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ck by the Finance Committee with an amendment providing for the issue of coupon bonds instead of registered bonds. The amendment was agreed to, but the bill rejected — yeas, 6; nays, 11. The Finance Committee reported back, with amendments, House bill making appropriations for support of the Government from the 1st of July to the 31st of December, 1865. The amendments, which were unimportant, were concurred in, and the bill was passed. Mr. Barnwell's motion to reconsider the vote by which was passed House bill to provide for the payment of arrears due the army and navy was taken up, and the Senate refused to reconsider. A message was received from the President stating that he had under consideration the act entitled "an act to diminish the number of exemptions and details, and suggesting that it contained two provisions (the exemption of skilled artisans and mechanics employed by Government from all military service, the revocation of all details, and depriving the P
The Daily Dispatch: March 14, 1865., [Electronic resource], Another scene from the Performance in Charleston. (search)
day, March 13, 1865. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock; Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, in the chair. A communication was received from the House of Delegates, stating that they had agreed to the amendment proposed by the Senate to House bill entitled an act for the relief of William E. Herndon. The Committee on General Laws, to whom had been referred a resolution providing that the Clerk of the Senate, in reckoning the pay of members, shall only include such time as Senatorertain State officers were taken up and considered at length. Various amendments were agreed to — after which the resolutions were adopted. Mr. Christian, of Augusta, from the Committee on Roads, etc., reported, with a substitute therefore, House bill entitled an act to amend the twenty-fifth section of chapter sixty-one of the Code, relating to the prompt transportation of troops, munitions, baggage, etc. The substitute was agreed to and the bill passed with the following title: "A