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, if not the only, promise of success; and the general is confident you will be wanting in neither. Buckner moved on the 17th of September by rail, and entered Bowling Green on the 18th, at 10 A. M. He had some 4,000 men, about 3,000 of whom were Tennessee troops from Camp Trousdale, near Nashville, and the remainder Kentuckians, composed of the Second Kentucky Regiment, Byrne's battery, and part of the Third and Fourth Kentucky Regiments, the greater part being left behind unarmed. Colonel Hawes was thrown forward with the Second Kentucky Regiment and Byrne's battery, as an outpost, to the Green River railroad bridge, where these troops staid two weeks, when they were withdrawn to Bowling Green. A train carrying some troops to Horse Cave, to reconnoitre and recruit, was thrown from the track by a displaced rail. This slight accident, of no special import, has passed into Federal history as a discomfiture that prevented the capture of Louisville, and arrested a whole plan of ca
I asked: Do you call this money? I do. I wonder that every printing office in the South does not commence the manufacture of such money. O, no, he replied in a sneering way; in the North they might do that, but in the South no one is disposed to make counterfeit money. Yes, I retorted, the Southern people are very honest no doubt, but I apprehend there is a better reason for not counterfeiting the money than you have assigned. It is probably not worth counterfeiting. Private Hawes of the Third is remarkably fond of pies, and a notorious straggler withal. He has just returned to camp after being away for some days, and accounts for his absence by saying that he was in the country looking for pies, when Morgan's men appeared suddenly, shot his horse from under him, mounted him behind a soldier and carried him away. The private is now in the guard-house entertaining a select company with a narrative of his adventures. We have much trouble with escaped negroes.
enemy consisted of one brigade, numbering about two thousand five hundred, in command of General McCulloch, and two hundred cavalry. The enemy's loss is estimated at about one hundred and fifty killed, and three hundred wounded. It is impossible to get any thing near the loss of the enemy, as they carried killed and wounded off in ambulances. Among their killed is Colonel Allen, Sixteenth Texas. Inclosed please find tabular statements of killed, wounded, and missing, in all six hundred and fifty-two. Nearly all the missing blacks will probably be returned, as they were badly scattered. The enemy, under General Hawes, advanced upon Young's Point, whilst the battle was going on at Milliken's Bend, but several well-directed shots from the gunboats compelled them to retire. See page 12, Docs. ante. Submitting the foregoing, I remain yours respectfully, Elias S. Dennis, Brigadier-General Commanding District N. E. Louisiana. John A. Rawlins, Assistant Adjutant-General.
one year. 1 2 3 1 54 55 58 Asboth's Sixteenth. Oct., ‘63 16th Kentucky   3 3 1 54 55 58     April, ‘65 17th Kentucky Enlisted for one year.   8 8 2 66 68 76       Light Batteries.                   Sept., ‘61 Ky. A-- Reenlisted and served through the war. Stone's   10 10 1 21 22 32 Rousseau's Fourteenth. Oct., ‘61 Ky. B--Hewett's   2 2   20 20 22 Negley's Fourteenth. Sept., ‘63 Ky. C-- Enlisted for one year. Neville's   4 4   16 16 20     Dec., ‘63 Ky. E--Hawes's         10 10 10     June, ‘61 Ky.---Simmonds's   3 3   10 10 13       Infantry.                   June, ‘61 1st Kentucky   60 60 1 82 83 143 Stanley's Fourth. June, ‘61 2d Kentucky 3 74 77 1 87 88 165 Stanley's Fourth. Oct., ‘61 3d Kentucky 6 103 109   199 199 308 Newton's Fourth. Oct., ‘61 4th Kentucky Reenlisted and served through the war. 1 118 119 4 326 330 449 Brannan's Fourteenth. Sept., ‘61 5th
converged upon Piketon. My whole force consisted of one thousand and ten men, including sick, teamsters, and men on extra duty. I did not believe that the advance of the enemy would be so rapid, and hoped that the artillery and reinforcements promised would arrive before they could disturb me at Piketon. Under this confident hope, I commenced gathering supplies, explored the leather resources of the country, found them abundant, organized a corps of shoemakers, and had them at work. Major Hawes had purchased a thousand fat hogs, and a number of beef cattle, and was making preparation to salt them. My men were badly clad and badly armed, with not a knapsack, haversack, or canteen; they carried their powder in horns, gourds, and bottles. This was our condition when the enemy commenced the advance upon us. Retreat was inevitable, but there was too much public property to be abandoned without an effort to save it. I at once ordered all the transportation possible to be collecte
gade; the second company, with two six-pound bronze guns, and two twelve-pound howitzers, under Captain Richardson, Lieutenants Hawes, De Russey, and Britton, with Toombs's brigade; the first company, with three three-inch rifle guns, under Captain and, with the assistance of some infantry, fired nearly twenty-five rounds before being relieved by their comrades. Lieutenant Hawes had his horse shot under him during this battle. While Richardson, with the second, was doing such gallant servicin an orchard in front of General D. R. Jones's position, were placed the second company, Captain J. B. Richardson, Lieutenants Hawes, Britton, and De Russey, with two Napoleons and two twelve-pounder howitzers; and the fourth company, Captain B. F.ntinued in action until the close of the engagement at nightfall. The section of twelve-pounder howitzers, under Lieutenants Hawes and De Russey, were brought forward at the same time, and assigned a position by General Toombs near his brigade.
nation suffered no detriment under this severe and trying ordeal. To the commanders of brigades, Generals Rust, Villepigue, and Bowen, my thanks are especially due. Displaying their well-known and approved gallantry on the field, they evinced sound judgment, discretion, and ability in handling their troops, both in action and on the march, achieving signal success with small loss. The admirable condition in which the division returned to this point is the best proof of their merits. Surgeon Hawes, chief medical officer of the division, performed his duties quietly, systematically, and with the utmost efficiency. Our wounded, with very few exceptions, were brought to this depot. My thanks are due to the officers of my staff, Lieutenant-Colonel Ivy, Captain Toutant, and Captain Quitman, for their assistance in the field, and in the conduct of the retreat. Being few in number, additional labor devolved upon them. Their duties were performed cheerfully, coolly, and with a deliber
ShipAustissT. Magoun'sHayden & CudworthWetmore & Co.New York621 392 ShipAmeliaT. Magoun'sH. EwellJ. WellsmanCharleston, S. C.572 393 ShipCrusaderT. Magoun'sH. EwellW. W. GoddardBoston600 394 ShipGeorgiaJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonJ. G. MillsSavannah, Geo.665 395 BrigFrankJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonJ. StetsonMedford160 3961848ShipLiving AgeJ. Stetson'sJ. StetsonE. D. Peters & Co.Boston758 397 ShipHarriett ErvingT. Magoun'sH. EwellW. W. GoddardBoston616 398 Sch.T. TaylorT. Magoun'sHayden & CudworthHawes & TaylorYarmouth75 399 ShipMarcellusT. Magoun'sHayden & CudworthHenry OxnardBoston691 400 ShipCromwellP. Curtis'sP. CurtisW. PerkinsBoston780 401 BarkCochituateP. Curtis'sP. CurtisE. BangsBoston353 402 ShipTownsendP. Curtis'sP. CurtisA. T. HallBoston754 403 Sch.CircassianJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisT. L. MayoYarmouth72 404 ShipHerbertJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisJ. Thacher & Co.Boston619 405 ShipChascaJ. O. Curtis'sJ. O. CurtisSnow & RichBoston650 406 ShipAbaellinoSprague & James's
o McClellan's former starting-point, White House on the Pamunkey. The control of the waterways, combined with Sheridan's efficient use of the cavalry, made this an easy matter. Torbert's division encountered Gordon's brigade of Confederate cavalry at Hanovertown and drove it in the direction of Hanover Court House. Gregg's division moved up to this line; Russell's division of infantry encamped near the river-crossing in support, and behind the mask thus formed the Army of the Potomac crossed the Pamunkey on May 28th unimpeded. Gregg was then ordered to reconnoiter towards Mechanicsville, and after a severe fight at Hawes' shop he succeeded (with the assistance of Custer's brigade) in driving Hampton's and Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry divisions and Butler's brigade from the field. Although the battle took place immediately in front of the Federal infantry, General Meade declined to put the latter into action, and the battle was won by the cavalry alone. It was not to be the last time.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), four years with General Lee --a Review by General C. M. Wilcox. (search)
ate of Federal losses during that period. The report of the Surgeon-General of the army, and which must be regarded as official, states the losses at the Wilderness, May 5th and 6th, to have been 37,737--and if to this prisoners be added they would exceed 40,000--and from the 8th to the 18th, at Spotsylvania Courthouse, 26,441, or an aggregate of 64,178. There were several collisions at Spotsylvania after the 18th; the affair at Jericho ford on North Anna on the 23d; heavy cavalry fight at Hawes' shop on the 28th; a sharp infantry skirmish on the Totopotomy on the 29th; a heavy infantry fight not far from Shady Grove church on the 30th; and one, more destructive, near Bethesda church, June 2d. If to these various losses be added the heavy losses of June 3d at Cold Harbor, the, entire loss will not fall much, if at all, under one hundred thousand men. Page 139. Recapitulating various successes in the vicinity of Petersburg: The very successful attack on Hancock at Reams' station
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