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The Daily Dispatch: December 6, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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nicker's Gaps, to ascertain Jackson's movements. He says Stahl scoured the country nearly to Winchester, and found that Jackson had certainly gone South. In the dispatch he says: It Snicker's Ferry Gen Stahl fell upon a large force of rebel st them a loss of fifty in killed and Our side lost fifteen in all. It was defi contained by this reconnaissance that Jackson and left the Shenandoah Valley, being only a brigade of troops at Winchester.--on Saturday last Jackson was at Culpeper Jackson was at Culpeper Court moving by forced marches to join Gen. Lee of Fredericksburg. The Court of Inquiry on Gen. McDowell--he Lays down the plan of investigation. The Court of Inquiry asked by Gen. McDowell assembled in Washington on Wednesday last. At thre merit, in all the kinds and grades of military talent. It is not a worn out and effete race which has produced Lee Johnston Jackson, Ashby, and Stuart. It is not a worn-out and effete race which for eighteen months has defended its capital again