Browsing named entities in Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Rufus Ingalls or search for Rufus Ingalls in all documents.

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Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 63: in the Northwest, among the Indians; trip to Alaska; life in Portland, Ore.; 1874 to 1881 (search)
ugurated by the War Department, with a view to economize, to change the headquarters of each department from the cities in which they were located to the nearest army post. At the end of four years the headquarters of the Department of the Columbia were moved to Vancouver Barracks, and there I went with my staff officers and my family to remain two years. At first we occupied the house that had been brought in pieces around the Horn to Vancouver from the East. This was done when Captain Rufus Ingalls was post quartermaster. Soon after its erection Captain U. S. Grant had his rooms in this building. I took the house as my quarters till we could put up another structure for the commanding general of the department. As soon as that was completed we moved again and occupied it with increased comfort and satisfaction. It was while I was stationed at this post and occupying these new quarters that General Grant with some of his family and friends, returning from his visit around
., I, 382, 383. Howland, William C., II, 571, 572. Hubbard, George H., I, 472. Hubbard, Thomas H., I, 43. Huger, Benjamin, 1, 231. Hughes, H. Y., II, 587. Humphreys, Andrew A., I, 342,343, 425, 449. Humphreys, Richard, II, 394. Hunt, Henry J., I, 320, 323, 348, 352, 381, 422, 425, 435. Hunter, David, I, 145, 149, 152-154, 157, 158, 181, 201; II, 168. Hurlbut, Stephen A., II, 188, 216. Hutchinson Family, I, 201. Indians, in the Northwest, II, 474-484. Ingalls, Rufus, II, 479. Irwin, William H., I, 299, 300. Iverson, Alfred, I, 416; II, 55. Jackson, C. Feger, I, 335. Jackson, Huntington W., I, 522. Jackson, J. W., I, 104. Jackson, Thos. J. (Stonewall), I, 151, 156, 199, 200, 258-265, 268, 269, 275, 276, 290, 293, 294, 312, 331, 332, 337, 350, 351, 358, 367-370, 374, 375, 386, 426, 485; II, 108. Jackson, William H., I, 540, 541, 579, 598; II, 21, 37. James, Darwin R., II, 568,586. James, Horace, II, 176. Jameson, Charles