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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 1: the Ante-bellum life of the author. (search)
tered were G. T. Beauregard and Irvin McDowell, who, twenty-three years later, commanded the hostile armies on the plains of Manassas, in Virginia. Braxton Bragg and W. J. Hardee were of the same class. The head man of the next class (1839) was I. I. Stevens, who resigned from the army, and, after being the first governor of Washington Territory, returned to military service, and fell on the sanguinary field of Chantilly on the 1st of September, 1862. Next on the class roll was Henry Wager Halleck, who was commander-in-chief of the United States armies from July, 1862, to March, 1864. W. T. Sherman and George H. Thomas, of the Union army, and R. S. Ewell, of the Confederate army, were of the same class (1840). The class of 1841 had the largest list of officers killed in action. Irons, Ayers, Ernst, Gantt, Morris, and Burbank were killed in the Mexican War. N. Lyon, R. S. Garnett, J. F. Reynolds, R. B. Garnett, A. W. Whipple, J. M. Jones, I. B. Richardson, and J. P. Garesche fe
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 12: Halleck and Pope in Federal command. (search)
gh with important orders Longstreet puts General Toombs under arrest General Pope withdraws. The Federals had by this time organized the Army of Virginia from the independent forces in the State,the First Corps under General Sigel, the Second under General Banks, the Third under General McDowell, commanded by Major-General John Pope, brought from the West for that object and appointed June 26. This army reported July 31, 46,858 strong, for field service. On the 23d of July, General H. W. Halleck assumed command of the Federal armies as general-in-chief, by order of the President of July 11. The quiet of General McClellan's army at Harrison's Landing assured General Lee of his opportunity for attention to the movements of the army under General Pope, working towards Richmond by the Orange and Alexandria Railway. On the 13th of July he ordered General Jackson, with his own and Ewell's division, to Gordonsville, to have a watch upon the Federal force operating in that quar
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 16: the lost order --South Mountain. (search)
plans of the rebels, and will catch them in their own trap if my men are equal to the emergency. I now feel that I can count on them as of old. All forces of Pennsylvania should be placed to co-operate at Chambersburg. My respects to Mrs. Lincoln. Received most enthusiastically by the ladies. Will send you trophies. All well, and with God's blessing will accomplish it. Geo. B. McClellan. Frederick City, Md., September 13, 1862, 11 P. M. ( Received 1 P. M., September 14.) Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief: Rebellion Record, vol. XIX. part II. p 281. An order from General R. E. Lee, addressed to General D. H. Hill, which has accidentally come into my hands this evening,the authenticity of which is unquestionable,--discloses some of the plans of the enemy, and shows most conclusively that the main rebel army is now before us, including Longstreet's, Jackson's, the two Hills's, McLaws's, Walker's, R. H. Anderson's, and Hood's commands. That army was ordered to
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 20: review of the Maryland campaign. (search)
dent and his field-marshal, while Union troops would have been called from Kentucky and Tennessee, and would have left easy march for the Confederate armies of the West to the Ohio River. Even though the Confederates were not successful, the fall elections were against the Federal administration. With the Southern armies victorious, the results of the contest at the polls would have been so pronounced as to have called for recognition of the Confederacy. General McClellan wrote General Halleck of the effect, in case of defeat of his army,-- But if we should be so unfortunate as to meet with defeat, our country is at their mercy. So much has been said and written about Harper's Ferry and the surrender of the garrison, that it seems difficult to pass it without notice. In more than one report General McClellan mentioned it as a shameful surrender. He had disapproved the position as false, and asked if it could not be given up. Colonel Miles, the commander, who gave his li
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 26: Gettysburg-First day. (search)
ker thought to use the Twelfth Corps and the garrison of Harper's Ferry to strike the line of our communication, but General Halleck forbade the use of the troops of that post, when General Hooker asked to be relieved of the responsibility of comma Gettysburg on the 30th, encountered Buford's cavalry and returned to Cashtown. On the 29th, General Meade wired General Halleck,-- If Lee is moving for Baltimore, I expect to get between his main army and that place. If he is crossing the Susqctfully, G. M. Sorrel, A. A. General. Colonel Walton, Chief of Artillery. At 12.15 of the afternoon of the 1st, General Halleck sent a cipher despatch to General Meade approving his tactics, but asking, as to his strategy, Are you not too far egiven to some of his generals for battle to be formed behind Pipe Creek, a position that would have met the views of General Halleck, as well as his own, covering Washington and Baltimore under close lines that could not be turned. At Gettysburg th
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 27: Gettysburg-Second day. (search)
ve to the right, but, to give more confidence to his attack, he was reminded that the move to the right had been carefully considered by our chief and rejected in favor of his present orders. The opportunity for our right was in the air. General Halleck saw it from Washington. General Meade saw and was apprehensive of it. Even General Pendleton refers to it in favorable mention in his official report. Failing to adopt it, General Lee should have gone with us to his right. He had seen andl Meade was then with General Sickles discussing the feasibility of withdrawing his corps to the position to which it was originally assigned, but the opening admonished him that it was too late. He had just sent a cipher telegram to inform General Halleck, commander-in-chief, that in the event of his having no opportunity to attack, and should he find the Confederates moving to interpose between him and Washington, he would fall back on his supplies at Westminster. Report of Committee, vol.
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 35: cut off from East and West. (search)
eet's position was of strategic importance that fact fully appreciated by President Lincoln, Secretary Stanton, and Generals Halleck and Grant-drive Longstreet out of East Tennessee and keep him out Generals Robertson and McLaws the charges againl not. Longstreet is off and cannot do harm for a month. Lee, in Virginia, is occupied, and Hardee is alone. But General Halleck was much concerned about the Confederate army in East Tennessee, the only strategic field then held by Southern troo It was inconveniently near Kentucky and the Ohio River, and President Lincoln and his War Secretary were as anxious as Halleck on account of its politico-strategic bearing. General Halleck impressed his views upon General Grant, and despatched GGeneral Halleck impressed his views upon General Grant, and despatched General Foster that it was of first importance to drive Longstreet out of East Tennessee and keep him out. General Grant ordered, Drive Longstreet to the farthest point east that you can. And he reported to the authorities,--If Longstreet is not dr
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 36: strategic importance of the field. (search)
of bridges in our rear were reinforced. On the 6th of February, General Grant reported from Nashville,-- Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief: I am making every effort to get supplies to Knoxville for the support of a large force-l arrived at Knoxville, and assumed command of the Army of the Ohio. General Grant reported on the 11th,-- Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief: I expect to get off from Chattanooga by Monday next a force to drive Longstreet out of Etches from General Grant and Commander-in-Chief Halleck were as follows: Nashville, Tenn., February 13, 1864. Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief: Despatches just received from General Schofield and conversation with General Foster, whull report of this matter should be placed on file, so that the responsibility may rest where it properly belongs. H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief. The raids ordered north and south of us were now given over. General Thomas made his advance to