Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John T. Hill or search for John T. Hill in all documents.

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The War news. Though Saturday morning found the ground covered with two inches of snow and sleet, the touch of winter had no effect in preventing military operations. For the first time in several months, the initiative was taken by our troops. Between 3 and 4 o'clock A. M., General Longstreet, with a heavy force of infantry, cavalry and artillery, made a reconnaissance down the Charles City and Darbytown roads, and in the course of the morning advanced as far as New Market Hill, four miles cast of Fort Harrison, without meeting any serious resistance. In fact, until reaching the point named, he found nothing but a thin picket line of the enemy. The objects of the reconnaissance having been fully accomplished, General Longstreet returned to his original position, which he reached on Saturday night. We killed a few of the enemy's pickets and took a few of them prisoners. Our loss was one man killed and several wounded. During the forenoon and part of the evening, our mor
The Daily Dispatch: December 12, 1864., [Electronic resource], Insurrection among the Yankee officers at Danville. (search)
Three Hundred Dollars reward. --Ran away, on Wednesday, December 7th, my negro girl, Eliza. She is about five feet three inches high, dark color, short hair, thin face, and has a defeat in her right eye. The above reward will be paid upon her delivery to John T. Hill, Sixth street, near Broad. de 10--3t*
Executors' Sale of eight Negroes. --In pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court of Richmond, we will proceed to sell, on Wednesday, the 14th December, at 10 o'clock, at the auction-house of Hill, Dickinson & Co., 1 young Woman, with three Children; 2 young Women, without encumbrance; 1 girl and one Boy, about fourteen years of age. S. H. Poykin, F. M. Boykin, Executors of F. M. Boykin, deceased. de 1--2awtds