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The situation in Europe. --The London Index, thus pictures the "situation" In Europe at the present moment: At this time every member of the European family stan stormed to the teeth, and each for the last few years has spent a greater proportion of its resources than at any previous epoch in preparing itself for deadly striate against the others. To meet in family council at such a time could at worst precipitate by a very brief period what must inevitably come otherwise; it is far more likely that it would avert the danger.
The Daily Dispatch: January 23, 1864., [Electronic resource], A mammoth swindle — Livingston thrown into the Shade — a Million and a Quarter gone up. (search)
Gen Joe Johnston. A late number of the London Index has a review of a book written by an officer of the British army, who, not long ago, made a tour through the Confederacy, from Texas to Richmond, and who is described as a gentleman of remarkable intelligence, and a writer of no ordinary ability. Though rather inclining to the Northern side when he first visited this country, on account of his prejudices against slavery, personal observation converted him into a warm friend and admirer of the Confederate people, and of their heroic struggles and sacrifices in this war. He speaks with fervor of the unsurpassed courage and devotion of the private soldiers, and is eulogistic of the Sparian firmness of the women who have given their sons and brothers, not only without a murmur, but with pride and joy, to the defence of their country. This officer visited the camp of Gen. Joe Johnston at the time Grant was besieging Vicksburg, and he mentions one fact which we do not recollect to