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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1833 (search)
nd brave of the Second Massachusetts Regiment poured out their precious blood. It was a source of regret to Colonel Webster that his regiment should have been led into their first battle by any one but himself; but, on the other hand, he had a right to be proud of their excellent conduct and steadiness under a hot fire of two or three hours. Colonel Webster, on the 16th of August, rejoined his regiment, which was then encamped upon the Rapidan, near Mitchell's Station. It was a part of Hartsuff's brigade, Ricketts's division, and McDowell's corps, forming a portion of the Army of Virginia, under the command of General Pope. On the 18th of August, the army began a movement towards the North Fork of the Rappahannock, and by the 20th the main body was behind the river and prepared to hold its passes. On the 24th of August, General McDowell's corps was at or near Warrenton. On the morning of the 27th of August, he was directed to move forward rapidly on Gainesville, by the Warren
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1859. (search)
ell's division. On the 11th of March, 1862, he was sent to Boston to recruit for the regiment, and returned in the latter part of April. But as he enlisted the first in his regiment, so was he the first to fall. The sad circumstances of his death are best given in letters from Lieutenant-Colonel Bryan, at the time in command of the regiment, and from Lieutenant J. Otis Williams, of the same company:— On the night of Saturday, the 9th instant (August, 1862), the Third Brigade, General Hartsuff commanding, was ordered to take a position on the extreme right of General McDowell's corps. Whilst the Twelfth (the left regiment of the brigade) was crossing an open field but a few yards distant from some woods, which Generals Pope, McDowell, and Banks, with their escort, were on the point of entering, the enemy, seeing and hearing the horses, opened a sharp fire upon them. We happened to be immediately in the line of that fire, and, returning it at once, covered the retreat of ou
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1861. (search)
three different men to take the colors up, and saw one after another wounded; and when the last fell, I had not the heart to order another up, so I picked them up and brought them off myself, till we were out of danger, and then gave them to one of the men. For this he was honorably mentioned in the report of his brigade commander. But his labors did not end here. As soon as his regiment was sent to the rear, he rode to Colonel Coulter, now commanding the brigade in the absence of General Hartsuff, wounded, and offered his services, which were accepted. For the rest of that day, and for several days afterwards, he accordingly did double duty, as Adjutant of his regiment and as Acting Assistant Adjutant-General of the brigade. In the same month of September, Lieutenant Dehon was detailed as Acting Aid-de-Camp to Major-General Meade, then temporarily commanding the Twelfth Army Corps. He was present in his new position at the review when the President visited the army, shortly
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, Biographical Index. (search)
on; C. S., Brig.-Gen., II. 227. Hamlin, H. (Vice-President U. S.), I. 7, 76;. Hancock, John, II. 49. Hancock, W. S., Maj.-Gen., I. 16, 17;, 91,344, 429, 430; II. 101, 428;, 454. Hand, D. W., Dr., I. 123. Hardee, W. J., Maj.-Gen. (Rebel service), II. 271. Harding, Chester, Jr., I. 158. Hardy, A., II. 159, 160;. Harney, W. S., Brig.-Gen., I. 158,159. Harrington, H. F., Rev., I. 42; II. 236. Harrison, W. H. (President U. S.), I. 21. Harris, Henrietta, I. 45. Hartsuff, G. L., Gen., 1. 26; II. 50, 222;. Hartwell, A. S., Brig.-Gen., . . 404; II. 370, 371;--378, 379, 380,462. Harwood, Walter, I. 94. Haskell, L. F., Brig.-Gen., II. 416. Hassam, J. T., II. 375. Hatch, Private, II. 327. Hatch, J. P., Brig.-Gen., II. 357, 370;. Haven, Elizabeth, II. 275. Haven, J. H., II. 275, 290;. Haven, Samuel, Hon., I. 179. Haven, Samuel, Rev., II. 275. Haven, S. C., Lieut., Memoir, II. 275-284. Haven, S. F., I. 179. Haven, S. F., Jr.,