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aged in his profession of lawyer. It was alleged that he also undertook the business of "pardon broker." Mr. Corwin was a man of more than ordinary ability amongst the representative men of the country. He excelled in humor and playful satire. He employed this talent very successfully in answer to Mr. Crary, of Michigan, who, during the Harrison Presidential campaign, who, during the Harrison Presidential campaign, had, in the House of Representatives, assailed the military career of General Harrison. His reply so completely unhorsed the Michigan Congressman that on the next day Mr. John Quincy Adams alluded to him as "the late Mr. Crary," which excited the irrepressible laughter of the whole House. Mr. Corwin belonged to that powerful party of Whigs which struggled so long against the Jackson Administration and the successive Democratic dynasties; but which finally, from motives of mere policy, permitted itself to be merged in the Republican party, and thus brought on the blo
rtsmouth, was the scene of a serious riot on Christmas morning about 10 o'clock. The fight commenced on the corner of Crawford and High streets, between a lot of white boys and the colored people. Stones, brick and missiles darkened the air, and several persons were seriously injured. After awhile, the row became general, and fire-arms were used freely. A boy by the name of Richard Donegan was shot through the left breast with a pistol ball, and a man named Duffy was shot in the arm. Officer Harrison, of the police, was hit with a brick, and a negro man, said to be the ringleader in the riot on the part of the colored people, was shot severely in several places. At last accounts there was no hope for his recovery. The riot was suppressed by the military and city police. A number of colored men were arrested by the military for persistently refusing to leave the street. It was rumored that several persons were killed, but we could not trace further information than that given abo
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