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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 1: Ancestry. (search)
sentence of death; held frequent conversations with him, and conceived sincere respect for that unfortunate officer. Lieutenant-Colonel (afterwards General) William Hull commanded a detachment of light infantry, cavalry, and artillery, which guarded New York in the autumn of 1783, during the evacuation of the city by the British troops. Major Sumner was his second in command. General Hull, in a letter to Charles Pinckney Sumner, dated March 12, 1825, says: Your father was my particular friend, and we served together in those memorable scenes which never will be forgotten. At the close of the war he was my second in command, in a corps of light infarmy, was continued in service at West Point a few months after the discharge of the rest. In this regiment, Colonel Henry Jackson was first in rank, Lieutenant-Colonel William Hull the second, Major Caleb Gibbs the third, and Major Sumner the fourth. On July 1, 1784, his military career finally closed. Major Sumner was about
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 13: England.—June, 1838, to March, 1839.—Age, 27-28. (search)
comed by Lord Morpeth, then Chief Secretary of Ireland, and received civilities from Thomas Lefroy, M. P. for the University. The record of this part of his journey is not complete, none of his letters between Oct. 7 and Oct. 24 being preserved, except a brief one to his sister Mary, written Oct. 14. Returning to England, he passed the rest of October at Wortley Hall (Lord Wharncliffe's), Fairfield Lodge near York (Mr. Thompson's), Holkham Hall in Norfolk (Earl Leicester's), with visits to Hull, Boston, and Lynn on his route from York to Holkham. He arrived in London early in the morning of Nov. 4, after an absence of nearly three months and a half. Among many expressions of satisfaction with his journey is the following, written to Dr. Lieber, Nov. 16:— I arrived in town ten days ago, after a most delightful and thrilling journey through various parts of England, Scotland, and Ireland. I have been received with a kindness, hospitality, and distinction of which I truly felt