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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washingtoniana. -1857 (search)
s in disapprobation of the popularity and power with which Washington was invested. To a proposition to give him power to name generals, John Adams vehemently protested, saying: In private life I am willing to respect and look up to him; in this House I feel myself to be the superior of General Washington. On Feb. 24, 1777, when mere ideal reinforcements were voted to Washington, after an earnest debate, in which some of the New England delegates and one from New Jersey showed a willingness ith the fittest description of the events which are to be the subject of the bassorelievo. Happily for historic truth, that statue of Washington in a Roman dress was never executed. Washington died on Dec. 14, 1799, and on the 23d The State-House, Annapolis, Md. Congress adopted a joint resolution that a marble monument should be erected to the memory of Washington at the national capital. Early in the session of Congress (1799-1800) the question of erecting a monument in accordance with
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Webster, Daniel 1782-1852 (search)
ntlemen of South Carolina in Congress. I did not then, and cannot now, understand their language in any other sense. While this tariff of 1816 was under discussion in the House of Representatives an honorable gentleman from Georgia, now of this House—Mr. Forsyth—moved to reduce the proposed duty on cotton. He failed by four votes, South Carolina giving three votes—enough to have turned the scale— against his motion. The act, sir, then passed, and received on its passage the support of a maje maintained by South Carolina gentlemen in the House of Representatives on the subject of internal improvement when I took my seat there as a member from Massachusetts in 1823. But this is not all; we had a bill before us, and passed it in that House, entitled An act to procure the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates upon the subject of roads and canals. It authorizes the President to cause surveys and estimates to be made of the routes of such roads and canals as he might deem of natio