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The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1862., [Electronic resource], The Times special in Richmond--first letter. (search)
He then proceeds in a very interesting letter, from which we make some extracts: The feeling in Richmond. The stranger who wins his way this day to Richmond will find the fullest realization of these prophetic words on a far mightier field of action than was within the preview of their inspired utterer.--It is not too much to say that the most fanatical believer in the ancient Union, be he Mr. Seward himself, would despair of the faith that is in him, and acknowledge himself, in Victor Hugo's phrase, the "somnambulist of a vanished dream," could he walk the streets of Richmond this day, and guage the spirit and feeling of its people after nearly nineteen months of such warfare as the world never contemplated before. The streets are crowded, the hotels refuse to contain their shoals of guests; everywhere the quietness and confidence of a people secure in its own strength is incontestably evident. Everything necessary for life, most things requisite for its luxurious enjoyme
The Daily Dispatch: June 5, 1863., [Electronic resource], Les Miserables; a novel, by Victor Hugo. (search)
Les Miserables; a novel, by Victor Hugo. --We have received from the publishers, Messrs. West & Johnston, the first part of this long-expected and intensely dramatic work, which has created such an immense serration in Europe. Although partaking of the exaggeration of the modern French school of fiction, it is a work of great power and eloquence, and will be read with absorbing interest. Fantine--such is the title of this first part — is a complete novel in itself, and will shortly be followed by Cosette, an equally interesting romance; the opening chapters, by the way, contain the most graphic description of the battle of Waterloo we have seen anywhere. The whole series, consisting of five parts, will be issued in four volumes — the third and fourth parts constituting one volume. Let every novel reader get a copy of Fantin
nvention and enterprise went a step further, and shoved full-grown passengers through the country upon the same principle. A man thus could easily beat the telegraph, particularly as it is conducted at home nowadays. While on the subject of science and mechanics I may mention the resignation of Sir Wm. Armstrong as Ordnance Engineer to the British Government. Sir William and the breach-loading party are now rather out of favor, and Mr. Whitworth's star is now in the ascendant. Victor Hugo, whose "Les Miserables" has electrified the world, has left his retreat at Jersey to enter again into active life. Shut out of France as a socialist and a disorganize, he has gone to Brussels to start a political paper. The Paris correspondent of the London Telegraph complains of the increasing freedom in dress prevalent among the higher class of Paris females. He was at the Italian opera a few nights previous to writing, and was astonished at the magnificence and scantiness of the
ts humane and persistent antagonism to war. But the Tribune, it must be confessed, and all other philanthropists of the peace order, who once abounded not only on this continent but in Europe, neither understood the nature of mankind in general, nor their own in particular, when they ignored the inextinguishable instincts of the tiger in man. How long is it since Peace Congresses were held, not only in New York, but in Paris and London? Yes, under the very shadow of Napoleon's tomb, Victor Hugo and other eloquent enthusiasts hailed with raptures the approaching advent of universal peace. In the great capital where Nelson and Wellington sleep, and where an exhibition of "fighting muscle" will bring together a greater crowd any day than the most eloquent address from the hustings or the pulpit, it was proclaimed by benevolent and really sensible men that the time when mankind fought and slew each other like wild beasts had passed away forever. The last echoes of this millennial
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