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ny good citizen or true patriot can stand; neutrality or indifference and anything short of a hearty support of the Government being a crime where the question is between loyalty and treason. This last resolution was also unanimously adopted. Mr. Cox (Ohio) offered the following: Resolved, That the rebellion be and the same is hereby abolished. This resolution was agreed to amid laughter. Mr. Pendleton (Ohio) offered the following: Resolved, As the sense of this House that the military arrest, without civil warrant and trial, by a military commission, without jury, of Clement L. Vallandigham, a citizen of Ohio, not in the land or naval service, by order of Major General Burnside, and his subsequent banishment by order of the President, executed by military force, were acts of mere arbitrary power, in palpable violence of the Constitution and laws of the United States. Mr. Washburne (Ill.) supposed that the question had been settled at the last electi