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Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), chapter 4 (search)
ling hospital, as not worth a parent's care, and that now, grown up, she was trying to prove at once her parentage and her charms by certificates which might be headed, Innocent Adultery, Celestial Crime, &c. The slight acquaintance I had with Hugo, and company, did not dispel these impressions. And I thought Chateaubriand (far too French for my taste also,) belonged to l'ancien regime, and that Beranger and Courier stood apart. Nodier, Paul de Kock, Sue, Jules Janin, I did not know, excep —and a great deal it is,—of the time of Louis XIII. as he has of the Regency in La Marechale d'ancre, —a much finer work, indeed one of the best-arranged and finished modern dramas. The Leonora Galigai is better than anything I have seen in Victor Hugo, and as good as Schiller. Stello is a bolder attempt. It is the history of three poets,—Gilbert, Andre Chenier, Chatterton. He has also written a drama called Chatterton, inferior to the story here. The marvellous boy seems to have captiv
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, V (search)
preliminary jurisdiction have done their duty. The best preparation for going abroad is to know the worth of what one has seen at home. I remember to have been impressed with a little sense of dismay, on first nearing the shores of Europe, at the thought of what London and Paris might show me in the way of great human personalities; but I said to myself, To one who has heard Emerson lecture, and Parker preach, and Garrison thunder, and Phillips persuade, there is no reason why Darwin or Victor Hugo should pass for more than mortal; and accordingly they did not. We shall not prepare ourselves for a cosmopolitan standard by ignoring our own great names or undervaluing the literary tradition that has produced them. When Stuart Newton, the artist, was asked, on first arriving in London from America, whether he did not enjoy the change, he answered honestly, I here see such society occasionally, as I saw at home all the time. At this day the self-respecting American sometimes hears adm
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, VI (search)
of the world, so they still retain it in their literary sway. The French tongue, in particular, while ceasing to be the vehicle of all travelling intercourse, is still the second language of all the world. A Portuguese gentleman said once to a friend of mine that he was studying French in order to have something to read. All the empire of Great Britain, circling the globe, affords to her poets or novelists but a petty and insular audience compared with that addressed by George Sand or Victor Hugo. A Roman Catholic convert from America, going from Paris to Rome, and having audience with a former pope, is said to have been a little dismayed when his Holiness instantly inquired, with eager solicitude, as to the rumored illness of Paul de Kock—the milder Zola of the last generation. In contemporaneous fame, then, the mere accident of nationality and language plays an enormous part; but this accident will clearly have nothing to do with the judgment of posterity. If any foreign co
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, VII (search)
the universe than the development of his own pretty talent. We see the same thing across the ocean, when Swinburne writes his Song in Time of Order, and Morris marches in a Socialist procession. Here lies the power of the Russian writers, of Victor Hugo. Probably no man who ever lived had an egotism more colossal than that of Hugo, yet he was large enough to subordinate even that egotism to the aims that absorbed him—to abhorrence of Napoleon the Little—to enthusiasm for the golden age of mHugo, yet he was large enough to subordinate even that egotism to the aims that absorbed him—to abhorrence of Napoleon the Little—to enthusiasm for the golden age of man. I like to think of him as I saw him at the Voltaire Centenary in 1876, pleading for Universal Peace amid the alternate hush and roar of thousands of excitable Parisians—his lion-like head erect, his strong hand uplifted, his voice still powerful at nearly eighty years. So vast was the crowd, so deserted the neighboring streets, that it all recalled the words put by Landor into the lips of Demosthenes: I have seen the day when the most august of cities had but one voice within her walls; a
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, XIII (search)
le I rejoice to see it demonstrated as has been shown by Mr. Howells and Mr. James, that much of the strength and delicacy of English style can be attained without early academic training; I think that it is unsafe to let our criticism stop here. We need the advantage of the background; the flavor of varied cultivation; the depth of soil that comes from much early knowledge of a great many books. This does not involve pedantry, although it is possible to be pedantic even in fiction, as Victor Hugo's endless and tiresome soliloquizers show. The deeper the sub-soil is, the more diligently the farmer must break it up; he must not prefer a shallower loam to save trouble in ploughing. The two things must be combined,—intellectual capital and labor; accumulation and manipulation; background and foreground. Addison's fame rests partly on the three folio volumes of materials which he collected before beginning the Spectator; but it rests also on the lightness of touch that made him Addi
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, Index (search)
, William, 217, 218. Hayward Memoirs, the, 82, 226. Hazlitt, William, 216. Heine, Heinrich, 90, 109, 142, 159, 189, 229. Hemans, F. D., 179. High-water marks, concerning, 97. Hogg, James, 169. Holmes, O. W., 54, 62, 67, 97, 99, 178, 205. Holt, Henry, 172. Homer, 48, 98, 114, 169, 171, 190, 217. Horace, 16, 48, 99, 114. Houghton, Lord, 19, 56, 62, 94. Howells, W. D., 13, 15, 66, 114, 118, 171, 184, 194, 201, 202, 210, 229. Howe, E. W. 11. Howe, Julia Ward, 67, 100. Hugo, Victor, 49, 56, 68, 110. Humboldt, A. von, 73, 176. Humor, American, perils of, 128. Hutchinson, Ellen M., 101, 102. Huxley, T. H., 137, 158. I. Ideals, personal, 106. Iffland, A. W., 90. International copyright law, 122. Irving, Washington, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 20, 64, 216. J. Jackson, Andrew, 110. Jackson, Helen, 68, 102. James, G. P. R., 94. James, Henry, 65, 66, 84, 114, 118, 184. Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 5, 11, 110, 155. Johnson, Samuel, 197. Joubert, Joseph, 26, 96, 1
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 21 (search)
attainment, and special service, that, in descending into their graves, they challenged public attention and evoked general sorrow. But yesterday, amid the tears of the French people, Pere Lachaise opened its solemn gates to receive into the close companionship of warriors and statesmen, prelates and artists, astronomers and dramatists, physicians, poets, lawyers, novelists and philosophers, whose fame envious time has not yet impaired, all that was mortal of the venerable and idolized Victor Hugo. Shadows are resting upon the German Empire, for the Baron Von Manteufel, Frederick Charles—the dashing Red Prince of many campaigns—and the charming song—writer—Franz Abt—are not. England laments the tragic fate of the gallant Burnaby, the unique Gordon, and their brave companions—regrets that Sir Moses Montefiore—the noble Jewish philanthropist—has been gathered to his fathers, and scatters white roses over the new-made graves of Sir Francis Hincks and Lord Houghton. T
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.3 (search)
arge was ever made with more determination. The charge of the Scotch Greys at Waterloo was not equal to it. General Wheeler was ordered to support us on the right, but unfortunately his horse bogged up in the miry woods, and, like Moses of old and the promised land, they could see us and hear of us, but could not get to us at once. Oh, that I had the power to depict this hand-to-hand fight! The men on both sides were brave, and fought with more desperation than I had ever before seen. Victor Hugo says a certain amount of tempest is always mingled with a battle. Every historian traces to some extent the lineament that pleases him in the hurly-burly. What is a battle? An oscillation. The immobility of a mathematical plan expresses a minute and not a day. To paint a battle those powerful painters who have chaos in their pencils are needed. Let us add that there is always a certain moment in which the battle generates into a combat—is particularized and broken up into countless a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The monument to Mosby's men. (search)
nandoah Valley, and did not come in contact with the portion of the army immediately under the command of General Grant. He knew us only by report. No doubt, in imagination, he confounded us with the Western bands of outlaws, whose inhuman deeds the Confederate government disowned; and that he shared the general belief of the North that I was a leader of banditti—a chief of brigands—a Fra Diavolo on yonder rock reclining. Any absurd story will finally gain credence if often repeated. Victor Hugo said that if it were published a number of times that he had robbed Notre Dame of one of its towers, he would have to leave Paris. A majority would accept it as true—a few might question his ability to walk off with a church tower. Grant's dispatch bears internal evidence, and read between the lines shows the delusion he was under in regard to my men. He says—the families of Mosby's men are known and can be collected—which implies that their homes were all in Sheridan's lines, when i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Address delivered at Newton, North Carolina, (search)
approach to these mighty men entered into glory. To that end I asked through the press, which is always at attention for instances of personal valor above the common lot of virtuous manhood, I got one answer, and I would put this man and his friends upon a pinnacle of glory, but you would say that our orator is retained for special, interests. In that conflict which staggered the government and exhausted the resources of the South, the shock of ideas was as great as the shock of arms. Victor Hugo said of Waterloo, it was not a battle, it was a change of front of the universe. The surrender at Appomattox wrought a change of front of a hemisphere. William H. Seward's Higher Law skulking in the Hinterland of the constitution, William Lloyd Garrison's denunciation of the constitution as a league with hell and covenant with damnation, John Brown's invasion upon the soil of a soverign state, the killing of citizens within its peace, inflammatory and murderous appeals from pulpit, from
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