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othy Reardan, charged with stealing a trunk from Charles Hanford at the American Hotel, was found guilty by the jury, and the Judge sentenced him to three years confinement in the penitentiary. Veniremen and witnesses will save themselves much trouble and unnecessary expense, and facilitate the proceedings of the Court, by being punctured in their attendance. Several gentlemen had rules issued against them for non-attendance yesterday. Confederate State District Court--Hon. Jas. D. Halyburton, Judge--Monday, October 20, 1862.--But little business was transacted in this Course to day, further than swearing in the jury in the case of A. B. Martin, charged with purloining letters from the Richmond Post Office. Case adjourned over until this morning. Called Court.--A called Court of Magistrates convened yesterday in the City Hall--Recorder Caskie presiding — to examine John C. Conner, charged with robbing Wm. Linsden of $260, at his boarding-house, last Sunday week. The e