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ned by our European ploughs, should give a prophetic yield, is not surprising. The richest spots only had been chosen by the Indians. Capt. Smith, in his voyage here (1614), calls the territory about us the paradise of all those parts. Rev. Mr. Higginson, writing to his friends in England, in 1629, on New England's plantation, gives the following description of the soil, climate, and productions:-- I have been, careful to report nothing but what I have seen with my own eyes. The land atrries, plums, raspberries, currants, chessnuts, filberds, walnuts, smallnuts, hurtleberries, and hawes of white-thorne, near as good as cherries in England. They grow in plenty here. The fullest credit may be given to these statements of Mr. Higginson. They show, among other things, that the region we now occupy was a dense forest in 1629. This confirms the story told of Gov. Winthrop; that when he took up his residence on his farm at Ten Hills, on the bank of Mystic River, he one day pe
who was at Cape Cod in 1619, says: I passed along the coast, where I found some eminent plantations, not long since populous, now utterly void. In another place a remnant remains, but not free from sickness; their disease the plague. Rev. Francis Higginson, in 1629, speaking of the Sagamores, says: Their subjects, above twelve years since, were swept away by a great and grievous plague, that was amongst them, so that there are very few left to inhabit the country. Gookin says: I have discod brick houses which would answer the uses of forts. For this reason, Charlestown this year erected a small fort on the top of Town Hill; the women helped the men to dig and build. So destructive had been the plague (or yellow fever) that Mr. Higginson says, 1629: The greatest Sagamores about us cannot make above three hundred men (warriors), and other less Sagamores have not above fifteen subjects, and others near about us but two. Gov. Dudley, in 1631, says: Upon the river Mistick is sit
, 42. Gibons, 37, 43, 73, 74. Gilchrist, 514. Gillegrove, 515. Glover, 41. Goodnow, 36. Goodwin, 44. Grace Church, 277. Graduates, 301. Graves, 13. Greatton, 515. Greene, 32, 36, 44. Greenland, 15, 36. Greenleaf family, 515. Greenleaf, 106. Gregg family, 516. Groves, 44, 517. Hall family, 517. Hall, 36, 51, 52, 96, 158, 317, 351, 501, 502, 570. Hammond, 44. Hancock, 202, 213, 527. Harris, 527. Hathaway, 527. Haywood, 36. Higginson, 12. Hill, 36. Historical Items, 478. History, Civil, 93. ------Ecclesiastical, 200. ------Military, 181. ------Natural 21. ------Political, 143. Hobart, 37. Holden, 52. Hosmer, 293, 302. Howard, 17. Howe family, 528. Hutchinson, 31, 200. Hutton, 538. Indians, 72, 80. Ingraham, 439. Johnson, 6, 15, 31, 44, 67. Josselyn, 1. Justices of the Peace, 169. Kenrick, 528. Kidder family, 528. Kidder, 112, 225, 483. Knox, 529. L
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Higginson, Francis 1588- (search)
Higginson, Francis 1588- Clergyman; born in England in 1588; was an eloquent Puritan divine, and accepted an invitation to the new Puritan settlement at Salem, to which place he emigrated in the summer of 1629, and where he died Aug. 6, 1630. His son John succeeded, became a teacher, chaplain of the fort at Saybrook, one of the seven pillars of the church at Guildford, and pastor of his father's church at Salem in 1660, where he continued until his death, Dec. 9, 1708. Francis Higginson was among the carefully selected company of pioneers in the founding of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, who landed at Naumkeag (afterwards named Salem), with John tt, in 1629. It was late in June when the little company arrived at their destination, where the corruptions of the English Church were never to be planted, and Higginson served the people in spiritual matters faithfully until his death. With the same company came two excellent brothers, John and Samuel Browne. Both were members
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Massachusetts (search)
o Plymouth and from there sent to England (upon this incident Hawthorne writes, The Maypole at Merry Mount)......June, 1628 A second and larger company, numbering sixty women and maids, twenty-six children, and 300 men, among whom is the Rev. Francis Higginson, on several vessels, leave England for Salem, bringing food, arms, tools, and 140 cattle......May, 1629 Ralph, Richard, and William Sprague, with others conmmence a settlement at Mishawums, now Charlestown......June 24, 1629 A church established at Salem with Mr. Skelton as ordained pastor and Mr. Higginson as teacher......August, 1629 John and Samuel Browne, members of the colonial council and of the Massachusetts Company, are sent back to England by Governor Endicott for their opposition to the church and advocacy of Episcopacy......1629 Transfer of the Massachusetts colony's government from London to New England......August, 1629 John Winthrop chosen governor and Thomas Dudley lieutenant-governor of the Mas
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vinland (search)
tion impossible; and no genuine Norse remains have ever been discovered in New England. The claim that Columbus knew of these discoveries of the Northmen is quite improbable. He simply set out to find a western route to Asia. The course of his voyage was not such as he would have taken had he had in mind the Vinland of the Northmen; and he made no mention of Vinland in favor of his expedition at the Spanish Court. Had he known of it, he certainly would have mentioned it; for, as Colonel Higginson so well says (see his Larger history of the United States), for the purpose of his argument, an ounce of Vinland would have been worth a pound of cosmography. The voyages to Vinland. From the saga of Eric the Red. Translated by Arthur Middleton Reeves. After that sixteen winters had elapsed, from the time when Eric the Red went to colonize Greenland, Leif, Eric's son, sailed Ancient Viking ship out from Greenland to Norway. He arrived in Drontheim in the autumn, when Ki
gin, descending from Robert Andrew, of Rowley village, now Boxford, Essex County, Mass., who died there in 1668. He was connected with most of the ancient families of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. The grandmother of Governor Andrew was the grand-daughter of the brave Captain William Pickering, who commanded the Province Galley, in 1707, for the protection of the fisheries against the French and Indians; and the mother of her husband was Mary Higginson, a direct descendant of the Reverend Francis Higginson, the famous pastor of the first church in the colony. The grandfather of Governor Andrew was a silversmith in Salem, who removed to Windham, where he died. His son Jonathan was born in Salem, and lived there until manhood, when he also removed to Windham. There he married Miss Nancy G. Pierce, formerly preceptress of Fryeburg Academy, where Daniel Webster was once a teacher. These were the parents of Governor Andrew. At an early age, he entered Bowdoin College, from which
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, I. A Cambridge boyhood (search)
ouse where Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes was born. My father's house — now occupied by Mrs. F. L. Batchelder--was begun in 1818, when the land was bought from Harvard College, whose official he had just become. Already the Scientific School and the Hemenway Gymnasium crowd upon it, and the university will doubtless, one of these days, engulf it once more. My father came of a line of Puritan clergymen, officials, militia officers, and latterly East India merchants, all dating back to the Rev. Francis Higginson, who landed at Salem in 1629, in charge of the first large party for the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and who made that historic farewell recorded by Cotton Mather, as his native shores faded away: We will not say, as the Separatists said, Farewell, Rome! Farewell, Babylon! But we will say, Farewell, dear England! Farewell, the Christian church in England, and all the Christian friends there! My father had been, like his father before him,--also named Stephen Higginson, and a me
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, chapter 6 (search)
but was equally formidable. It was that I should be ordained as Theodore Parker had been, by the society itself: and this all the more because my ancestor, Francis Higginson, had been ordained in that way — the first of all New England ordinations — in 1629. To this the society readily assented, at least so far as that there shors later, Amidst the frowns and hard words I have met with for this Undertaking, it is no small refreshment to me that I can have the Learned Reverend and Aged Mr. Higginson for my Abetter. This was my ancestor, the Rev. John Higginson, of Salem, then ninety years old; but my own strongest impulse came incidentally from my mother. preached himself out of his pulpit. I supposed myself to have given up preaching forever, and recalled the experience of my ancestor, the Puritan divine, Francis Higginson, who, when he had left his church-living at Leicester, England, in 1620, continued to lecture to all comers. But a new sphere of reformatory action opened f
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
in morals and manners, 46; elective system at, 57. Haven, Franklin, 76. Hawkins, N., 217. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 12, 158, 168, 170, 171, 176, 297, 315. Hay, George, 55. Hay, John, 219. Hayden, Lewis, 140, 151, 155, 245. Hazlett, Albert, 229, 231. Hazlitt, William, 67. Hedge, F. H., 53, 175. Heine, Heinrich, 80, go, 120. Heinzelmann, 359. Heraud's monthly magazine, quoted, 167. Herttell, s,Thomas, 6. Hesiod, 92. Higginson, Barbara, 80. Higginson, F. J., 123. Higginson, Francis, 4, 114, 130. Higginson, John, 123. Higginson, Louisa (Storrow), 8, 10, 34, 160. Higginson, Louisa Susan, 101. Higginson, Stephen, senior, 4; description of, by W. H. Channing, 43. Higginson, Stephen, junior, 4. Higginson, T. W., birth and home, 3; school days, 19; college life, 42; residence at Brookline, 81; favorite reading, 92, 102; love of natural history, 24, 194; first publications, 101, 102; post-collegiate study, go; residence at Newburyport, 112, 127; interest in
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