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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 465 3 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 382 0 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 375 5 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 344 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 303 1 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 283 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 274 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 267 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 253 1 Browse Search
John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies 250 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 191 results in 7 document sections:

s line of communication and force a battle with Hood, who, having the choice of position, in a mount West, embracing the two Departments under Generals Hood and Taylor, and he informed General Beauregard of his decision to that effect. General Hood's Department consisted of Tennessee and such partw, furthermore, that he was not superseding General Hood, or in any way depriving him of his commands we quote from President Davis's letter to General Hood, dated September 28th, from Opelika, Ala.: d that he should go at once to confer with Generals Hood and Taylor. He left that night. Anothed to call on the latter while on his way to General Hood's headquarters, and to do all in his power n, Columbus, Opelika, and Newnan, to get to General Hood's headquarters, as the latter had already lut, to be certain of doing so, I instructed General Hood to keep me advised of the movements of the General. On the same day, October 12th, General Hood demanded the unconditional surrender of Res[12 more...]
s are important, as showing the reasons for General Hood's proposed future campaign into Middle Tennut General Beauregard was apprehensive that General Hood might not be able to execute it as designedvis did not intend that he should supersede General Hood in the command of the Army of Tennessee, anwhich should seem best to pursue, I visited General Hood's headquarters at Palmetto. The crisis was, has been ordered to report immediately to General Hood, in Middle Tennessee. General Taylor hasy explained in the foregoing document, than General Hood completed his arrangements to move his armyand Roddy's brigade of cavalry to report to General Hood, between Guntersville and Decatur. See loceedings, and openly expressed his regret that Hood had gone so far down the river to effect a crosngexpected movement would at last be begun, General Hood informed him that he feared he had not provver reach Middle Tennessee, and so informed General Hood, who could no longer conceal the fact that [30 more...]
heavy rains begin on the 2d of November. General Hood takes up his Headquarters at Florence on thly after Lee's, was unavoidably delayed. General Hood moved his headquarters to Florence on the 1y. See Appendix. See also, in Appendix, General Hood's letter of November 12th, complaining of ind he therefore, in all his interviews with General Hood, urged the necessity of an immediate advanc A. G., in Appendix. By telegraph, on the 17th, Hood replied as follows: To General Beauregaral Cobb as well as through General Wheeler. General Hood was aware of it, but could not be persuadedher procrastination, and wishing to spur on General Hood to definitive action, General Beauregard, oOur aggregate loss amounted to 4500. See General Hood's telegram to General Beauregard, in Appendtion to the plan adopted? On the contrary: Let Hood go on, let him reach, as soon as he can, the coto the campaign, it is needless to say that General Hood could not and would not have undertaken it,[34 more...]
General Beauregard's effort to reinforce General Hood by drawing troops from the Trans-Mississipp defensive lines. his presence required by General Hood. he applies to be relieved of the command absolutely necessary, to insure the success of Hood, either that you should send him two or more dite of the country may depend upon the result of Hood's campaign in Tennessee. Sherman's army has e. Cannot General E. Kirby Smith reinforce General Hood in Middle Tennessee, or take offensive in Ma.: If practicable, cross troops. Aid General Hood, or divert forces from operating against hiould, without delay, send to the support of General Hood two or more divisions, or threaten Missourizing them; but it should be remembered that General Hood was addressing an invading enemy, whose pasl S. Cooper, Adjt.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: General Hood desires me to visit Army of Tennessee. Coloamity to the Confederacy—the consequence of General Hood's disastrous campaign into Middle Tennessee[10 more...]
Chapter 43: General Hood desires General Beauregard to visit the Army of Tennessee. den that quarter, for at no previous time had General Hood evinced the least desire to have General Bee left of the centre, suddenly gave way, General Hood's telegram of December 17th. See Appendix.ennessee River. Speaking of this battle, General Hood in his book says: Advance and Retreat, p. s instructions, General Beauregard informed General Hood that his application relative to his Trans-d, who as early as December 23d had advised General Hood to come with or send to Augusta such of hise held a long and important conference with General Hood on this subject. The latter, while expressemoval the had not the slightest doubt that General Hood's application would be readily acceded to, d, General. It was only on the 23d that General Hood took leave of the army, after addressing a the rapid transportation of the remnant of General Hood's army. It was then that he called the att[22 more...]
ut the 1st of February, after having consumed nearly a month and a half in recruiting and refitting his army. This would have given the Confederates ample time to collect and reorganize another army in his front, if the resources of the country had not been exhausted, and if the railroad communications and rollingstock then at our disposal had not been so much damaged by hard usage and the raiding incursions of the enemy. As it was, and despite very great efforts to that end, the remnant of Hood's army, with its artillery and wagon-trains, could not be transported in time to defend the interior of South Carolina. On the 1st of February, General Wheeler, commanding the Confederate cavalry, with headquarters near Lawtonville, S. C., about half-way between the Salkehatchie and Savannah Rivers, telegraphed that the enemy had commenced his forward movement, with infantry and cavalry; that he had crossed the Coosawhatchie at McBride's Bridge, and was marching in a northerly direction.
one corps to guard his fortifications, he (General Hood) had determined to draw Sherman's forces sttment and to his ability to co-operate with General Hood in the present campaign, being desirous, momount used thereon prior to the movement of General Hood's army from Jonesboroa. 6th. All men ret Major Mason, his A. A. G., and found that General Hood was out on the lines, and being apprehensivl. Cobb, Macon, Ga.: The following from General Hood: General Maury telegraphs to General Dan, S. C., Dec. 23d, 1864:10 A. M. Inform General Hood that no reinforcements can possibly be sentery, Ala.: I leave this evening. Order General Hood in writing to make report of his operations with the efficiency of the troops, the rest of Hood's army should be sent to look after Sherman. T was as follows: Have just returned from General Hood's army at Tupelo. This army requires rest,ou of the date of its going into effect. General Hood left this morning for Richmond. I am, Co[22 more...]