was Everett his brother, aged nine. They came from the Wellington farm on the east frontier of the town. Our playground was in the lane and in Mr. Dudley Hall's great barn which stood high up to the westward. I was next sent to my first public school, not a grammar school. I think it was called a preparatory. It was on the east side of Back street, which perhaps is now styled Union street. On the east the yard was fenced off from the branch canal which brought timber to the river from the Middlesex canal at a point near the Columbian hotel. On the south the yard had no fence except the side of a linseed oil factory, owned by Henry Stea