Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Warren Hastings or search for Warren Hastings in all documents.

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kingham Administration, in 1782; moved the Rude charge against Warren Hastings February, 1787; summed up the Begum charge in a five hours spents. Sheridan's oratorical fame culminated on the case of Warren Hastings. On the charge of the ex-Viceroy's treatment of those dusky l Bissett, the highest testimony was that of Logan, the defender of Hastings. At the end of the first hour of the speech, he said to a friend, 'This is a most wonderful oration! ' A third and he confessed, 'Mr. Hastings has acted very unjustifiably.' At the end of the fourth, he exclaimed, 'Mr. Hastings is a most atrocious criminal. ' And before the speaker had sat down, he vehemently protested that, 'Of all monsters of iniquity, the most enormous is Warren Hastings' To crown all, it is said that on this same night of Sheridan's glory in the House of Commons, hfully at Drury Lane." Macaulay's wonderful pen-picture of Warren Hastings, tried in Westminster Hall, by the Lords, under impeachment by