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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
has occurred under their administration, and they are, to a greater or less extent, accountable for it all. Were full details given in relation to these matters, they would be astounding and perhaps incredible. In this place they are referred to with no disposition to exaggerate, nor to prejudice. Some of them could not, perhaps, have been well avoided, but are recorded simply as an offset to the Chaplain's details. The murder of Colonel E. P. Jones by a sentinel is thus described by Dr. Hardy in his diary, under date of July 3d, 1864: A lamentable affair occured at the rear, about dusk, this evening. Many persons are now suffering with diarrhea, and crowds are frequenting that neighborhood. The orders are to go by one path and return by the other. Two lines of men, going and coming, are in continual movement. I was returning from the frequented spot and, in much weakness, making my way back, when, suddenly, I heard the sentinel challenge from the top of the waterhouse.
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
ert Ball, has made his appearance, but is hurrying on to New Orleans and says he has but one day to spend with us. The whole world seems to be moving on Washington now. An average of 2,000 rations are issued daily, and over 15,000 men are said to have passed through already, since it became a military post, though the return of the paroled men has as yet hardly begun. April 26, Wednesday Gen. Elzey lent his ambulances, and we had a charming little picnic under the management of Capt. Hardy. We left town at seven o'clock, before the sun was too hot, and drove to a creek ten miles out, where we spent the day in a beautiful grove, so shady that the sun could not penetrate at noon-day. Gen. Elzey and all the staff were there. Our amusements were cards, fishing in the creek, rambling about through the woods, and sitting in little circles on the grass, talking about what we are going to do under the new order of things. Some comical pictures were drawn of our future occupatio
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 8: winter campaign in the Valley. 1861-62. (search)
ins are a thousand valleys of unrivalled beauty and fertility, peopled with a happy and busy population. The most extensive of these is the far-famed valley of the south branch of the Potomac, which forms the garden of three counties, Pendleton, Hardy, and Hampshire. The wide meadows which line this stream from its source to its mouth are fruitful beyond belief; their prodigal harvests of hay and Indian corn, together with the sweetness of the upland pastures by which they are bordered, make orious army was retreating to another position, on the Shenandoah mountain, forty miles to the rear. The explanation was, that the Federalists being in undisturbed possession of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, were able to occupy Hampshire and Hardy, and to threaten thence the communications of the Confederates. General Jackson had not reached Winchester, before his foresight of these results induced him to urge upon the Government that plan of campaign which was explained in the last ch
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 30: Averill's raid and the winter campaign. (search)
towards Winchester. Walker's brigade had been left at Mount Jackson. While we were at Fisher's Hill, there were two heavy snows, and there was very hard freezing weather all the time. The men had no tents and their only shelter consisted of rude open sheds made of split wood, yet, though Thomas' was a Georgia brigade, they stood the weather remarkably well and seemed to take a pleasure in the expedition, regretting when the time came to fall back. In the meantime Fitz. Lee had reached Hardy, attacked a guarded train moving from New Creek to Petersburg for the supply of that post, captured more than twenty wagons and some prisoners, invested the post at Petersburg, which he found strongly fortified, but having no artillery he abandoned the attempt to dislodge the enemy without making an attack. He then moved down to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, destroyed the bridge over Patterson's Creek and that over the South Branch partially, collected a large number of cattle, and came of
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 49: close of the Valley campaign. (search)
cavalry with their arms and colors were captured and eight pieces of artillery and a very large amount of ordnance, quartermaster and commissary stores fell into our hands. The prisoners, numbering 800, four pieces of artillery, and some wagons and horses, were brought off, the other guns, which were heavy siege pieces, being spiked, and their carriages and a greater part of the stores destroyed. Rosser also brought off several hundred cattle and a large number of sheep from Hampshire and Hardy counties. This expedition closed the material operations of the campaign of 1864 in the Shenandoah Valley, and, at that time, the enemy held precisely the same portion of that valley which he held before the opening of the campaign in the spring, and no more, and the headquarters of his troops were at the same place, to wit: Winchester. There was this difference, however: at the beginning of the campaign, he held it with comparatively a small force, and, at the close, he was compelled t
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Benjamin's Second notice. (search)
hands, house-servants, carpenters and blacksmiths, had sold the boy Toby to Colonel Hardy. Toby, instead of being a good, patient, hardworking and generally useful sippi. Whitfield sent Toby to Screws to be sold. And Screws sold him. And Colonel Hardy (of what regiment is not stated) bought him. And Toby suffered himself to cs! Imagine the anguish of B. Screws, Esq.! Imagine the greater anguish of Colonel Hardy, who had nothing but a cadaver, when he fancied he had paid $1,350 for a tireat deal of distress all around. Whitfield was distressed for the $1,350; Colonel Hardy was distressed at having only the fatal measles, when he expected a fine fie had one of them, however, and his life has paid the penalty of his audacity. Hardy says I must pay him and not you. Whether or not friend Screws ended with d — Tfore the public under no very pleasant relations. Whitfield wanted the $1,350; Hardy wanted the $1,350; and, of course, Benjamin Screws did not passionately desire
r. Ellery ay, Ay.   Mr. Howell ay, Connect Mr. Sherman ay, Ay.   Mr. Wadsworth ay, New York Mr. De Witt ay, Ay.   Mr. Paine ay, N. Jersey Mr. Dick ay, No vote. By the Articles of Confederation, two or more delegates were required to be present to cast the vote of a State. New Jersey, therefore, failed to vote. Pennsyl Mr. Mifflin ay, Ay.   Mr. Montgomery ay,   Mr. Hand ay, Maryland Mr. Henry no, No.   Mr. Stone no, Virginia Mr. Jefferson ay, No.   Mr. Hardy no,   Mr. Mercer no, N. Carolina Mr. Williamson ay, Divided.   Mr. Spaight no, S. Carolina Mr. Read no, No.   Mr. Beresford no, The votes of members were sixteen for Mr. Jefferson's interdiction of Slavery to seven against it, and the States stood recorded six for it to three against it. But the Articles of Confederation required an affirmative vote of a majority of all the States to sustain a proposition; and thus the restriction failed through the absence of a mem
exander, 42; letter from Lafayette to, 51; 82; 107; letter to Madison, 357. Hamilton, Andrew J., of Texas, 339; 350. Hamilton, Gen. James, Jr., of S. C., 169. Hamlet, James, a fugitive slave, 215. Hamlin, Hannibal, 189; nominated for Vice-President, 321. Hammet, Wm. H., of Miss., 161. Hammond, James H., of S. C., 144; 180; 181; 830; 337. Hamner, Rev. James G., on Slavery, 631. Hampton, Va., burnt by Magruder's order, 529. Hampton, Col., wounded at Bull Run, 543. Hardy, Commander Robert, 603. Hardwicke, Lord, on Slavery, 29. Harlan, Mr., of Iowa, 307. Harney, Gen. Wm. S., makes a compact with Gen. Price; is superseded, 491. Harper's Ferry, 414; arsenal fired and evacuated, 462; evacuated by Rebels, 535. See John Brown. Harrisburg, Pa., fugitive-slave arrests at, 216. Harrisburg, Texas, burnt by Santa Anna, 150. Harris, Gov. Isham G., of Tenn., 349; his answer to the President's requisition, 459; 483; 612. Harris, Gen., (Rebel,) 57
in every instance during this short but brilliant campaign. The army continued its march to within about five miles of Steep Creek, and eight miles from the Wilmington Railroad, where it encamped for the night, and on Wednesday the Seventeenth Massachusetts and Ninth New-Jersey took up the advance, and proceeded cautiously along to within about two miles of the railroad, where they encountered the enemy's pickets, who retired as they advanced. Here, at a place called Dudley's Mills, Sergeant Hardy, of company F, Seventeenth, was mortally wounded, and died shortly after. The Seventeenth then advanced along the country road, which crossed the railroad about a mile to the south of the railroad bridge crossing the Neuse River, and on arriving at the railroad abundant evidences were manifest of a hasty preparation to receive us, abandoned in greater haste, the hoes and shovels used in making rifle-pits and breastworks being left in confusion along the track. Axes were immediately bro
fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. Captain Strayer's boys are some, and can whip them ten to one, And will make secession go to waning, And they will cut a swell, and will send them all to----, Or into the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. Captain Kilkenny's a whale, when he gets under sail, And his boys have no reason for complaining, For he's got them under drill, the secessionists to kill, And send them to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. Captain Hardy, he comes in, with his little squad of men, And to fight with the rebels they are aiming, And when they go to battle they will make the rebels rattle, And run them to the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de-da, etc. And to conclude my song, I think I've done no wrong, And I hope that it will prove entertaining, And we will cut some figures, when we go among the niggers, ‘Way down in the happy land of Canaan. Chorus — Ho, ho, ho, fal-de-ral-de
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